Installing the plugin on a server running PHP 8.x throws a fatal error.
Fatal error: Unparenthesized a ? b : c ? d : e
is not supported. Use either (a ? b : c) ? d : e
or a ? b : (c ? d : e)
wp-content/plugins/genoo/libs/WPMKTENGINE/Wordpress/Utils.php on line 81
Do you know if the plugin is PHP 8.x ready?
Line 76 in TableLumens.php, the shortcodes displayed for the Class Lists widget are missing an s. In the WP admin, we’re seeing [genooLumen id=”#”] where it should be [genooLumens id=”#”]. The shortcode works fantastically once that s is added in.
]]>Been having terrible White Screen of Death issues – the culprit has been determined to be the Genoo plugin. Specifically, the debug log shows:
PHP Warning: Missing argument 1 for Genoo\Wordpress\Cron::cron() in \wp-content\plugins\genoo\libs\Genoo\Wordpress\Cron.php on line 23
Production site running on Linux box seems to be able to live with this warning, but the live site is on a Windows box and can’t survive it. Additionally, there’s a PHP notice:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: args in \wp-content\plugins\genoo\libs\Genoo\Wordpress\Cron.php on line 25
This is not really an issue, just pointing it out. Client relies on Genoo elsewhere, and thusly would very much like to make use of this plugin on their new WP site, but as of now it is a deal breaker. Plugin has been deactivated and removed in order to revive the site. Any insight or help would be tremendously appreciated!
]]>Is there a way to stop the widget interaction Genoo offers? It’s blown up our Primary sidebar widget area, and nothing is able to be saved to it.