Hi there, i would like to know if after a visitor enters their email for the giveaway contest, are we able to make them share the contest on facebook, twitter an google+ as well?
Do let me know.
I really like your plugin, it fits my needs really good.
But i have a few problems with it.
Is there no way i can delete entries? I don’t want same people to automaticly enter all my giveawys.
How does it random pick a winner? Or do i have to do it by myself?
Best regards
]]>Greetings..Am in the process of building my own blog site on Word press. My version 4.1.1. I wish to host give away’s on my blog site. However my word press doesn’t have a “plugins” option. Am wondering, if i chose to download for example this “Give It Away” plugin, or any of the other 5 free plugins, can they automatically be integrated to my already existing word press blog site? Or would i have to start a new site from scratch?
]]>Is it possible to export the list of subscribers?
And how exactly do you select a winner?
put this feature into your plugin please, i just want to see it only my members of my site because i want to make them to create account.
]]>How would I go about changing the code so that dates are shown in European format?
Australians get very confused by American Date format ??
]]>When i renew the date of an ended giveway it stays closed.
How can i open it again.
How can i erase the entries from a giveaway that just ended?
]]>Hi great plugin I’m trying to add short codes into the about field to showcase additional product but they don’t appear to be working. Also when I add our social media shortcodes in the competition rules section they are also not working how can we get them to work?
]]>Your redirection filter in the giveaway.php on line 152 is missing the default variable passed to the filter so that regular posts are now using the default “index.php” rather than a single.php template that should be the default in the template hierarchy.
function giveaway_template() {<br />
global $post;</p>
<p> if ($post->post_type == 'giveaway') {<br />
$tpl = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/giveaway-template.php';<br />
}<br />
if (is_post_type_archive('giveaway')) {<br />
$tpl = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/giveaway-all.php';<br />
<p> return $tpl;<br />
Passing the variable to the function and returning the variable for all other content types avoids this problem and still works for your plug-in.
<br />
function giveaway_template($single_template) {<br />
global $post;</p>
<p> if ($post->post_type == 'giveaway') {<br />
$single_template = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/giveaway-template.php';<br />
}<br />
if (is_post_type_archive('giveaway')) {<br />
$single_template = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/giveaway-all.php';<br />
<p> return $single_template;<br />
}<br />
Hope you can add this in the next release so we can keep using your latest versions, in the mean time I’ve had to change your code to fix our site.
Steve Eldridge
]]>Hello. Thanks for the plugin!
I just installed the Giveaway plugin, and followed all instruction, but the giveway is not showing. I reset the permanent links as instructed, but nothing changed. Also giveaway archive page/ content is not showing.
]]>It seems that giveaway drafts are not persistent and not saved anywhere to edit later on.
It doesn’t show up in the posts list nor does it look like a post in the preview.
I’ve just been testing it for about 45 minutes now and a few things I would expect appear to be missing.
It didn’t show up anywhere after I published a test. Preview works with the draft tho & as I’m sure you realize it needs css style adjustments
The giveaway/post heading doesn’t show in the preview and the entire test giveaway disappeared once published.
Perhaps it’s incompatible with my theme or a plug-in I have installed.
I like the base concept but ….
Where do the email addresses that are catured by the opt in to the contest go? Can they be directed to my WP newsletter list plugin, Mail Poet (formerly Wysija)?
Thank you
Robyn C.
I’m looking to download this plugin but is it possible to add more data fields in addition to name and email address? If so how can I do this?
]]>Receive the following error when trying to ‘Network Activate’ the plugin on WP 3.9 MU.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/give-it-away-now/giveaway-admin.php on line 60