Could this plugin please be updated? My security keeps bringing up with recommendation to delete, but I need it. Thank you!
Just wondering if anything is new in 2.0.3 as I don’t see a changelog, and I am always wary of updating plugins without understanding what has changed,
]]>Updated to the latest version of the plugin. It broke my site, presumably because I was using the following function call: rgc_get_term_meta to build a category page with thumbnails.
has this been replaced with something else?
]]>sorry for my english,
how can do for output only src url of image.
I read the guide but I can’t
The plugin is causing the following PHP Notice when editing the categories:
[28-Mar-2017 22:57:31 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: cb in …/wp-content/plugins/genesis-taxonomy-images/lib/genesis-taxonomy-image-functions.php on line 246
]]>Hello, please make the plugin support translation and we could translate in spanish.
]]>Hello i have a big problem with this widget at the images doesn’t show anymore after genesis update can someone help me please thank you
Best regards
Michael Rieger
]]>I would like to create an index of sorts to display all of the tags and corresponding featured images on a page. Is it possible to do this with a shortcode?
]]>This plugin was working wonderfully for ages, then suddenly took down a whole site (white screen of death everywhere).
In the error log, I found:
[27-Nov-2015 19:44:35 UTC] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in /***sitename***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/genesis-taxonomy-images/lib/genesis-taxonomy-image-functions.php on line 294
The site has the latest version of WordPress and Genesis, and all plugins are up to date. The site in question is part of a multisite, I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. The error only took down the site in which this plugin was activated.
Thanks in advance and thank you for this plugin,
]]>Hi – is there a way to also display the default WP description and title in the category archive page in addition to the image.
This has been incredibly difficult to find an answer to.
people refer to the archive settings in category edit area but that is completely different than default WP description/title
]]>I’m having trouble getting the new term variable to work in a shortcode.
I have a custom taxonomy with the slug “types”, for which show_ui is set to true. The types taxonomy is connected to a custom post type with the slug “building”. The types taxonomy has four terms with the slugs “residential”, “commercial”, “agricultural”, and “equine”.
The following [tax_img] shortcode works with attributes of “size” and “format”, but “term” does not work. The shortcode will display an image on a taxonomy archive page, but it only shows the featured image for the term displayed on that archive page. So when the shortcode is used on only the featured image for the term “residential” is displayed, even if the shortcode attribute “term” is set to term=”commercial”.
add_shortcode('tax_img', 'es_taxonomy_image');
function es_taxonomy_image( $atts ) {
$a = shortcode_atts( array( 'format' => 'html', 'size' => 'thumbnail', 'term' => '16' ), $atts );
$image = gtaxi_get_taxonomy_image( array( 'format' => $a['format'], 'size' => $a['size'], 'term' => $a['term'] ) );
return $image;
One perhaps related issue: the following code displays nothing on types taxonomy archive pages, even though each types term has a featured image.
add_action('genesis_before_loop', 'es_tax_img');
function es_tax_img() {
$image = gtaxi_get_taxonomy_image();
return $image;
WordPress 4.3
Genesis 2.2
Genesis Taxonomy Images 1.0
Genesis Sample Child Theme
@morktron asked how to make it work outside of an archive page. I would have replied there but the topic is closed and I can’t seem to re-open it.
I will be pushing an update once WP 4.3 and Genesis 2.2 are dropped that addresses this. There is a new option called term
in the arguments array sent to gtaxi_get_taxonomy_image()
that accepts a term object. If present and valid, the image for that term will be retrieved.
Hope that helps.
]]>Title says it all. I have a patch and I have nowhere to send it. The site for this plugin provides no way to contact the author, and by all accounts the author has not been here in a while.
If it is indeed abandoned, I’ll assume it. Please let me know one way or another.
]]>just wondering if it’s possible to grab the taxonomy image and use it in a widget area – i want to create a link to the taxonomy archive page using the image and the description – can your plugin do this?
]]>Luoy of Types, kindly pointed out to me that the gtaxi_get_taxonomy_image can only work in an archive page because of this:
if ( ! is_category() && ! is_tag() && ! is_tax() )
So how can I modify the shortcode to make it work on any page? Maybe by somehow using this Replace default loop with custom loop, and make it use a taxonomy loop with this?
]]>Hi, firstly – thanks for creating this plugin, I can see it will be very handy! ??
I’ve using Types – Views to make a site. I’m trying to make some shortcode to display the taxonomy image. So far I have:
//Custom shortcode to add taxonomy image to Views
add_shortcode('service_image', 'service_image_func');
function service_image_func() {
$image = gtaxi_get_taxonomy_image(array('size' => 'thumbnail') );
echo $image;
Then I use [service_image] as the shortcode – but it is not working. Maybe the code doesn’t know it’s in a ‘services’ taxonomy loop? I hope you can help, thanks