When I change the settings such as the featured image alignment or size of the thumbnails under CPTs archives settings of a particular custom post type, nothing will be changed on the front end.
I realized that it gets overridden by the settings under Genesis>Theme settings>Content Archives
That is the global settings for all archive pages.
“Genesis Custom Post Types Archives” should override that for each custom post type but it doesn’t. What’s the point of having those settings if Genesis ignores them?
Am I missing something here?
Please show me how we are supposed to make those settings work.
]]>When I have Genesis Custom Post Types Archives activated and have “Add Support for Simple Sidebars for Sermons Post Type?” checked, it makes all my other sidebars disappear. Is there a fix? Please help!
]]>I am using custom post types and on the created archive page, I want to embed a video. Strange this is that when I embed any code, it disappears upon saving. I’ve tried it in html, text, and with code tags. When I click ‘save’ it instantly disappears. Anyone know what I can do to stop this? Or know why this odd behavior is happening?
]]>I’m using -1 to show all posts on the archive pages for the grid view, but it’s still drawing from the General>Reading settings for # of posts to show.
]]>Hi there,
Some weird behavior I just found – when searching for certain words using WP’s builtin search widget, the search results page displays the gcpta_keywords for the first post in the results at random in the <head>. In my case, I did a search for “the” and the resulting page had a “grantee” custom post type as the first result. For some reason it looks like your plugin is outputting the keywords specified in the CPTs Archives settings page for this post type on the search results page, as well as on actual archive pages.
I’ve traced back the issue as arising in the following function in the Custom Post Types Archives function:
function gcpta_header_scripts() {
global $post;
echo apply_filters( 'gcpta_header_scripts' , genesis_get_option( 'gcpta_keywords_' . $post->post_type, 'gcpta-settings-' . $post->post_type ) );
Look like you might need some conditionals somewhere to prevent this from happening. Not sure where else this issue could arise, but might a simple if ( !is_search() )
WP 3.5.1
Plugin 0.6.6
I’m using the standard loop, I’ve checked include the Feature Image, selected thumbnail image and align left.
Tested with align right also but it doesn’t do anything.
The image alignment remains “none”.
]]>Hi Travis,
Me again.
For grid post featured images, I’m only getting images to show if I set the content to 0 (full content). The 1 (no content) or 2 (excerpt) aren’t returning images.
Limit grid post content to ___ characters
Enter 0 for full content. Enter 1 for no content. Enter 2 for excerpt.
My Genesis Theme settings do have featured images checked for Content Archives, but I’m pretty sure this setting is irrelevant for your plugin. I’ve looked around to see if I have anything else that could be creating a conflict, but nothing jumps out.
Thank you!
]]>Hey Travis,
I am experiencing the same issue with truncation as indicated in this thread:
Post meta syntax for custom post types
I opened up a support ticket with StudioPress, but my helper didn’t seem to think it was a Genesis issue. So I’m coming back to you. ??
I *did* notice an odd behavior related to inputting text in the “Introduction Content” area… If there’s content there, the truncated shortcode [post_terms taxonomy= prints as text to my actual archive page. If there’s no content, this does not print.
I’m trying to figure out the correct syntax to enter into the Post Meta field in CPTs Archive to display my CPT taxonomies.
I’ve tried versions of
[post_terms before=’Details: ‘ taxonomy=’geography’]
with no success.
One issue is that I’m not sure what to use for quotation marks. If I use the standard double-quote as shown in the example, the value that saves is truncated at the first quote. Other combinations of single or double quotes hasn’t worked. You’ll see in the example above that I’m also trying to change the default “Filed under:” to “Details:” I’ve tried variations leaving that part out, and I still can’t get any custom CPT taxonomies to show up.
The second issue is the doubling up of the sidebar on all pages that are not archive pages. This is noted in another forum post (hoping for an official fix).
I’m using Pippin Williams’s Easy Content Post Types plugin to create my custom post types and taxonomies.
– Peter
]]>I was asked to post there here, but I had posted it under the topic ” Upgrade to .6.2 conflicts with Genesis Simple Sidebars” as I thought it was related. Hopefully posting here is better?
Ever since this latest update there is now an issue where if it is not an archive page it is outputting my sidebars twice.
Check it out at https://www.dayzon.ca
I tried to go in and add is_post_type_archive() where I thought it would be needed but couldn’t get a fix.
]]>Hi Travis,
I updated the GCPTA plugin to .6.2. If I have it activated with Genesis Simple Sidebars, all the sidebars on my site disappear. Both plugins work okay, so long as the other is not active. :/
Feel free to take a look at a page where I’m using GCPTA:
https://www.fortworthretail.org/local-business (I’ve currently got GCPTA enabled and GSS disabled).
Not related, but possibly interesting…The first widget area in the sidebar is Genesis Featured Posts. It’s set to only show the latest 2 posts. It returns 2 posts as expected everywhere on the site except for the GCPTA page linked above, where it returns all posts.
If it’s be helpful to swim around the admin area on the site, I’d be glad to send a login.
Thanks for your help.
]]>Hey Travis,
Latest update is bueno! A couple of things I noticed:
I’m using Genesis Featured Widget Amplified in my sidebar to show 1 blog post (see heading in right sidebar “Latest from the Blog” on my CPTs Archive page: https://fortworthretail.org/dev/local-business/fowo_business/)
On every other page, I get the expected single blog post, however on my CPTs Archive page, I’m getting a laundry list of posts. It’s not a a big deal, but thought I’d let you know.
Also, in my Plugin admin page where it has a link to “Visit Plugin site” for your plugin, the link goes to a 404 on your site. Doh!
I hate to even bring up the bugs when there’s so much that’s awesome. ??