wp_enqueue_script('gsc_jsapi', 'https://www.google.com/jsapi');
wp_enqueue_script('gsc_jsapi', 'https://www.google.com/jsapi');
wp_enqueue_style('gsc_style_search_bar', 'https://www.google.com/cse/style/look/minimalist.css');
wp_enqueue_style('gsc_style_search_bar', 'https://www.google.com/cse/style/look/minimalist.css');
I use it here, but the read more buttons are displayed above search results, how do I fix this?
]]>The widget Google custom search bleeds outside the column in Twenty Sixteen with version 4.4.and I can’t get it right.
It looks like your plugin’s widgets are still making PHP4 style constructor calls. This is causing a PHP notice. Can this be changed asap, please? Our error log is somewhat hard to read with all the stack traces these notices are causing.
Is there still no SSL-support? Resources are loaded over https:// from Google and causes error.
Thanks for your reply.
]]>The search input field disappeared from my site, when updating from Version 1.3.5 to 1.3.6
]]>Plugin is installed & works fine. It has issue with pagination in result. It’s google side issue. First it showing 70 results & 7 pages. When i click to 3 rd page then it shows 4 pages & 40 results.
Anybody solved this using this plugin?
]]>I have a situation where I need a Google search box in the site header and another in an off-page menu which is only visible when a user is viewing the site on a cell phone.
When I try this two-box configuration, Google either returns no results or the popup stays blank. When I use only one box the problem goes away.
]]>Google Custom Search results display behind header graphic layers in WordPress 4.2.1. Tried deactivating plugin but that breaks the whole homepage.
]]>When i search something i get a grey layer. It doesn′t let me click https://bienpensado.com/
]]>Good Day, I am trying to duplicate the function in the link below, do you have something like this, click on the find button, https://www.firsttutors.com/south-africa/
I have installed and configured plugin at: https://www.seomike.com/blog/
I have successfully tested it with the Widget and Popup display and it works. I would like to display the results in a custom page template. I have placed the function in the page template and saved as below:
* Template Name: Search Results
* Description: Used as a page template to show page contents, followed by a loop
* through the "Google Search Results"
remove_action('genesis_loop', 'genesis_do_loop');
add_action('genesis_loop', 'custom_search_loop');
function custom_search_loop() {
The first thing I noticed is that the Custom Search input placeholder is missing in Custom mode and then the form will not fire when you click Search.
]]>I really need help. Going nuts here. I am trying to insert Google Custom Search with absolutely no luck. Going on 2 full days now.
I have a Google Search Engine and a Search Engine ID. I tried inserting the script Google provided with no success – first tried footer.php, then header.php, then home.php. Also watched the youtube vids with no success.
I hope someone can help.
got a weird one here the search is not behaving properly and when I look at the source I can see console error:
SCRIPT87: Invalid argument
https://google.com/uds/api/search/1.0/~~~~/default+en.I.js line 173 character 649
https://www.hrbs.co.uk – example search term “bonds”
Works fine in Chrome but in IE the search results should appear in a popup but they dont appear at all the page just gets redirected – any clues?
Broken for WP 4.1
]]>We updated berkeleyside.com to WP4.1 the other day. At the same time, we noticed searches freeze the page.
The search works, but the results pop-up is greyed out, links don’t work and the site is frozen unless you hit escape or press the back button.
]]>I’m trying to do what this guy was trying to do, but nobody ever responded to him:
For every new post I create, I want to take the title of the post and search google for the title, then display the google search results in the post. This process must occur automatically when I create a post. How can I accomplish this?
i was really enjoying the plugin almost a year ago but now with all the new features the new wordpress 4 has to offer i always get conflicts!!
i had an issue almost 5 months ago with my wordpress theme that is any tree view in my theme page ( admin side ) was corrupted and does not display correctly.
i survived that since everything is pretty much configured and i know what to do.
but the one issue that i came across and found it to be unsolvable is the Woocommerece plugin, when ever i try to add a new product the page becomes distorted and i cant manage my products hence anything else in that page.
the plugin is amazing and i would buy it if its updated and renewed to be compatible with the latest version of wordpress.
in the mean time i would like a work around or a tip on how to solving this problem.
your efforts are highly appreciated & keep up the good work
thank you in advance for your help
]]>I’m using Openstrap theme and trying to replace the default search in the header, with no luck. Is there a paid support option?
]]>Hello everyone,
I installed Google Custom Search on my website because I needed a search engine that reads my pdf attachments.
However, I find that the display of results coming from pdfs is erratic, not to say messy. The name of the file does not appear and is replaced by the clickable link. Lines from pdf documents are badly presented too and are hardly legible.
As it is, it is hardly usable. What can I do?
Many thanks in advance for your help.
]]>Hi there,
Just curious as to whether there is any way to customize the hint text in the Google Search box for this plugin. Currently it says “Google Custom Search”, but I have a client who would like this changed.
Thanks in advance for your help – great plugin!
]]>this plugin have a bug when you login in your site, than use search widget no show results, in firefox and iexplorer.
Does it cost anything to be able to use this plugin to search multiple sites?
I was curious if there would be any additional cost incurred in order to configure Google to allow searching of multiple sites using this plugin?
Can anyone explain?
This plugin does not work on Safari, instead it just says “loading”. Can some please help to fix it.
]]>popup displaying is not working
]]>Hi There,
Great plugin, we had some problems with script errors (Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘dialog’ )
This seems to resolve the issue
]]>Ever since I upgraded to WordPress 3.6, the formatting in the popup window for Google Custom Search 1.3.4 has been off. Here is how the popup looks for me in firefox on my website and on a website with the default theme and no other plugins installed. Here is a link to my website if you would like to try it yourself (though I will probably be switching to another search option in the next few days).
]]>I just ran into an issue and traced down the problem to this plugin and think that it is a pretty easy fix for you!
You make two calls for scripts to google.com in google-custom-search.php. If you would just start them with “//www.google.com” instead of “https://www.google.com” the scripts will automatically switch to https when the page is secure.
]]>Please see the main thread here.
]]>I would like to add custom text immediately above the GSC. Namely “FIND ANSWERS to your questions by searching here:”
Here is the code for my GSC:
[ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. ]
(function() {
var cx = '012026320198025234926:qdyyqmcf9n4';
var gcse = document.createElement('script');
gcse.type = 'text/javascript';
gcse.async = true;
gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') +
'//www.google.com/cse/cse.js?cx=' + cx;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s);