I want to place the .git folder outside the public_html folder on my FTP-server.
I want to do this because it’s not safe to have .git folder in the public_html folder, where everyone can publicly access it.
Ofcourse I can block the access to the .git folder in .htaccess but I have read it’s safer to put the .git folder in a folder that is not publicly accessible.
So I put the .git folder a folder behind “public_html” and place a .git file (not .git folder) inside the public_html folder that is referencing to the new .git folder location. I also reinstalled Gitium just to be sure. But unfortunately this does not work.
Can this somehow work? If yes, how?
I am still testing out the Gitium plugin.
I made some edits in the gitignore and CSS on my localhost website, committed and pushed it to the GIT-server. Now in my online website in Gitium I try to save my merged changes, but when I do I get the message: “Temporarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes.” all the time.
I can delete the .maintenance file in the root of my online website, but everytime I try to get the commit on the online website it keeps saying “Temporarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. etc”.
There is no .maintenance file in any of the (previous commits).
How can we solve this?
I just installed this plugin to test. At the Configuration step 1 I fill in the remote URL. I use https://[email protected]/Rowdysign/git_test2.git and then, if I press “Fetch” I get the following error:
“Could not push to remote: https://[email protected]/Rowdysign/git_test2.git ERROR: s:95:”fatal: could not read Password for ‘https://[email protected]’: No such device or address”;”
If I am using SSH: [email protected]:Rowdysign/git_test2.git I get the following error:
Could not push to remote: [email protected]:Rowdysign/git_test2.git ERROR: s:125:”fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.”;
I don’t know what to fill in at “Key pair”. Some help would be appreciated.
is there some option to setup gitignore in your plugin, after 1 step for fetch is done and before step 2 is finished (Merge and push)?
Your gitignore as default is fine, but we would like to use for example some own but setup of that is possible only after the first push and merge and thats mean, that for example files what we dont have in GIT, were pushed before we were able to setup git ignore by our own needs.
Do you have some suggestion how to solve that.
]]>I only see “Repository initialized successfully.” and no error msges in docker logs. Any idea how to get past this?
]]>I installed the Gitium plugin and connected it to my Gitlab account (using https and username, password).
The setup was interrupted by a error (which i have not seen the details yet). When i open gitium now, i am in installation step 2 where it asks me to chose a branch. Unfortunately the list of branches are empty there.
How can i reset the Gitium installation process, to start fresh over?
]]>I have a problem with your plugin, after installing the configuration option does not appear in the menu, I tried to access directly from the URL but it gives me a message that says that I do not have permissions even as an administrator, I am using runcloud for my website, can you help me.
]]>I’m an admin (gatekeeper). We have developers and managers updating WordPress code a couple times a week. So, they tell us which file was updated such as css, php etc..(nearly anything) and we make a backup of production and copy the new file in. Sometimes, they quite a few files to update. So, on our side it takes some time (sometimes we just backup the whole entire htdocs or maybe just the theme).
Does this work with any file?
Can it integrate with Jenkins?
]]>Hi! I sometimes get this error, and when I do – it will repeat itself hundreds or even thousands of times. It also slows down the whole website.
PHP Warning: flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /sites/redacted-site.dev/files/wp-content/plugins/gitium/functions.php on line 224
It appears to be because fopen() can’t open or create /tmp/.gitium-lock and returns false. I tried using the ‘gitium_lock_path’ filter defined on line 218 of that same fie (functions.php) to fix the issue, but while debugging, it doesn’t look like that filter even works? Nor is it defined anywhere in documentation that I can find.
It’s also worth noting that (as you can tell in the error) the root directory of my site is not the root directory of wordpress. So if I understand, on line 218,
‘/tmp/.gitium-lock’ is pointing towards a folder that it certainly doesn’t have access to.
Can this get fixed? Is there something on my end I need to change?
]]>Your WordPress plugin page FAQ includes the following:
Is this plugin considered stable?
Yes, we consider the plugin stable after extensive usage in production environments at Presslabs, with hundreds of users and powering sites with hundreds of millions of pageviews per month.
However, the presslabs website says this:
Is this plugin considered stable?
Right now this plugin is considered alpha quality and should be used in production environments only by adventurous kinds.
So which is it, in fact, as of today (14 October 2019)? Stable or alpha? I’m considering using it on a production site so I’m proceeding with caution.
Thanks for your help!
I’ve uninstalled the Gitium plugin on my machine, yet when I make commits to the repository from my email via https I still get Gitium as the user that commited, not my username. See image below for what I see. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks
When my wordpress install is in a subfolder the webhook shows a 500 error.
the file wp-load.php is not found because the plugin tries to open it from the public_html folder, and not the subdirectory where the wordpress install is
gitium-webhook.php line 21
]]>Hello there.
Reagrding Gitium, it seems to be a great plugin! I have installed it on my production site and it is working fine. Ok, but here is a question:
If I want to have a local copy of this website on my mac and to push all the modifications to the same repo, what would be the setup? I was thinking of migrate the entire site to my localhost, make modifications, test it and push it to the github repo. But how to to that? Install Gitium on localhost? But this way it will commit everything even before testing… Should I use the same .gitignore file that Gitium provides, versioning only wp-content folder?
In the video, the guy just cloned the repo on his machine…He did not have the entire WordPress on his machine…that is why I am confused. Thanks for any help.
An keep it up the great work!
I have gitium on many of my sites. I just migrated a site from InMotionHosting to Cloudways and did my normal routine with gitium to get it to re-link to my repo.
Now, every since doing that, I can’t manipulate any plugins whatsoever. When I try to activate/deactive, the site won’t load. The only way to fix this is to disable Gitium and everything runs fine.
I’ve already tried wiping out my local repo and reinitializing it with the gitium plugin. The only thing I can think of is that it’s permission-related like it was in the previous issue I submitted.
I’d love to find a resolution to this – I love and use gitium on all of my production sites and have woven it VERY tightly into my development workflow, and currently it’s causing problems on my main template.
Let me know how I can help! Happy to provide any technical info you need.
]]>Hi, can i create connection to git visualstudio ?
]]>Hello, I get error with ��status connect�� to my repository on bitbucket, so in plugin dashboard I see that gitium connected to my repository(green background of status) but in main dashboard WordPress I have dialog message, error that plugin not connected to remote repository.
Using Cloudways – Linode implementation.
I have wp configured and working just fine on a template site.
I use the Cloudways WP Migrator to move the site over.
Deactivate, delete, reinstall, reactivate, reconfigure Gitium.
Connect to repo – I get the normal blank screen of death and hit back + reload (have you seen this before, I’ve come to accept it as common behavior but I’m beginning to think it’s not).
The problem then is that whenever I try to do anything with any plugin the entire apache server for this application ONLY freezes entirely. I need to restart apache for the whole server and clear the varnish cache in order to get back into my install.
Eventually, the whole application returns “service unavailable” and restarts, without my changes saved.
This occurs when I activate, deactivate, add, or remove plugins or themes as well as modify any Gitium config files in the settings pane.
I know it’s not something on the server level (i.e. a race condition) because it only affects the applicaiton in question on the target server.
Looking at the bitbucket repo, it seem like there is a single commit then all commits stop.
Looked to me like it just might have been a major commit causing a bit of lag, but once all commits are caught up the issue remains. This hasn’t occured on any other site on this server, and doesn’t occur on the template site that I use for the CW install.
Things I’ve tried:
– deleting the git directory altogether, disconnecting from the repo, and reconnecting
– creating a test site thinking there was some corruption in the application
– disabling all plugins except gitium – as soon as i activate gitium the problem begins
Things I’m considering:
– using all-in-one-wp-migration instead of the CW importer – that was my go to migration tool until I started with cloudways, though I haven’t had any issues with either method prior
– ditching gitium and finding another version control solution – this, combined with the blank screen issue mentioned earlier, gives me pause to use this plugin, as much as I love it.
The goal:
– to have my wp files backed up so I can create a one-click dev environment locally using VVV and a custom shell script I’ve made. don’t want to fish through zip files, and a git pull seems easiest.
I can’t get past configuration Configuration step 1 as when I hit Fetch, it returns an error page with no feedback.
Not sure what further information to provide but massively grateful for any help.
]]>when running gitium – amost immediately afte rI merge and commit, the ssql server fails every time i atempt to connect to the wp backend. This rbings down all apps on my server (a HUGE issue).
I’d like to work with my hosting company to resolve this. Can you please tell me why this might be happening?
It hasn’t happened with any of my other sites.
I do have wordfence installed. I am hosted on Cloudways.
I’m trying to execute a webhook at
the error there is obvious. It shows up when you visit the URL.
Here’s the error text for reference:
Warning: require_once(/wp-load.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/simple93/qa-firindustries.simplebusinesssolutions.org/wp-content/plugins/gitium/gitium-webhook.php on line 23
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/wp-load.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/simple93/qa-firindustries.simplebusinesssolutions.org/wp-content/plugins/gitium/gitium-webhook.php on line 23
]]>I got this warning from wp-cli:
PHP Warning: flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in ../wp-content/plugins/gitium/functions.php on line 222
The trouble is that I can’t use wp-cli with Gitium plugin activated.
]]>Hi there, I’m really enjoying your plugin. I got it setup successfully on one server, but I’m having trouble with it on another. This appears to be a path issue. I am seeing “There is no git installed on this server” in WordPress and command not found for Git in the server logs.
However, I am certain that Git is installed and the web user has access to use it. I did some testing to check on the path and it appears that proc_open needs a custom env path in this case:
$descriptorspec = array(
0 => array(“pipe”, “r”),
1 => array(“pipe”, “w”),
2 => array(“file”, “/home/www/domain.com/tmp/error-output.txt”, “a”) );
$env = array(
‘PATH’ => ‘/usr/local/bin’ //Path to bin dir to pick up git executable
$process = proc_open(“git –version”, $descriptorspec, $pipes, __DIR__, $env);
echo stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
The code above illustrates how it could be done on this server. It seems like I’d need to modify the plugin code to get this working, but perhaps there’s a better way. Any ideas?
Thanks again for such a great plugin. It’s definitely a time saver for new site configs and version control.
]]>Just setup the plugin for the first time. Successful authentication. Clicked merge/push, getting blank wp page at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=gitium%2Fgitium.php
Any ideas on this one? I’m using bluehost. Checked to make sure git and proc_open are working… they are and Git is using at least version 1.7.
]]>When I do a clean install of Gitum I receive this warning. Why is this?
Gitium Requirement: The wp-content/plugins/gitium/inc/ssh-git
file is not executable
By pressing “Fetch” I’m getting this page:
So there is no error message showing.
If I fix url manually to:
I’m getting error message label:
Could not push to remote [email protected]:USERNAME/XXX.git
I didn’t get enough information for recognize the problem.
Function proc_open is exists.
When setting up with existing source code and git already set up, it deletes existing local branches and just keeps the branch selected in the configuration. Is there any reason for that?
]]>Is it possible do pulls instead of pushes? I don’t work from my live site, I work locally and then push to the bit bucket and live site.
Does it works well when you’ve moved wp-content folder outside and even changed its name? Like markjaquith WordPress-Skeleton does.
Also, what about using gitlab?
Awesome plugin!
Could not create initial commit -> On branch master Initial commit Untracked files: .gitignore wc-logs/ wp-content/ nothing added to commit but untracked files present
Any suggestions?
Am I supposed to initialize the repo and add the files manually on the command line or something?
]]>Hey guys, cant lie, I’m new to Gitium and version control in general. That said, Im anxious to finally jump on the train and learn and Gitium sounds promising to integrate WP.
Unfortunately I am already having issues even with configuration. I just setup a blank repository and entered my remote URL, however I am getting an error on fetch – “Gitium requires minimum git version 1.7!”. I’m using Github.com so not sure exactly why I get that error.
Again, Im a noob here, so go lightly please! ?? All and any help is much appreciated, thanks!