When used with bbPress 2.4, jQuery isn’t loaded on many forum pages. (For example, it’s loaded on the main forum list, but not on an individual forum’s topic list.) I’ve tracked this down to the wp_print_scripts( 'jquery' );
call in
; when I change it to simply
everything is okay.
The plugin worked with bbPress 2.3.x, so my guess is that something changed in when jQuery is loaded; I haven’t been able to track it down to a specific change. wp_print_scripts($handles)
will create a new
object if
is set, so I think what’s happening is that it’s overriding the scripts set by WordPress or bbPress.
Tried everything to no avail!
I have 2 x test installations with the only difference being that one is using twenty eleven and the other a custom CSS Theme. Is there anything as basic as you may think that could be causing this plugin not to display in bbpress 2.2.3? (taking into consideration that it works fine with the non custom theme)
Many Thanks
]]>I’m getting the following debug errors being reported on my site…
NOTICE: wp-content/plugins/gravatar-signup-encouragement/gravatar-signup-encouragment.php:76 – Undefined index: show_ms_signup
NOTICE: wp-content/plugins/gravatar-signup-encouragement/gravatar-signup-encouragment.php:82 – Undefined index: show_in_admin_bar
NOTICE: wp-content/plugins/gravatar-signup-encouragement/gravatar-signup-encouragment.php:87 – Undefined index: show_in_admin_notices
NOTICE: wp-content/plugins/gravatar-signup-encouragement/gravatar-signup-encouragment.php:92 – Undefined index: show_bbpress
]]>I found a problem in that the plugin doesn’t make use of the desired Avatar ratings that you can set in WordPress. I had a situation recently where a reader had an image not appropriate for G but ok for PG, R and X. My wordpress site allows G, PG and R avatars, so his avatar does show up. However, the Gravatar Signup Encourager only checks if the G rating is there, and it wasn’t. Thus my reader always got the signup encouragement.
I fixed it by making the following changes in the plugin:
gravatar-signup-encouragment.php: line 654 (ish)
jQuery.post("<?php echo gravatar_signup_encouragement_check_url(); ?>",{ gravmail:jQuery(this).val(), gravrating:"<?php echo get_option('avatar_rating') ; ?>" }
$fileUrl = "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/".md5( strtolower($gravatar_email) )."?s=2&d=404";<br />
$rating = $_POST['gravrating'];<br />
if ( !empty( $rating ) )<br />
$fileUrl .= "&r={$rating}";
This only fixes the problem for how I use the plugin. If you want to incorporate this change in your plugin, you may want to do a more thorough job.
Hope it helps, and thanks for a great plugin.
]]>I’m unable to get the text to appear on my registration page – all the other encouragements appear to work.
You can try it on a test site here…
I’ve set the configuration to write the output after the email address. The source code shows the plugin in place.
]]>Using version 3.0.
I like the idea of this plugin, but unfortunately it does not work on our setup because we have allow_url_fopen
disabled. Even worse, it fails silently, so instead of knowing there was a problem, it just incorrectly told me that I don’t have a gravatar set up.
To trace this problem down, I changed this line:
$AgetHeaders = @get_headers( $fileUrl );
to be:
$AgetHeaders = get_headers( $fileUrl );
Which produced the following error messages:
Warning: get_headers() [function.get-headers]: https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /path/to/blog/wp-content/plugins/gravatar-signup-encouragement/gravatar-signup-encouragment.php on line 523
Warning: get_headers() [function.get-headers]: This function may only be used against URLs in /path/to/blog/wp-content/plugins/gravatar-signup-encouragement/gravatar-signup-encouragment.php on line 523
It would be nice if this plugin would check if allow_url_fopen was available (if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
), and if not, would fall back to another method, such as cURL.
]]>I just found the Gravatar Signup Encouragement plugin, and think it is a great idea. However, I am having problems getting it to work correctly and am wondering if it is maybe not compatible with WordPress 3.1.
First, when I activated the plugin, I saw the following message in WordPress: “The plugin generated 295 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”
Second, even though I have a Gravatar, the plugin thought I didn’t and tried to encourage me to set one up.
]]>Just a small issue with @ in url.
Link to signup in gravatar is like this:
https://gravatar.com/site/signup/[email protected]
and when i click on it (with chrome and firefox – is ok with IE) it will be converted to: https://it.gravatar.com/site/signup/namedomain.com
Ok, this problem seems to be caused by a redirect with localbrowser language in gravatar subdomain.
I’ve fixed with this:
// check if it is really locale.gravatar.com
if (preg_match('|^[A-Z_%+-]+.gravatar+.com|i', $gse_locale_url)) {
$gse_locale_url = $gse_locale_url; } else {
$gse_locale_url = 'en.gravatar.com';
to this:
/*/ check if it is really locale.gravatar.com
if (preg_match('|^[A-Z_%+-]+.gravatar+.com|i', $gse_locale_url)) {
$gse_locale_url = $gse_locale_url; } else {
$gse_locale_url = 'en.gravatar.com';
$browserlang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2);
$gse_locale_url = ''.$browserlang.'.gravatar.com';
And now seems to work fine ??