On submit of the aggreement (GravityForms) I need a Woocommerce payment form to come up in a popup. I’ve installed the plugin and setup and use was super easy but the display is skewed.
Specifically the page is divided into 2 columns, form is rendered from right hand colum. When the popup appears it is constrained to the right column.
I reached out to wordpress and they gave me code that at least moved the popup but it didn’t help with the width. Here is the code WP provided:
#gform-modal-notification {
margin: -80% !important;
Is there a script or solution to work with Elementor? containers?
I appreciate your effort bringing this work up all by your self. Thanks a bunch man!
Recently, I discovered the plugin doesn’t support the use of html tags and GF merge tags… How can i make that possible please?
]]>Hey, this is a great solution. One thing I would like to see change is that the feature is enabled by default on all forms when the plugin is activated. It would be preferred if the default was for it to not be enabled.
I was wondering if this plugin is still working or not.
When I Install the plugin, it does not add any feature where I can pick if I want to have it activated or not within the Forms.
I can activate the plugin itself, but no new option appears in GF.
Thanks for the answer
Is there a way so that the Gravity form itself doesn’t “disappear” after clicking submit and having the Confirmation Modal popup? (Once I click on the close button, the space where the form should be is completely empty).