which is the tag to be the textarea message written by an user available in the email? [textarea] [message] did not work for me
]]>We seem to get this warning in the error log everytime someone invokes the popup. Do you know why please? We use Turnstile from Cloudflare is it necessary to remove this and use Google Recaptcha?
PHP Warning: Undefined array key “captcha” in /home/azipbfch/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gm-woocommerce-quote-popup-pro/includes/GMWQP_Shortcode.php on line 85
When i click on the enquiry button, the Product Enquiry Form pop-up does not show, it’s not working. How can i fix this to work.
with only three plugins installed https://prnt.sc/JYm-h170NEi- and the latest php version (PHP 8.3.0) I noticed an ajax warning after I successfully filled in the empty fields and sent the email
I also see this notice https://prnt.sc/9zVKsMart67K
Can you please check this issue and if possible fix it?
]]>This plugin is listed by WooCommerce as “incompatible with HPOS”.
Can you please have a look at your plugin and update it if needed to be compatible with HPOS?
Hello i installed the pro version of the plug-in , it works fine with sending/recieving the enquiryes , but the name of the button does not change from “ENQUIRY” to the name that i want. Please help
]]>Hi, so I installed this, how do I now make the button show, also what does the button then do? Does it send an enquiry via a pre-made form?
I would like it to send an enquiry showing the referring page / referring product URL and Product name and if possible a picture of the product, is that possible?
I would like to add the button onto this page as opposed to the current button for example…
]]>I tryed to translate the plugin with “loco translate” , but not only is missing the template, but are missign also many string to be translated.. any helps?
Could you add DOM events support similar to https://contactform7.com/dom-events/ where user may hook into your plugn events, like on enquiry submit, user could submit their facebook pixel event?
]]>After a recent malware infection, the server admins removed suspicious files and re-installed plugins, including Product Enquiry for WC. Now the Enquiry button is no longer pulling up on product pages.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
]]>Hello, I keep getting “An active PHP session was detected”, with the following detail below when I check Site Health Status.
A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests.
The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.
If I disable the plugin warning disappears but if I enable it again, the warning returns. How can this be fixed?
]]>I have changed the button text from the Enquiry Button Setting tab. But it’s not reflecting to the product single page.
]]>I purchased this plugin yesterday and am struggling to get it to work properly – The exclude category seems to ignore some of the categories – I have one excluded called ‘headgear’ but the item with headgear as category has the add to cart button removed and there is not even the ‘info’ button – on some others there are no buttons at all!
It does not make sense which items have which buttons – some items have the info button at the top of the page as well!
I am using the latest version of wordpress
]]>Hello Team,
Please let us know how can we get dynamic subject in popup form.
]]>hii There,
i have installed this plugin and enabled checkbox.Enquiry button has added and its working.
But when i have enabled the “Hide Add to Cart Button” and “remove price from product” option under the genral setting. but it still showing buttons.
kindly Assist
I point out two bugs on your extension, one is not very important and concerns the display, the other is much more.
bug 1:
the modified icon is no longer displayed in ‘Add ppom fileds’.
bug 2:
When creating an HTML control, the code tags are lost after saving the ‘Product Meta’. It is therefore not possible to enter HTML code and correct it.
Your captcha doesn’t know math, no matter if the captcha is What’s 2+2 you get “Please enter correct captcha!”, 2+2 is 4 you know…
Anyway thanks for the plugin, hope you fix you captcha.
Best regards,
]]>Hi there. This plugin does the job I need it to but is it possible I could just make the Enquiry button redirect to another page on my site (IE an existing contact/enquiry page)?
That would be superb!
]]>Product Enquiry for WooCommerce create 2 errors when it is activated.
error 1:
A PHP session was created by a session_start () function call. This interferes with the REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed with session_write_close () before making any HTTP request.
error 2:
The REST API is one way for WordPress or other applications to communicate with the server. One example is the editor’s screen, which relies on it to view and save your posts.
The REST API request failed with an error.
Error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (http_request_failed)
Could resolved this problem.
Best regard Yvon
I add products to the enquiry cart and when I try to edit the list by eliminating a product it does not work, only by refreshong the page I can really see it has been eliminated from the list. I have had this issue in two different web pages so far. I hope you can fix it. Thanks in advance.
]]>Even if the correct answer is given the captcha keeps giving the error msg Please Enter Correct Captcha! can you help pls?
]]>When you open the popup on OS apple device, you arent able to scroll to see all fields.
It keeps jumping back to the top.
Captcha even after putting right answer doesnt accept and gives an error of wrong asnwer, is it a joke or what, plz help, and I know in support forum the develop-er has not answer a single question. still posting.
]]>How can we receive form data in HTML table format?
]]>Hello. I keep getting this issues below whenever I activate this plugin and ran the WordPress Health check.
3 critical issues
An active PHP session was detected – Performance
The REST API encountered an error – Performance
Your site could not complete a loopback request – Performance.
Kindly investigate and fix the problem. Thanks
]]>Hello, Thanks for creating this plugin
Please add some more feature to make this plugin more powerful
Plugin name : Product Enquiry for WooCommerce
Need to capture enquiry date in inquiry list
Need to export all entries in Excel
I have noticed that your plugin does not actually contain any way to move, or hook the buttons.
This would be a welcome addition as it would allow for more freedom of placement of the enquiry button. For example, if you allowed the user to relocate it with a hook inside of their own plugin, it would give the user freedom and allow them to place the button where it suits them.
I think this would be an excellent addition to your plugin.
Thanks in advance.
very nice, but is it working for multiple vendors? Who receives the quote email?
No Enquiry list show up, it is empty at both frontend cart page and backend enquiry list.
Would you please check?
I have activated the plugin & fill the details as shown in
but still enquiry button is not showing anywhere on the product page?
Do i need to do anything else?