I set up this plugin and it keeps intermittently not showing the bookshelf at all. Like one minute it will be there and working fine, the next it doesn’t load at all. When I view the source code it loads the google_bookshelves div that is first in the code, but none of the subsequent code.
]]>Hi There,
Yesterday the books in the new libraries that I created were showing up. Today they are not. I have made sure all the libraries are marked as public. Any idea what could be wrong?
]]>Hi There,
Is it possible to add some custom text per book?
]]>HI There,
I have created a custom book shelf called Agile / Lean methods and principles, which as an id of 1002. The title displayed on my wordpress page is Backburner. Doesn’t make sense. I have also tried including the title short code to try and add my own, but this doesnt override the title BAckbuner.
]]>Hello, great plugin.
Is ist possible to add a function to be able to display also book shelves I have created by my own on the Google Book page?
Thanks for support.
Is it possible to change the default size of thumbnails that appear on the grid? I’d like them a little bigger.
]]>Would it be possible to add an option to turn off page curl on the thumbnails? The thumbnails look a lot better again non-white backgrounds without the page curl.
I added the following code to change the behavior on my site.
$imageLink = str_replace("&edge=curl", "&edge=nocurl", $imageLink);
I can’t believe you copied my code word for word (especially the settings page). I know I used some of your code of the widget to expand your plugin to also work on a page or post with shortcode. And I acknowledge you for it and you thanked me.
Then you went behind my back and copied my code to make your plugin do exactly the same as mine… What is the point in that? You don’t even seem to be using your own plugin, beside the original widget.
At least acknowledge my work with something like: All the code, layout and wording of the settings page as well as the list layout and idea for grid layout was directly copied from hugo.
Please explain this to me…