Any plans to upgrade this plugin? It no longer works.
]]>I install the google plus widget, but i get an fatal error: call to undifined method WP-eror.
Where can i find exactly de google plus ID to fill in by the widget?
All the help is welcome.
widget not works with 3.3.2 wordprerss ver.
]]>Nice looking plugin image. Need some tweaking | 1) width is too narrow. my youtube widget (perfect) is set to 272; 2) beneath the image, I get this message: Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_Error::get_items() in /home/newport1/public_html/ on line 162.
Can you help? I am not a code guy but not afraid to make minor changes in php.
]]>Good plugin, but even the compact layout is too wide for my sidebar. If the text was underneath the picture, it would work for me.
]]>Many plugins allow me to choose where in my code I want its widget to display by providing a special php or javascript function. How can I get Google Plus Widget to display without using WP Widgets?
]]>I am encountering several problems with the plugin:
1. The “In X people’s circles” text reports “0” – but I am in over 35,000 people’s circles.
2. When I enable the “Show post updates from profile” option and set it to show 3 post updates, things break in several ways. I see an error message where I presume the posts should appear. Other page elements that seem to follow this widget’s text also get munged – for example, the WP bar that appears at the top of the page when I’m logged in disappears.
3. The little letter “i” is mystifying – Perhaps think of a different way to accomplish/indicate the access to plugin info?
4. When I set “rounded corners” to 0px… I still see rounded corners in the bounding box.
Thanks for your efforts. If this gets to where it works correctly I think it will be a great tool.
]]>There is an error message on my wordpress page, saying the plugin can’t find something.
]]>The number of circles I am in is wrong.
Also, because the plugin is GPL, how do I remove the web site link?
It is not shown in the screenshots:
Thank you.
]]>Sorry, wrong post!
]]>No errors or anything, but when I add the google plus widget to my sidebar nothing gets displayed except for the +1 button if I enable it. Any widgets below the google plus widget don’t display either.
On Dreamhost with PHP 5.3.x FastCGI…
Don’t know what other info I can provide as it’s not spitting out any sort of error.
]]>I installed your Google +1 widget and activated it. Nothing happened, and the only thing I have access to appears to be the code for editing. Nothing shows on my website, which isn’t surprising, since nothing has shown up – at least, not that I can find – in WordPress’ dashboard.
]]>Translate This Button doesn’t work anymore if Google Plus Widget is active.
]]>The widget is behaving erratically. One moment it’s fine, next neither the image nor the count are displayed.
]]>hey guys!
Installed the widget – but my picture shows up as a RedX and when I try to +1 the page, I get a red icon and exclamation point.
Any insight?
]]>SoapClient is not suported by my web hosting provider.
Read about this problem :
]]>Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/content/13/8228913/html/wp-content/plugins/google-plus-widget/googleCardClass.php on line 314