As of November 1, 2015, the GrabPress plugin is no longer available for use. We appreciate all your interest in this product over the years. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].
]]>As of November 1, 2015, the GrabPress plugin is no longer available for use. We appreciate all your interest in this product over the years. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].
]]>Getting the feeds to some advertisers but no access to dashboard, what is the issue or are you making changes..?
]]>When are you going to handle this on going issue with various videos not loading for hours at a time. This issue has been going on for over a week across all networks using the plugin.
Could you please put a handle on this.
]]>the plugin is working great how ever this morning videos still are not loading and playing through the plugin or on the grabpress site ..
]]>The Videos have stopped loading the last few hours ar frist I thought it might be a minor glitch how ever I am finding the plug in for wordpress press is working fine installing posts how ever videos are not loading ..
I have tried going to the site not loading there either , I have tried several computers different platforms all the same issues things had been working well all day till late this afternoon .
]]>There has been no new content since 5/20/2015 via the plugin or on your dashboard …. are you out of business or is this a technical issue.
]]>Dear Support,
Would it be possible to set the attribute “100%” for width/height on the video? The issue we see, on the mobile phones the size remains the same across board. If it were to “autosize” using 100% attribute that would be great. Not a big issue but wanted to see if possible. Thank you
Hi, the latest version of WordPress 4.2, is Grabpress 3.0.3 compatible? We would like to hold off until we hear otherwise. Thanks
]]>I have updated to the new nersion of Grabpress and I get no video to show in the posts. I see the code that is given when you make the posts however when you want to see the published posts no video appears I was forced to go back to the 2.3.7 version that doesn’t give me an option to link my account.
Please advice.
]]>I just reverted back to 2.37 on the last site, some videos are still not loading especially the ones that a manually posted and the featured image does not load on the post you have to do so manually…this 3.01 is simply a MESS why would you put it out there with all this bugs..WHY? and in the process of reverting to 2.37 most of the photos have been deleted…THANKS..
]]>Hello the videos are too large for mobile use. How can i change the size? Can i use fitvids.js?
]]>Note: This email was sent to all registered GrabPress publishers last week, prior to the release
Thank you for installing GrabPress! We are writing you this note to let you know that the next release of GrabPress, version 3.0+ … the video Autoposter feature – which automatically posts video articles associated with user defined auto posting feeds – will be replaced with standard video feeds. Once you upgrade to GrabPress 3.0+, new videos that populate into your saved feeds will no longer automatically post to your blog.
The reasons for this are as follows:
1. Non-unique content (SEO): Auto-posted content that is not editorialized (i.e., only the content provided by the content provider is present in the post) may not be recognized by search engines as “unique” content, and can thereby be de-prioritized on search engine results pages.
2. Technical Complexity: Due to new requirements from WordPress to authenticate remote Autoposter posts via the WordPress API, frequent maintenance is required which has a negative impact on product performance.
3. Usability Improvements: The installation, account settings, and feed creation processes for GrabPress 3.0+ are easier than ever before, and the source of nearly all GrabPress technical issues (Autoposter connectors) has been eliminated.
Going forward, GrabPress users will still be able to create video feeds, but editors will need to post those articles manually. Users are encouraged to contribute unique content and commentary to video article postings to ensure that their content is ascribed as unique by search engines.
We hope you continue to enjoy use of GrabPress, and that the upcoming release will result in a more engaging user experience for your audience.
Please let us know of any features you would find useful in this application.
Additional Information:
For all our registered Grab Media publishers, we migrated all Autoposter feeds (from GrabPress version 2.3.7 and older) to standard Catalog feeds, prior to the release of 3.0. We were able to do this because we had the owner information (email address/username) to identify the owner of the feeds.
For users who were not registered as Grab Media publishers (to get paid for pre-roll ads), you will be asked to re-create your video feeds when once you upgrade from GrabPress 2.3.7 (or older) to GrabPress 3.0.1+.
For registered Grab Media GrabPress publishers, in order to see your video feeds populate in GrabPress 3.0.1+ after you upgrade, simply login to your WordPress Admin as an Administrator > Settings > GrabPress > link your Grab Media username and password. Once you link your GrabPress plugin to your Grab Media account, your video feeds should populate in the GrabPress >Video Feeds pages.
If you have GrabPress installed on multiple sites, all the feeds you own (collectively) with Grab Media will appear in your Video Feeds section, once you link your account in the WordPress settings > GrabPress page. Since users are expected to manually select and edit video posts before they publish (Automatic remote posting feature has been removed for the reasons listed above), we now allow publishers to access all the feeds they own by simply linking their Grab Media publisher account to each GrabPress plugin installation.
All post images where deleted after deleting the 3.01 upgrade version and reverting back to 2.37. Had to recreate the feeds too. The text posts and videos did not get deleted.
I have left 1 site with the new update version, just to keep myself and you posted.
]]>The post featured image is not loading on the post as with 2.37, one has to manually do so via the media library.
]]>We installed the latest version, it stopped all videos from showing up, we noticed maybe one or two posts were working as far as showing the video only. We attempted to create a new feed as all the old were wiped out which I think you guys stated would occur. It created the feed no problem, but when it was time to click on post, it does nothing. We have to point out we are using HTTPS on our backend (WordPress Dashboard) not sure if this is causing issues? We then removed the new version via FTP and copied the old back until we can resolve the issue. One question after the upgrade is there a certain time period for the API to sync that would cause temp videos from not working? As soon as we put the old version back all was working as normal. FYI thank you for all the support and urgency to correct the issues, much appreciated.
]]>Having more than one site linked to one account is proving to be something that the new updated version cannot handle.
Everytime I create a feed for one site it loads on the other updated sites and when I delete the feed from the sites it does not belong it is lost permanently.
How do I revert to the earlier version of the plugin. You have more bugs on this version than I can handle.
]]>1. Having several sites on one account supported by this plugin has led to the loss of all the created feeds due to the fact that they all loaded on each updated sites and upon deletion of the ones that do not belong to the particular site they are lost.
Now I am down to the audios task of recreating feeds that were in place for over 2 years and optimized so that they don’t replicate. THANKS.
2.You now don’t have a ‘post category’ option which means one has to do it manually. THANKS.
3.The feed management section keeps loading empty feeds. ..why..
]]>Grabpress was working great, then it got updated. My old feeds are still posted on the site but none of the videos work anymore. It is not auto posting anymore. I tried to create a new feed and it didn’t work. Please help me out. I need it fixed.
GrabPress Version 2.3.7
Linking the account was easy and done pretty quickly. Now I’m trying to create my first autoposter feed at /admin.php?page=gp-autoposter but right after I click “Create Feed”, it loads an empty page and the feed is not created. Is this issue going to be solved when the new GrabPress version comes out?
Plugin is crashing with WordPress SEO by Yoast. Please advice. It’s been more then a year since your last update when will the next update be available?
]]>we cannot able to change Autopost Schedule Time and the option wouldn’t work at all. it stays on 6 hrs. pls do the needful.
API Key beb349ead3eed7cd0bd30e8d8947f95b242861bb
]]>Although 2 out of 3 feeds are in good health (green), there are no video postings on my account (Earlier it worked on another domain, that I don’t own anymore, and other hosting.) I can make use from posting manually via the catalogue inside, whereas I wasn’t able to do this earlier on my other account.
The size of my error log is 0.
Could the cause be in the php configuration? The php info file is here: I can configure it myself although maybe within limits, I left it untouched untill now.
Maybe worth mentioning is that earlier the permission of my wp-content and uploads directories was 777 to make the image upload work, but since a certain version of WP there seems no need anymore. But this should only be related to the image posting of grabpress and I don’t receive anything at all.
A question: what is the little light for “watchlist” for? I saw you can put it “on” and “off”. Its colour is red where I put it “on”. When the dashboard page is loading I see a list of videos indeed that disappears when the page is loaded.
Grabpress@, appologize for having missed your email in the beginning of the year, I only saw this now after a search.
]]>Hello it’s been over six months now and I have not been able to link my Grab Media account to this plugin. I don’t get the account link option on the menu as a matter of fact I don’t have an “account” option on the menu.
Can some one send me instructions to do this.
]]>Hi Support,
I noticed that all the feature images that come in from the “autopost” method, seem to always crop at 640×360. The issue with our end, we are using a theme that needs the feature image to be 740px width. I was wondering if there is a way to adjust the width ONLY for the autopost, feature image? When I do it manually, obviously I can upload my own feature image or can adjust the feature image on a manual post. This is time consuming and would be great if I can adjust the width for the autopost function to 740px. Hope that makes sense. Thanks
Hi Support,
We are trying to make our site completely SSL. We have purchased our certificate and ready to launch. Upon testing with your plugin, we notice that all videos will stop working when we enable SSL (HTTPS). I sent an email to support but not sure if it went through, your site was giving us a “504” error. Please let me know if there is a fix for HTTPS and your video output? Thank you
I had problems with videos posting properly and so disabled my other plugins one by one and found that there were actually two plugins – All In One SEO Pack and WP I’ve been emailing support and they said they would look into making it play nice with the other plugins, so I’ll be looking forward to that. Meanwhile, I’m posting here so that other people can test their other plugins if they are having similar problems.
I’m pleased to see that others were having the same issues and that they were resolved..but mine has not been.
Any help you could offer is greatly appreciated. Last post was 7/23/14
]]>Hi, I noticed I have not seen anything new publish for 18 + hours. Are you having issues with your backend servers? Thanks
]]>Video does not appear after publishing posts. It just shows a blank area in place of the shortcode.
website: theglobemonitor[dot]com