I haven’t been able to use this plugin for a long time, seems like they don’t update it any more. Hopefully it gets a new maintainer or something.
]]>Hello, Thanks for this amazing plugin, I just have one problem is when I paste the short code in the page that appears as a welcome panel, the shortcode doesn’t work, it normaly should show an audio player but it doesn’t meanwhile when I check out the web page the audio works
]]>I came across Adam from WPCrafter give your plugin great review and way to build custom dashboard and some great other features of Granular Controls. I’d like to use but a bit concerned 2 years without updates. Pls let me know either way THNKS!
]]>Dear developer,
I like how simply works the plugin, and it does it well.
Thinking if you could implement the Dynamic Tags to the schedule content: this would give much more flexibility when using custom fields.
I used ‘advanced’ to add a section to the WP backend dashboard. This is a simple section, with an elementor tabs widget.
The section displays in the backend, with the tabs headers showing but the tabs content missing.
Is this a known issue / limitation with elementor tabs? Please, how can I go about troubleshooting this …
PS: I cannot find information on what elementor widgets are allowed in the backend or not, or the way CSS may need to be setup to make it work. Would appreciate any suggestions and pointers.
]]>How I enable and set the parallax?
]]>I want to use its settings to multisite ,….I am unable to make changes in the subsites if I install this plugin to multisite and network activate it…
]]>Besides everything else not working, your website is also not working.
When I click through to
this is what I get:
You don’t have permission to access / on this server.
for me the feature “Elementor UI Hack Widget Panel” of Granular Controls is not working, its only work when I manually set the hack snippet like this:
add_action( 'elementor/editor/after_enqueue_styles', function() {
echo '<style type="text/css">
.elementor-panel .elementor-panel-category-items {
display: flex !important;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: flex-start;
.elementor-panel .elementor-element-wrapper {
flex: 1 1 80px;
} );
Does it work for you guys?
Thanks in advanced
]]>Hi, I try the v2.2 Elementor beta and Granular completely bug the Navigator module, it is imperative to disable it to use it.
]]>You can close this as solved as soon as read. However I would like to suggest a feature.
Its great we can design a custom welcome page in the dashboard. However it would be awesome if there was an option to add this “Section” to the “screen options” for wordpress. That way users can turn it off like any other dashboard widget. And the admin can choose whether or not users have this option.
Thanks for the great plugin!
]]>Hello I wana re-open this topic from a previous user 6 months ago.
I am having the same issue when using the admin dashboard elementor feature. The email form for elementor pro is not working when in the dashboard due to this issue (I assume)
Any progress on a solution for this?
]]>Hi all,
I like the feature closing the accordeon on startup. Looking at the code, i asked myself if it would be possible to write a similar code/function to open a specific tab on startup. This should be possible by using the tabindex-numbers the accordeon uses …
For example the tab-index number could be used for this like ‘../pagename/#tabnumber’ so the accordeon-tab could be opened and the content could be displayed.
We just have to grab the tabnumber from the link/url …
We already have the anchor (id of anchor is ‘elementor-tab-title-‘tabnumber’), the title is the same element an the content (‘elementor-tab-content-‘tabnumber’).
Any ideas/suggestions?
all <strong> <em> and <span>
styles get a top margin, so all emphasized text gets pushed down a few px more that the surrounding text.
A few weeks ago the Elementor UI Hack Widget Panel simply stopped working. My Elementor widget panel reverted back to stretching when pulled wide, instead of reorganizing.
I came in here hoping that this was a known issue, that I was not alone on this. But since nobody else has posted… it must just be me! ??
Unfortunately I’ve been doing a ton of development, so I’m not sure when the problem started, nor what I was doing at the time.
The mod appears to be working fine, other than this issue. I can change the Elementor skin color, no problem.
Any thoughts on what I might have done to cause this? Ideas on ways to trouble shoot?
]]>Installed the Granular Controls for Elementor a couple of days ago. I cannot get the Schedule Content to work. I very well may be doing something incorrectly. ??
I am using the latest versions of Elementor Pro and using Asta Pro as my theme.
Here is what I have been doing:
1. Select the section I want to schedule
2. Go to Schedule Content, enter the date and time I want it to start displaying, the date and time I want it to stop displaying
Then click on Publish and it seems to instantly Publish it and display.
If I Save as Draft, it never Publishes.
fyi… When testing I am choosing times that are only minutes into the future. Not sure if there is a minimum time that must be allowed or not.
Also, I am trying o schedule an Astra Pro Custom Layout section via their Hooks functionality. Again not sure if that is an issue/limitation with Granular Controls or not.
Hoping to get this to work soon, it seems like a great and helpful feature. I have looked for documentation on this but couldn’t find any.
The website in question is currently in maintenance mode. I can provide login credentials if required.
]]>Hello guys,
on the homepage of my website, upgrading to Elementor v2.1.1 Elementor Pro v2.0.13, particles.js stop working.
Any news on this?
Thank you for this great plugin. My Granular Controls parallax just stopped working on WordPress 4.9.6 running GeneratePress theme. Is there anything I can do? Thank you.
]]>Seems the new elementor v2.1.0 has incompatibility with your plugin.
Dashboard returned as default like parallax not working.
I can’t seem to get scheduled sections to appear/disappear on mobile. It works fine on desktop but not on mobile. There was a post about this on the Elementor facebook Group but Zulfikar’s responses seem to have been deleted and he doesn’t seem to be in the group anymore.
]]>I’ve installed Granular Controls on a WordPress website I’m working on that uses Elementor to primarily customize the Admin Dashboard. In the process of doing this, I noticed that all the templates I used showed up in the dashboard with no CSS Styling at all. I have made sure both the Admin dashboard options in the Advanced Settings tab of the plugin page are checked Yes, but the problem still persists. I have tried deleting the plugin, reinstalling the plugin, using different templates but I have no idea how to fix this.
]]>Is it possible to disable section particles for tablets and mobile?
]]>This plugin is absolutely amazing! Seriously. It really makes Elementor far more useable. I really love how you’ve given us so many controls for Parallax!
If I could ask for a feature. In some areas of the pages, I’ve been using your parallax features, and in other areas, I’ve been using the Fixed Section in Elementor. This is well known that the fixed areas look great on desktop, but on mobile, they blow out the picture (especially when using full height and cover). Would you be able to add in a “Fixed Section” into Granular Controls? I think it would be great to have that feature available on all devices rather than just desktop. It really helps give a different appearance. Would that be possible?
I love the scroll + overlay feature! It really, really looks amazing. For my second feature request, would there be a way to choose the cover of the overlay? It looks like it defaults to white which is great, but if there is a way to have different colors that would be really cool.
These changes would really fill out everything I’m looking for. Thank you so much!
]]>I love this plugin and would desperatly like to use it on all my sites. I don’t know why but it seems that Granular Controls For Elementor is causing problems with Elementor editor loading pages. When I try to edit a page it gives me the dreaded “no content on this page” message. Is it a plugin(s) confilct? Does anybody else have this problem and is there a solution?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I tested the particles on the test site and it worked.
Then I installed and enabled the plug-in on the main site, included only parallax and particles
Included particles for the section and added the json configuration
But there was an error on the page
particles.min.js?ver=1.0.5:9 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘getElementsByClassName’ of null
at window.particlesJS (particles.min.js?ver=1.0.5:9)
at (index):516
Hi Zulfikar, I think there is a concern with the ratio of the particle area, by default by putting the same height value to the section and the option of partcules the elements are overwritten horizontally. I did several tests and found a CSS rule that gives the right ratio to the elements without having to specify a particle height:
#wrap .particles-js-canvas-el {
height: auto! important;
What do you think of this rule?
Screen capture of this solution visible here.
I have a little problem with the responsive parallax. When I see the web in my dispositives (iphone 6 and Ipad mini), the background image starts jumping and vibrating…
The desktop parallax works fine.
If you could help me solve this problem I would be very grateful!
Thank you
]]>Thanks for this awesome and much needed plugin. It really is great.
My request is to have the same ‘Target’ option on the ‘Live view’ button as on the Exit Button.
Also to be able to hide either of them (in my setup I’d just like the editor to see the ‘Live View’ option.
First of all thanks for this plugin, this is truly a game changer ??
I was wondering if it’s possible to set the height not in pixels but in vh for the particles to show within a section? If not, could you think offering it in the future?
Thanks a lot,
Btw, thanks for the plugin, it brings cool stuff to elementor
Parallax background just doesn’t work with a youtube video, but perfectly with an image…any way to make it work ?