Rating: 1 star
made my website slower, not faster. didn’t strip out font styles not actually used on the site and duplicated font styles multiple times in request.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Worked a charm for me, cleaned up all off my font files exactly as needed!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Works very well
]]>Rating: 5 stars
First I thought that plugin did not work and deleted it.
Then Inspector showed me that my site is really goes to google fonts and I need the plugin.
I installed it again and started to fine tune my other plugins.
Fast Velocity Minify – Enable options: Strip HTML comments, Inline all header CSS files, Inline all footer CSS files, Enable defer of JS for Pagespeed Insights.
WP Super Cache – leave everything in default
Clear cache in Fast Velocity Minify. It will show that it also cleared WP Super Cache DO NOT BELIEVE it. Clear and renew cache in Super Cache. Go to your site and check that everything looks alright. Go to PageSpeed, my results 91/97 for mobile and desktop.
For Google Analytics use Complete Analytics Optimization Suite (CAOS) plugin ??
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Great work.
I am runing a wordpress Mu, and it perfectly fast my site.
]]>Rating: 1 star
dont spend your time!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I’ve been performance tweaking my sites, and I think this was the last major piece of the puzzle. I host my stuff on Digital Ocean, which uses SSD drives, so I use W3 Total Cache, which makes things super fast (if you configure correctly). I then use Speed Booster Pack to minify and put JS/CSS files where they should be. (Psst: it’s the only one I’ve found that works without messing up the JS/CSS functionality.) THEN, I use this plugin to merge all the google webfont calls into one.
Result? 95+ pagespeed ranks and load times usually under a second.
So, this plugin isn’t the whole enchilada by far, but it was a key piece that others didn’t seem to do well. Or the plugin slowed things down more than the benefit.
Caveat: you don’t want other plugins trying to do the same thing! That will cause issues.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Perfect pl, thanks a lot
]]>Rating: 1 star
I don’t know if it is an issue with my theme or the fact that the plugin hasn’t been updated in a year but it didn’t work. I installed it fine but it had no affect on the error in Google Page Speed. I tried both settings, HTML & JScript but still had the same PageSpeed error.
]]>Rating: 1 star
My pagespeed score decreased instead of increasing
]]>Rating: 2 stars
I’ve tried this with W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache, and while it does combine the google font calls, it doesn’t remove the initial calls. So instead of the two calls I normally have, I now have three (one combined, two original).
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Some of these “speed up your WP site” plugins can be complicated or just plain not work, but this works perfectly. No settings. No hassle. Considering the requests a JS heavy theme, like an eCommerce template from Themeforest, makes, the fewer requests you have to make the better.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Awesome plugin!!!
Load as many Google Fonts as you want ?? – I believe.
I tested it out with 5 Google Fonts which would normally register as 5 separate external requests, making the site loading not as pleasing to Yslow. But with this plugin none of them register at all but the fonts are still there.
This is a must plugin!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
As I’m on a cheap shared hosting server, I never got good ratings of page load with various test programs. In the quest to improve this I came across a few underrated plugins that are even for free to use that made my digital life so much better! This is one of them!
It does what is says, period, and thus a huge “pro”, the “con” is like mentioned before the FOUT (Flash Of Un-styled Text) that is seen on a modern PC for just a fraction of a second. Sure I use only one Google font.
Any way, great plugin and thanks to the author for giving this to us!
-Ronald, OpenBuilds México.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Great to know that there is now a plugin to async Google fonts instead of having to monkey around in code to get that done. Very convenient.
That said, this plugin may or may not raise one’s PageSpeed score, might actually make it worse, and may or may not remove the render blocking warning for the Google font being used. This, however, is not a problem with the plugin but one of many bugs with Google PageSpeed Insights. (As an aside, Google PageSpeed Insights is a Best Practices tool, not a Best Performance tool.)
Also, when using the JavaScript loader option, the duration of the FOUT (flash of unstyled text) from empty cache pageload to empty cache pageload will vary anywhere from non-existent to very noticeable. This, too, is not the plugin’s fault but Google’s, in that one is dependent on how quickly Google is able to deliver the font file once the HTTP request for it is made.
I should also note that the FOUT is seen only on the initial page load since the font is subsequently cached in one’s browser; point being that the initial FOUT is worth the benefits the plugin brings to UX.
One will ultimately have to decide the extent to which the first-pageload-FOUT bothers them, but what I can promise is that 99.9% of your website’s users couldn’t care less — they just see a (potentially) super-fast loading website. The ultimate upside to the plugin is that one’s start-render and first-paint times are greatly improved (i.e. content is delivered quicker), regardless of what PSI may or may not indicate. Download and give ‘er a go. ??
Rating: 1 star
Appeared to dump the code for ajax loading of fonts into my header, which then broke my pages.
Uninstall didn’t remove the changes, and I had to restore my site from a backup.
Concept is nice and would probably be great if it worked. I will check back for updates, but cannot recommend at the moment.