Will this plugin ever be updated? or do you still offer support?
]]>Creates a blank file. Tried it on several GF forms.
]]>I try to set the initial date to an earlier one than what the plugin pre-populates and every time the settings are saved, this gets reverted to the initial date. If I don’t have recent entries, the plugin isn’t working and leads no results.
]]>This is what the export looks like with non english characters:
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren Ich w??rde gerne anfragen ob Sie mir ein Angebot ??ber zwei St??ck der Artikelnummer 123456 erstellen k??nnen.
correct would be:
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren Ich würde gerne anfragen ob Sie mir ein Angebot über zwei Stück der Artikelnummer 123456 erstellen k?nnen.
Is there a way to change the export format to UTF-8 ?
]]>Hi guys,
Is it possible to save the file locally on the server and overwrite it after each export?
]]>You can re-enact this behavior if you ACTIVATE your Export Form Entries plugin on a WordPress site. Then, try to use the site’s FORGOT PASSWORD link when trying to login. You will receive an email with standard verbiage, but the link to reset your password will be missing. Once you DEACTIVATE your Export Form Entries plugin, the reset your password link will reappear in the email. Please fix to save others time troubleshooting.
]]>I’ve successfully installed and used the plugin as stated here: https://optireto.com/how-to-export-all-gravity-form-entries
A. when pressing Update Settings prior to doing a manual export, the newly created export, it does not save the form/field options nor the start date consistently. I used the Export Settings button to reveal the code where I discovered the one of the form/field selections I marked was missing.
B. when after pressing the Update Settings, and then pressing the Export Entries Now button, I was given the option to download or open the Excel file. However, the file was empty. I double checked to ensure data was available in that range plus I had copy/pasted field names for the header and numbered the corresponding fields correctly. No data.
C. I now see that I am running WP 5+ version.
Is there a compatibility issue that is the cause of the above? When will an update be available? Thank you!
]]>If you’re here then you probably need some assistance.
You can find setup instructions for this PlugIn here: You can find setup instruction here: https://optireto.com/how-to-export-all-gravity-form-entries
Perhaps you’ve found a bug or run into an issue.
If that’s the case then please accept our apology and then please post it on our BitBucket page here: https://bitbucket.org/Optimized-Marketing/gforms-export-entries/issues?status=new&status=open
Maybe you just want to swing by our website and say hi? You can find us here: https://OptiReto.com/
While we’d love to answer questions here on the forum there’s no guarantee how long it’ll take for us to respond.
So if you need assistance then kindly try the above links rather than posting here.
Best wishes,
Optimized Marketing