I installed this plugin. When I activate it I don’t see the parent-linkpage.
I see: home/subpage
I would like to see: home/page/subpage
or: page/subpage
Can anyone help me?
I have noticed that the custom post type option in not used in the plugin code.
I added on output.php this line:
$args['labels']['custom_post_type'] = gsb_get_option('custom_post_type'); // Genesis 1.5 and later
and that solves the problem.
thanks for this useful plugin. However I noticed that the admin css of the plugin is loaded on every admin page, not just the plugin’s own settings page, and this causes CSS conflicts with other plugins in the admin. Would it be possible to load it conditionally only in the plugin settings page? I was able to workaround this problem using custom code and hooks, but it would be nice if the behavior was native.
By the way, I’d suggest you to insert CSS/JS using the admin_enqueue_scripts
hook (see Codex documentation and examples) instead of admin_head
]]>Does this plugin use rich snippets?
]]>Could you provide the option to turn on or off the current page/post title in the breadcrumb? (Or, at least add a span for that portion of the breadcrumb, so we can hide?)
Repeating a long title isn’t always necessary when it is repeated just pixels away.
Thanks so much!
]]>It looks like the current version of the plugin is missing a prefix option for custom post types archive, that were introduced with WP 3.1.
Would it be possible to add it in future versions?
Moreover it would be nice to have distinct prefix labels for each custom post type.
Thank you.
]]>Dear Nick,
It would be so handy if you could insert a clickable link to the blog page into the breadcrumb trail. WordPress/Genesis does not do this by default, which makes it impossible to navigate your way up the category hierarchy to the top of the blog.
For example, I have a category entitled Announcements on my blog. If I’m reading a post in that category, I get these breadcrumbs:
Home > Announcements > my post title
What I would like to have is this trail of breadcrumbs:
Home > Blog > Announcements > my post title
That way, visitors can easily navigate up the category hierarchy all the way to the top of the blog. Breadcrumbs would become an even more valuable navigation tool if you could fill in this gap.
Would you please consider adding a feature like this?
Thanks very much,
Fred Chapman
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P.S. I have a work-around which involves creating a top-most category called Blog and removing the category base, but it’s a lot of extra work just to do something WordPress/Genesis arguably should do anyway! Inserting the blog page into the breadcrumb trail is a much simpler solution.
]]>I love this handy plugin! It makes it so easy to customize the way breadcrumbs are handled on all my sites.
There’s only one feature missing: the ability to change the way dates are displayed. For example, in the Delicious child theme, I get this
Home > 2011 > May 2011
when I would rather get this
Home > 2011 > May
I also get this
Home > 2011 > May > 17th
when I would rather get this
Home > 2011 > May > 17
If you could make it easy to change the date format used in breadcrumbs, that would be fantastic!
Thanks for all your hard work,
Fred Chapman
[ Signature moderated. ]
]]>Thank you for this plugin! I was looking for an easy way to change the breadcrumb separator in my Genesis child theme, and your plugin filled the bill perfectly. Your plugin is now on my growing list of “must install” plugins for WordPress.
Thanks again,
Fred Chapman
[ Signature moderated. ]