Something is broken after the latest update and I don’t know what. I can no longer publish posts if I add pullquote into the article. Can you please look into it? Is this plugin still supported?
]]>Hey, thanks for the plugin! I really liked the idea.
It just crossed to my mind that it might be useful if we can have the pullquote appear several elements before or after, using the span tag and data attribute.
So, for example, if I use <span class="pullquote" data-position="prev" data-placement="2">
, the pullquote will be shown 2 elements before its original location. So something like this:
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
(pullquote shows up here) Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5 (the actual place where we put the span tag)
Would it be possible?`
]]>Dear Stephen,
I’ve been very happy with you plugin since I installed it on my site. However a couple of updates ago the previously working pullquotes all disappeared from view and I haven’t been able to get them back.
I’m running Avada theme so is there a known conflict there.
I would be glad if you could help me to get them displaying again.
I just started using this plugin and it’s great (thanks!). I needed to wrap the pull quote with curly quotation marks, and I was able to do it with CSS without modifying the theme source code. I wanted to share in case anybody else wanted to do something similar. Of course, you’ll need to make a few tweaks for your code.
body blockquote.pullquote > p::before {
display: inline-block;
content: "“";
color: #939598;
body blockquote.pullquote > p::after {
display: inline-block;
content: "”";
color: #939598;
Hi there, I thought this pullquote plugin did not duplicate the content?
In that, what is in the pullquote is not also in the content?
Mine does. So why?
I am using the latest version of Preferential Lite
]]>Hello, I am developing a site locally (using MAMP) with fukusawa theme and I am encountering a problem with this plugin. Basically, the format and alignment of the text quoted within the side box is wrong: quotes are always aligned to the left within the box and the font is oversized. The strange thing is that yesterday the quotes were being displayed perfectly, with correct alignment and format, while today they are messed up. Even on a fresh install of wordpress. Any ideas? Many thanks in advance
]]>I wrap the quote in <aside></aside> and the pull quotes are not showing up. What could be the issue? my site is Thanks!
]]>HI, Great plugin.
Google Pagespeed Insights recommends removing render-blocking JavaScript and
comes up as one to resolve.
How do I do this?
I attempted to place the entire jspullquotes.js in the header but that didn’t work and Google recommend only small js scripts in that method, form what I figure.
Thank you
I am working on designing my site, and have created a custom style for my pull-quotes. It formats perfectly when the post has the sidebar enabled, but the formatting is off in posts where the sidebar is not present.
I’ve included a link to images of the problem, as the site is currently in “Coming Soon” mode. However, if it would be easier to let you login and take a look, I’ll gladly do that as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Pullquote doesn’t show in post editor/composer. Worked but doesn’t indicate it’s working until I visit my site separately. Weird, and difficult to edit as I go, not being able to see.
]]>I tried all combinations, but irrespective of what I do, pullquotes always show on the right side. Need help to fix this.
]]>I’m a newb with long pages that need many sideline statements.
Don’t really want to spend my life adding stuff i don’t understand to back of site just to discover it didn’t work anyway.
Why is there not a Quick Tag built in?
I don’t find a place that says Extras in my download.
Please help.
]]>Hi, Stephen.
So I’ve just installed ‘graceful’, and in wanting to use it cleanly (this is a hot button for me). I note this statement in your readme:
Using JavaScript instead of PHP also ensures that duplicate content doesn’t show up in your feeds. It is named for the fact that it degrades gracefully in browsers that can’t handle the JavaScript, as well as not leaving behind visible cruft (such as shortcodes) if the plugin is later deactivated.
That’s what I want to hear, so, hooray!. BUT: since the way your plug-in is used is by manually inserting extra code in each post that requires it, <SPAN>-based though it may be, aren’t I adding a different kind of one-day-potentially-leftover code?
Am I missing something? Will the code live in a transient state that WordPress will magically know to remove if your plug-in is ever deactivated?
Jeff Yablon
]]>I’m a real novice when it comes to messing around with the CSS, so please forgive me if this is a stupid question.
I’m not sure whether it’s more applicable to ask here, or whether I need to edit the theme (I’m using Twenty Eleven).
I haven’t published the relevant page yet, it’s in draft.
Is there a way to change the pullquote text color? The default is showing up as gray against a dark background, not very visible.
Just tried uploading the settings file for AddQuickTag but get a lot of error message at the top of my screen. Can you help?
The error messages are….
Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: /tmp/phpMvKAdc:1: parser error : Start tag expected, ‘<‘ not found in /home/symposium/webapps/wp2/wp-content/plugins/addquicktag/inc/class-imexport.php on line 194
Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: a:1:{s:7:”buttons”;a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:4:”text”;s:10:”pull-quote”;s:5:”start”;s:24:” in /home/symposium/webapps/wp2/wp-content/plugins/addquicktag/inc/class-imexport.php on line 194
Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: ^ in /home/symposium/webapps/wp2/wp-content/plugins/addquicktag/inc/class-imexport.php on line 194
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/symposium/webapps/wp2/wp-content/plugins/addquicktag/inc/class-imexport.php on line 198
]]>There is no options page when on MultiSite. Not at the single site or network level.
]]>and it shows up twice there, in different sizes. Any idea what might be causing this?
My Graceful Pullquotes have been working absolutely perfect until I recently updated WordPress.
When I look at the preview of my post, it shows the pull quotes the way they should be, but when I actually publish the post they are gone.
It appears pull quotes in past posts are still working.
Any idea what’s happening? I really love this plug in!
Thanks for your help in advance.
]]>When I try changing the HTML Container to DIV instead of BLOCKQUOTE and save, it reverts back to BLOCKQUOTE. Viewing the source, it looks like some PHP code is rendering in the html itself, so it’s not picking up the dropdown menu’s name correctly.
Great plugin. One problem.
When I pull-quote a section of a sentence, the plugin automatically capitalizes the first letter.
How can I prevent the plugin from automatically capitalizing the first letter in a pull-quote?
]]>Is there way to have the pull quote resized when the page is viewed on a mobile device? I haven’t changed the width in the CSS, but I have changed the size of the text in the pull quote and it gets cut off when shown in a mobile browser.
I’m using WPTouch Pro 2.7 for my mobile theme.
]]>I’m receiving the following notice when using Graceful Pull Quotes when error reporting is set to true in wp-config.php:
Notice: Undefined index: q_container in /mypath/wp-content/plugins/graceful-pull-quotes/graceful-pull-quotes.php on line 229
Any thoughts? And, more importantly, is this plugin being actively maintained? Thanks! Great plugin. Well implemented.
]]>Is it possible to increase the width of the pullquote?
If so,
1) in what file can the default width be changed?
2) can individual pullquotes widths be changed in the HTML comment code?
]]>I followed the troubleshooting information on the nerdaphernalia blog regarding checking the theme header.php for <?php wp_head(); ?>, and found it was there. Nevertheless, no pull quotes.
Hope you will offer a fix…
Having trouble with this plugin and the latest version of wordpress. When the plugin is enabled, certain pages on WordPress will freeze completely. I have to kill the page and reopen the window. This happens on several different browsers.
A page that consistently does this is –
Any help with this would be appreciated.
]]>Feature Request..
Had a thought about the pull quotes… Maybe this should be part of a different plugin, but it could be an extension of this one, using the same format. It would be nice to have a random quote generated from your own website, using the pull-quote data. When saving a post, pull the quote(s) from the article into a meta-data tag, which can be used later for a random quote from your own website, hopefully with a link to that article.
I was thinking about making my own pull-quote plugin to do both, but it seemed like either an extension to this one or an entirely new plugin might be in order, which could use the same syntax.
]]>All my quotes are duplicated on a page. Can you advise to the possible reason for this?