When my user is automatically expire there there status is inactive in membership list,
now when edit that user see option of mail List then my checkbox of news latter still checked,
its not unchecked when i my user is expire? whay that type issue i m getting ?
its sometime working fine, but sometime its stop.
Presently the use case for the gnu-mailman-integration plugin is to provide access to all registered users, with option to auto-subscribe upon new user registration. Sought is the ability to control availability of a list by role, for example roles created by plug-in UserRoleEditor. I am new to programming PHP and would be willing to support development of the feature. Is such a use case extension viable in the present construct?
In the method Mailman._mailman_get_subscription the preg_match command (line 213 folowing) didn’t find the registered email/user in httpreq->data in my instance. Then I used $this->emailAdress instead of $str_email, because $this->emailAdress is not urlencoded, and then preg_match found the email address in httpreq->data.
Could this be an error in the code or did I a mistake?
Thanks and regards,
I got this error too. How can I fix this? Somebody else reported the same one, but the answer really didn’t help.
]]>Hi Ryan
I found a bug in user-forms.php. You only see this bug if you have edited mail lists and they are no longer in canonical index order in the array (one or more has been unset) like i:0;i:0;i:1;i:1;i:2;i:4.
The problem is in function gm_user_profile_update(), near the end…
// Loop Through Current Mailing List
//foreach ($mailingListSubscriptions as $listId => $list) {
foreach ($mailingListSubscriptions as $key => $listId) {
if (!in_array($listId, $subscriptions)) {
// Key doesnt exist, unsubscribe to this Mailing List
gm_unsubscribe_user_list($listId, $userId);
You were using the array index as listId not the array value.
What happens next is the gm_unsubscribe_user_list() fails when it calls gm_get_mailing_list($listId) because the listId is bad and it does die() (probably should be using wp_die(), or really not do a die but recover)
Hope this helps.
]]>Hi There,
I have both wp-members plugin and GNU-mailman-integration plugins on one of my sites. The GNU-mailman plug in selects a single mailman list on our hosting server for all members to be subscribed to. Membership profiles are handled by wp-members. Now, when a user looks at their profile on the website using the wp-members profile page and clicks “Update profile” – even if they make no changes, the result is that GNU-mailman processes this as an unsubscription request and unsubsribes the user from the mailman list. I don’t know whether this is because wp-members is changing the checkbox or because GNU-mailman interprets the wp-members profile change as a change in email address and so unsubscribes the user.
How do we fix this this?
this plugin looks great. I would love to get it to work. However, no matter what I tried so far, I keep receiving the following error message:
Sorry, mailing List (https://.../mailman/admin/realkd-users_realkd.org) registration is currently unavailable. Please, try again shortly.
I noticed that my mailman does not correctly advertise this mailinglist although the list is public (and I probably cannot change this). Could this be the problem? Anything else I should try?
Sorry, but I have never set up a listserv before. Does this plugin do this or does it simply display an existing listserv’s content?
]]>Nice plugin – it integrates well for admin/profiles.
This would really benefit from a front end widget/shortcode to enable visitors of the site to subscribe the mailing list.
]]>I am trying to set up the plugin to work with my mailman list but am getting the above error when entering the configuration details.
mailman is hosted with my website hosting (freevirtualservers). The list is set up (and I can send to it ok).
Any ideas? I can’t seem to find anything via google nor through the support desk on the hosting company.
]]>I help run an amateur radio club and we use WordPress and your plugin to add people to the mailing lists.
I would like to be able to hide one of the lists I have from the users. But allow admins to see it. So regular users don’t just leave the general email list. I could just make a list and not put it in GNU-Mailman Integration but it’s a lot easier to just check the box as admin when I am creating their account. =)
I have three lists.
1. An email list that I want everyone to be in but not be able to leave. It’s for important announcements and such.
2. Chit chat list for more general chat type emails.
3. List for club officers
]]>This is a very good Plugin, Thank you! I like it a Lot. On One of my non profit organization Pages, members will not get an WP-Account. They just leave the user data through the Participants Database Plugin. If they like to edit their data, they can do that through a special individual admin Link. It would be great if it would be possible to connect these two plugins. Do you See a possibility for this. Storing the information ether in User Database or Participants Database Plugin Database.
]]>So far so good. I like GNU-Mailman Integration
If you are looking for suggestions:
My website has a number of people each members of different mailman lists. If I had the following I could have others more easily maintain the memberships from WordPress.
1) If there was an admin page that listed all the members as rows, and lists as columns. Showing each users membership.
2) If that list was editable, and it would add and delete any of the user’s memberships on the list. (Might want to only save the changes, so you don’t have to do all those lookups for updates.)
3) I really only want approved registered users to get the automatic membership. As it is anyone that registers get auto enrolled lists.
Thanks Again!
]]>This is just want I was looking for. However when I installed it, it appears to have broken the user profile edit pages.
– User profile edit is broken, if installed, and lists are added.
– User profile edit is broken, if installed, and no lists are added.
– Page ends at “Mailing Lists”, with no lists, and no “Update Profile” button.
– Deactivating fixes the profile page.
I have: WP 3.8.1, Theme Atahaulpa 3.7.13.
Any ideas?
]]>When I click on list it gives the error “$listArray is NOT a valid array” and shows nothing after that.
I am unable to change any of the list settings.