Can’t authenticate.
]]>So it works perfectly when I am on a computer answering the chats, but it will not work on my android phone. I cannot always be on the computer, but would love to be available at most hours of the day on my phone. What happens is I receive an invite from google inviting me to use google talk and enter a chat. I click on that and then I have the option to accept the invite or to cancel it. When I click accept it brings me into the chat, but automatically kicks me out before I can say anything. Is there a way to get this issue fixed or does it just work with computers. Thanks.
]]>I was wondering why the images used for the online and offline statuses have transparent white backgrounds? My website’s background is gray, and the images look all grainy and distorted b/c of the transparency. How can I change this so that the images/icons keep their white background?
]]>I have the Google Talk Widget installed and working correctly on From the website I am able to see my online/offline status. That part works great. From the website, when I click on the Google Talk icon, it brings up a window and says its trying to connect.
On my PC, the Google Talk application notifies me that someone from my
website is trying to chat with me. The problem is, the communication
between the website and Google Talk on my PC never starts. Most times
is says host has not joined. On my PC, the Google Talk application
says, the guest user has not joined.
I have tried this from 6 different PC’s from home and work and on
different networks. I do not use proxies. I have used both the Google Talk and Google Talk Labs Edition, neither work.
If anyone has a suggestion or knows the fix for this issue, please let
me know.
]]>The plugin worked once then faded perpetually to offline status never to be heard from again.
]]>is wont work for me/…