Rating: 5 stars
Works fine, no hidden back links, nice dashboard gui. Cool ??
Just wanted to ask. Your website states:
“You can also use our free plan which has limited tracking.”
What are the limitations of the free account?
]]>Rating: 5 stars
GoingUp! tracks all your site visitors, entry pages, exit pages, time on site, etc, and tools like chat, support and social bookmarking. Everything you need to for effective visitor analytics, search engine optimization, search engine tracking, keyword tracking, keyword history, keyword optimization, onsite keyword optimization, heat maps, tag clouds, weebar (like the hello bar, but free), and more.. ALL COMPLETELY FREE.
We’re constantly adding new useful features and tools, a free (backlink supported) and non-free (monthly fee) version are available for whatever suits your needs best.
]]>Rating: 1 star
Enabling the GoingUp! plugin adds a hidden link without permission, that is positioned beyond the screen “position: absolute; top: -8000px“.. incredibly so one of them is a keyword link to “forex trading”.
<div style="position: absolute; top: -8000px;" ><a href="https://www.goingup.com" title="Visitor Tracking">Visitor Tracking</a><a href="https://www.forex.sc" title="forex trading">forex trading</a></div></div>
I believe this is a violation of terms. Plugin reported.
]]>The plugin must not embed external links on the public site (like a “powered by” link) without explicitly asking the user’s permission. Any such options in the plugin must default to NOT show the link.