I want to add a google search I con in my new website and this plugin has the facility of that service I just want you suggestion about it please guide.
]]>I’m curious if there is any way to customize the “no results found” page layout / content?
]]>Hello, is it possible to change the search icon ?
]]>Hi I installed it but when I go to the https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/customsearch/usage?project=XXXXXXXX … to check if everything is working I get this message: Client errors (4xx)…. not sure how can I fix this… can you help me please I think I’m missing a step
]]>Is it completly legal to install it in my site?
I. lesher
I have the plugin activated, went into Settings and entered the Google API server key and the ID for the GSE, saved. However, when I search our site, it’s still using the native WP search. What step am I missing? I saw other posts about this in Support, but no responses.
]]>Has anyone used this for multisite? I’m trying to use this on multisite and while the links work fine, it won’t pull the date or the featured image (which are both used in our search design) from any site other than the one the user is currently on. Has anyone else encountered this problem? How did you fix it?
]]>Hi there,
I have installed your plugin and love the functionality, it works great. However the search results page for my theme is currently styled in it’s own particular way but I would like the results to show like the results do in google. Would anyone know how I could achieve this. I know the results are being generated with my search.php file but don’t know what to replace in order for the Google results page to show.
Here is what my search.php file looks like currently:
* The template for displaying Search Results pages
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Kleo
* @since Kleo 1.0
get_header(); ?>
//Specific class for post listing */
$blog_type = sq_option('blog_type','masonry');
$blog_type = apply_filters( 'kleo_blog_type', $blog_type );
$template_classes = $blog_type . '-listing';
if (sq_option('blog_meta_status', 1) == 1) { $template_classes .= ' with-meta'; } else { $template_classes .= ' no-meta'; }
add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cls','$cls .=" posts-listing '.$template_classes.'"; return $cls;'));
:: Title section
if (sq_option('title_location', 'breadcrumb') == 'main') {
$title_arr['show_title'] = false;
else {
$title_arr['title'] = kleo_title();
if(sq_option('breadcrumb_status', 1) == 0) {
$title_arr['show_breadcrumb'] = false;
echo kleo_title_section($title_arr);
<?php get_template_part('page-parts/general-before-wrap'); ?>
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
<?php if (sq_option('blog_switch_layout', 0) == 1 ) : /* Blog Layout Switcher */ ?>
<?php kleo_view_switch( sq_option( 'blog_enabled_layouts' ), $blog_type ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
if ($blog_type == 'masonry') {
echo '<div class="row responsive-cols kleo-masonry per-row-' . sq_option( 'blog_columns', 3 ) . '">';
// Start the Loop.
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
* Include the post format-specific template for the content. If you want to
* use this in a child theme, then include a file called called content-___.php
* (where ___ is the post format) and that will be used instead.
if ($blog_type != 'standard') :
get_template_part( 'page-parts/post-content-' . $blog_type );
get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() );
if ($blog_type == 'masonry') {
echo '</div>';
// Previous/next post navigation.
else :
// If no content, include the "No posts found" template.
get_template_part( 'content', 'none' );
<?php get_template_part('page-parts/general-after-wrap'); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
I have a Google Dev Accout opened and the API Custom Search Engine is activated. But I see no Google API key which I need for the plugin.
Any Idea, perhaps naming in Google changed.
]]>With this plugin, is it possible to include filters or option for do a search?
for example i have a job board
and i would like to include a region select, tags and categories, is it possible?
When I use this plugin the URL linked to by the result’s Title is correct, BUT the URL linked to by the excerpts “Read More” link is wrong and just links to this (results) page. I’ve checked and if I turn off this plugin and just use the in built WordPress search, then the “Read More” link is correct. Anyone else see this or have a suggestion as to why it might be occurring ?
Here’s a sample https://www.hiretracknx.com/?s=list
how to exclude images (attachments) from search results???
i use seo yoast, and turn on “Redirect attachment URL’s to parent post URL.” but don’t work, and i tried with function.php.
I am working on a project at college on creating a multi function search engine based on the google CSE.
I was thinking that if I use woocommerce and create a child theme then the posts can become frames that open up the different resource types. e.g. one iframe for images and another for web.
Could the current version be tweaked to allow for this?
Big Thanks
]]>This plugin seemed like it was exactly what I needed, but after installing it doesn’t seem to produce the same results on my WordPress site as it does when I go to my Google Custom Search web URL.
For example if you go to any page on our site: i.e. https://www.mennoniteusa.org/about-us/ and type “Junior Youth” into the search you get a list of posts and pages from the site, but it doesn’t include a URL that is supposed to be searched in Google Custom Search.
If you go to the Google Custom Search URL (https://www.google.com/cse/setup/basic?cx=014982525090603060596:qbg_0ocaxr0) you get completely different (and more to what we want) results.
]]>Can you tell me what the ‘Disable Matching’ checkbox in the settings interface does, and why a user might want to select it?
What are some use cases where it makes sense to select this option?
Thanks! Dan
]]>I didn’t think this was working until I read this:
It’s nice that you found a way to use the WordPress native search form text box to then use Google CSE for results, but I didn’t think it was working because the output looks like a WP results page. Perhaps you should be clearer about this in your documentation, and then fewer people will assume your plugin is broken.
Unfortunately, this plugin will not be what I’m looking for if I can’t use the monetization capabilities of GCSE. Is there a way to change this? Other plugins add GCSE to WP with results pages that monetize, but they may not seamlessly integrate into the existing WP searchform text bar, which is a nice feature. Could you explain a different way to configure your plugin to achieve this, or would it be much too complicated?
Thank you!
]]>Why on Earth are there still plugin devs out there who can’t put the smallest piece of explanations to their stuff??
It took my 2 hours to get all the stuff Google requires for a custom search and the 2 ID’s together, using a lot of additional Google searches to figure out where what could be (because this plugin has no words for this apparently).
Once i had both ID’s inserted i get
ERROR: “Custom Search API” service isn’t enabled in the APIs Console.
…. and again i am lost, what are these devs talking about, where is this API console, in which of the million pages of Google, or is it somewhere within this plugin, just one heck of a run around that could be prevent for all with one single louse sentence explaining right on the plgings settings page what it means or where to do it
So, where is it please??
]]>We have a lot of legacy pages as well as wordpress on the site (carnethy.com).
The search results include the whole site which is ideal, but the legacy pages’ links don’t work. Is there a way of editing the php to get correct links in those results?
I get this error but I do not understand it. Could it be that the allowed IPs are incorrect?
I am new to this so I am not even sure about the IP. Could perhaps the IP used by the server be different from the IP of my domain?
]]>This looks like a good option for searching on a multisite. But how do I add the keys there?
]]>ERROR: Invalid API key.
i get that error, it’s the key google gives me, how can it be invalid?
]]>we need the post id.but while using this plugin we are getting value of post id zero of each post by using get_the_ID function.so how do we get the proper post id of each post in while loop in search page??
Nice plugin, thanks for that! I guess it would be an easy hack to use this plugin to generate additional results below the ordinary wordpress results, I just don’t know how to insert properly the necessary codes into the search results template to have both search result lists on the same page.
Our scenario would be that primarily we would like to show search results coming from the site itself – it can be quite relevant with the Relevanssi plugin, but we would like to display some additional results coming from other web sites as defined at Google CSE panel.
Anyway I guess this would be an useful addition for future versions of this plugin anyway, but would be more than grateful if you could give me some pointers how to hack it together with the actual version of this plugin.
Thank you: József
]]>On the Genesis Framework
Installed & Activated.
I specified the search id and API key for my paid Google Custom Search account and saved.
Cleared our cache and cleared the browser cache. Tried search again- nothing.
What am I missing?
Thanks much.
]]>The search returns results, but all of them link back to the search results url https://sandbox.vitalis.co.nz/?s=ivf.
]]>How to enable Adsense in cse. connect via adse for top ads
this is a boon plugin for me
thank you in advance
But more options is required, for example it is required to limit display of categories or tags or homepage in results …
Thank you
The search seams to work and return results, but all the links in the search link not to the pages found, but to the search itself (if the search link is https://randomsite.com/?s=randomsearch all the results in the search link to the same url https://randomsite.com/?s=randomsearch)
]]>If I do an exact string search in the cse I have built I get results, but if I do the exact string search in the plugin linked to that same search I get no results – if I remove the ” ” I get results but the search is then not for the precise word combination only
e.g. https://www.google.com:443/cse/publicurl?cx=007256160141272043299:vwzsnqyt3sy
vs https://search.museumsandtheweb.com/search
try searching for
Fedora, Drupal, and Cloud Computing for a low-cost, sustainable DAM
with and without ” “
]]>I’m getting this error when my site loads. configuration did not show any errors. Please help ??