when I set up the permalink to “post name”, the skip links appears in the top of the header and as a result, the header is displayed wrong. This does not happen on the main page but on the other pages.
I tried to remove the skip links (display:none), the text disappears but the space remains blank.
As of February 5th, we are no longer maintaining the Genesis Simple Headers plugin.
The reason we made this decision was two fold; StudioPress started adding the header functionality to the bulk of their themes, and, with the Genesis 2.0 major update, it would take a lot of rewriting to get the theme to work across all combinations of theme/child theme. And since they’re adding the functionality to their plugins, it makes spending time on the rewrite seem pretty silly.
If you’re a developer and interested in taking over management of the plugin, please contact [email protected]
Thank you for your interested in the Genesis Simple Headers plugin.
]]>The menu addition for Header isn’t showing up after activating the plugin.
]]>it’s ok, i can do it via css, just letting you know ??
]]>Hi John,
Using latest Genesis with a vanilla Genesis child theme, cant see the headers – does this work with plain old child theme?
or do i have to change the config of the plugin with mu child theme name?
]]>The Genesis header started giving me issues when the Genesis template was updated to the latest version.
]]>Great day!
We had to deactivate the plugin because it’s not compatible with Genesis 2.0. Will you all be working on a compatible version for this update?
Why would this be?
]]>We have the latest version of everything: the plugin, wp and the theme. Not sure when this happened, probably in the last month. The plugin is active and shows up on the Appearance > Header page, but when you go to edit a page on the site there is no box with an option to choose another header. The headers we used to have customized are not showing up either.
I tried turning on error messages but there weren’t any. I also tried turning all the other plugins on the site off and it still didn’t work.
Any ideas?
I am using the Mariah Theme and would like to know if the Genesis Simple Header will work with it. The Mariah theme has a text header that I wish to replace with a graphic header. If it does, is there any instructions on how to use it?
]]>Hi and Thanks for that great plugin.
I just ran into a minor issue when I activated it. The color picker to define the Header Text-color just disappeared. I realized that the “add_theme_support”-function in the main.php-file (line 456) caused this.
The Array contains ‘textcolor’ => ‘ffffff’ while the default text-color is defined by ‘default-text-color’. So when I changed the line to
add_theme_support( 'custom-header', array( 'default-text-color' => 'ffffff', 'admin_header_callback' => 'gsh_admin_style' ) );
everything worked fine again. I’d appreciate it if you could add this in a future update.
Also when using eleven40 child theme I had trouble replacing the original image. I managed to fix this by adding
'CSS_ADVANCED_HIDE' => '#title, #title:before, #title:after',
to the eleven40-array.
Another problem with eleven40 is that the header-height is set to 90px. I changed this by adding
<?php if ($gsh_theme_name == 'eleven40 Child Theme') {
echo 'min-height: ' . HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT . 'px;';
} ?>
to the gsh_advanced_style-function. I was wondering if you can think of a more elegant way to add this possibility to the plugin so it can gradually be predefined for other themes that work like this.
]]>I am trying to update the header on the Generate theme but any changes I make under Appearance > Header are not reflected on the page. Also when I uncheck “Show Header Text” and save it rechecks the box every time. Any ideas?
]]>Hi, I’m using the Lifestyle child theme, and a client just notified me to find out why his header has disappeared. I checked his site, and sure enough, the header is gone, and there is no longer the option to go to Appearance–>Header. “Header” is no longer in the dropdown menu.
Can you please help?
My site is at https://www.the8020times.com.
I am using Gewnesis simple header. I have set up a banner and every time I uncheck “Show header text with your image” and save it, it come back as checked.
Please help me eliminate the header text.
Thanks for your time,
]]>I get a double image in the header in Venture child theme. Any thoughts on this:
]]>I don’t intend this to be an indictment of the plugin as it appears to work well and we are pleased with it but we noticed this past week that the URL link to our home, root URL, tied to our site logo has stopped working. We have installed several plugins this week (approx. 5) so this problem could be tied to another but has anyone using the Genesis Simple Headers experienced this anomaly before? If so, is there a suggested fix to this problem.
We are using the Platinum theme under the Genesis framework. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. The plugin looks fine. This may likely be a human error within our admin team we need to button up but I’m trying to leave no stone left unturned.
Tony V.
]]>After installation and activation of this plugin, there is no Appearance > Header option.
What to do? (By the way, I have seen the thread titled similarly that talks about people changing theme names. I have not changed my theme name, installation folder, or anything else for that matter.)
]]>Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Tried it in October, and again today and still can’t use it.
]]>Thanks John – works perfectly.
]]>Hi John,
Since you were wonderful about adding the Sample Child Theme to your plugin, I am rewarding your awesomeness with a feature request! ??
The current plugin allows the header text to be overlaid on top of the logo. What I would really like is to have the logo and header text next to each other, not on top of each other.
For example, you can see my company logo on my About page. I’d like to put a scaled version of my logo in front of my site’s current header text. The only way I can do that now is to design a custom banner as a graphics file in Adobe Illustrator.
Would it be difficult to modify your plugin so that the user can say, “Please put my logo before/under/after my header text”? If you add that feature, this plugin will be a big hit!
Best wishes,
]]>This plugin does not currently support the free Sample Child Theme. Users who want to add support for this theme can do so in three easy steps:
switch ($current_theme) {
case 'Sample Child Theme';
DEFINE ( 'THEME_CSS_VALUE', '.header-image #title-area, .header-image #title-area #title, .header-image #title-area #title a' );
DEFINE ( 'BACKGROUND_TYPE', 'background' );
Best wishes,
Fred Chapman
[ Signature moderated. ]
I install and activate the Genesis Simple Headers plugin.
I enter to appearane>headres menu but I cannot find the plugin. I use the Martin theam that has the ability to change header picture. Is the Genesis Simple Headers plugin does not work with is theam?
]]>Vegas Geek!
Thanks so much for this plugin. I’ve been campaigning for a Genesis Simple Headers type plugin for a while and when I saw this, I think I almost peed my self a bit.
One thing I would like to see is the ability to change the header on a per page, post, category and tag basis. Ultimately, the ability to integrate a “Dynamic Headers Plugin” type functionality. I think this would be an awesome addition to the Genesis Framework as I would like to change the look of my blog on a per post basis.
I started a discussion on this topic on the StudioPress site and I would hope you could check it out. It goes into a bit more logic.
Scott Winterroth
]]>Have installed plug-in on Genesis sites on both individual and multisite instances. I do not see any reference to “Header” under Appearance admin navigation item. Using Genesis 1.5 and modified Freelance theme. Suggestions? Have tried all other plug-ins off on the multisite.