Is this plugin GDPR compatible?
]]>Just edit XMLSitemapFeed.class.php file and add this lines to the original code:
1.- On function Go(), after add_filter('generate_rewrite_rules', array(__CLASS__, 'rewrite') );
//Envía el ping a Google y Bing
add_action('enviar_ping', array(__CLASS__, 'EnviaPing'), 10, 1);
//Actúa cuando se publica una página, una entrada o se borra una entrada
add_action('publish_post', array(__CLASS__, 'ProgramaPing'), 999, 1);
add_action('publish_page', array(__CLASS__, 'ProgramaPing'), 9999, 1);
add_action('delete_post', array(__CLASS__, 'ProgramaPing'), 9999, 1);
2.- And this to the end of file:
/*************************************** PINGS ***************************************/
* Programa el ping a los buscadores web
public static function ProgramaPing() {
* Envía el ping a Google y Bing
public static function EnviaPing() {
$ping = array("https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/ping?sitemap=" . urlencode(home_url('/') . "sitemap-news.xml"), "https://www.bing.com/webmaster/ping.aspx?siteMap=" . urlencode(home_url('/') . "sitemap-news.xml"));
$options['timeout'] = 10;
foreach($ping as $url) wp_remote_get($url, $options);
Or replace all the original code with this one:
/* ------------------------------
* XMLSitemapFeed CLASS
* ------------------------------ */
class XMLSitemapFeed {
function go() {
global $wpdb;
if ( $wpdb->blogid && function_exists('get_site_option') && get_site_option('tags_blog_id') == $wpdb->blogid ) {
// we are on wpmu and this is a tags blog!
// create NO sitemap since it will be full
// of links outside the blogs own domain...
} else {
add_action('init', array(__CLASS__, 'init') );
add_action('do_feed_sitemap-news', array(__CLASS__, 'load_template_sitemap_news'), 10, 1);
add_filter('generate_rewrite_rules', array(__CLASS__, 'rewrite') );
//Envía el ping a Google y Bing
add_action('enviar_ping', array(__CLASS__, 'EnviaPing'), 10, 1);
//Actúa cuando se publica una página, una entrada o se borra una entrada
add_action('publish_post', array(__CLASS__, 'ProgramaPing'), 999, 1);
add_action('publish_page', array(__CLASS__, 'ProgramaPing'), 9999, 1);
add_action('delete_post', array(__CLASS__, 'ProgramaPing'), 9999, 1);
register_deactivation_hook( XMLSF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/xml-sitemap.php', array(__CLASS__, 'deactivate') );
// set up the news sitemap template
function load_template_sitemap_news() {
load_template( XMLSF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/feed-sitemap-news.php' );
// Create a new filtering function that will add a where clause to the query,
// used for the Google News Sitemap
function xml_sitemap_feed_news_filter_where($where = '') {
//posts in the last 2 days
$where .= " AND post_date > '" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 days')) . "'";
return $where;
function xml_sitemap_feed_news_filter_limits($limits) {
// maximum number of URLs allowed in a news sitemap
$limits = ' LIMIT 1000';
return $limits;
// add sitemap rewrite rules
function rewrite($wp_rewrite) {
$feed_rules = array(
'sitemap-news.xml$' => $wp_rewrite->index . '?feed=sitemap-news',
$wp_rewrite->rules = $feed_rules + $wp_rewrite->rules;
function deactivate() {
remove_filter('generate_rewrite_rules', array(__CLASS__, 'rewrite') );
global $wp_rewrite;
// qTranslate
function qtranslate($input) {
global $q_config;
if (is_array($input)) // got an array? return one!
foreach ( $input as $url )
foreach($q_config['enabled_languages'] as $language)
$return[] = qtrans_convertURL($url,$language);
else // not an array? just convert the string.
$return = qtrans_convertURL($input);
return $return;
// xLanguage
function xlanguage($input) {
global $xlanguage;
if (is_array($input)) // got an array? return one!
foreach ( $input as $url )
foreach($xlanguage->options['language'] as $language)
$return[] = $xlanguage->filter_link_in_lang($url,$language['code']);
else // not an array? just convert the string.
$return = $xlanguage->filter_link($input);
return $return;
function init() {
// FLUSH RULES after (site wide) plugin upgrade
if (get_option('gn-sitemap-feed-mu-version') != XMLSF_VERSION) {
update_option('gn-sitemap-feed-mu-version', XMLSF_VERSION);
global $wp_rewrite;
// check for qTranslate and add filter
if (defined('QT_LANGUAGE'))
add_filter('xml_sitemap_url', array(__CLASS__, 'qtranslate'), 99);
// check for xLanguage and add filter
if (defined('xLanguageTagQuery'))
add_filter('xml_sitemap_url', array(__CLASS__, 'xlanguage'), 99);
/*************************************** PINGS ***************************************/
* Programa el ping a los buscadores web
public static function ProgramaPing() {
* Envía el ping a Google y Bing
public static function EnviaPing() {
$ping = array("https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/ping?sitemap=" . urlencode(home_url('/') . "sitemap-news.xml"), "https://www.bing.com/webmaster/ping.aspx?siteMap=" . urlencode(home_url('/') . "sitemap-news.xml"));
$options['timeout'] = 10;
foreach($ping as $url) wp_remote_get($url, $options);
I hope this help to somebody.
]]>Installed your plugin – very simple! Nice!
Question – All my posts have the genre “Blog” and I want to conform to the values listed by WordPress: https://support.google.com/news/publisher/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=93992
How do I change the genre for a post?
language element (tag) stopped writing to file . how can I fix?
]]>This plugin seemed to work when first installed. But in the last few days, Webmaster Tools has been throwing an error message:
“Missing XML tag
This required tag is missing. Please add it and resubmit.”
The details are reported as Parent tag: urlset. Tag: url.
Tried deleting ver. 3.3. reinstalling and resubmitting. The problem persists. Also tried rolling back to ver. 3.2. Same result.
Going to https://example.com/sitemap-news.xml produces a blank page. Luckily, Google News continues to crawl the site and new posts are showing up in searches.
Is anybody still supporting this plugin? Maybe it’s not really necessary.
]]>Seems to conflict with the Facebook Like plugin as I see this at the top of the sitemap:
<div id="fb-root"/>
window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: 1111111111111111, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js'; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }());
The other problem is the time for each post is using UTC time rather than the blog time set with the city in the WordPress admin.
]]>Filename XMLSitemapFeed.class.php
Line 9
undefined $wpdb variable
I just add this
global $wpdb;
function go() {
Love your plugin in its simplicity.
I tried uploading the sitemap on google webmaster tools, but I keep getting the message that it can’t find it, but when I upload the other way:
It shows up and Google could find that.
I’m not sure if this way is fine for them or if I need to try another route to make sure the sitemap-news.xml shows up.
]]>For Tim:
I’m not sure if this applies to everyone else, but I found that I needed to apply utf8_decode() to the_title to allow apostrophes, etc. to show properly in the xml feed.
Might be worth adding into the plugin for a future update.
Great work,
Evan J.