I just upgraded to WP 4.6 and my backend was giving me a HTTP 500 Error so my techie was able to get the site running and asked me to load plugins one at a time to narrow down the offender and it turned to be Genesis Agent profiles. Maybe there are others but so fare this is the culprit! I would like to reload it but dont want the hassles.
]]>Hope you are well,
I have sent the instructions to my developer but he mentions not only do I need to install, post to post plugin and Agent profiles plugin, but I also need to install genesis framework?
Is this correct? I just don’t want to add a virus to my site.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
I posted this note in another thread for the Extended version of the plugin and the author said it must be an issue with the original plugin. Could you help me figure out why my AgentPress Pro listing pages are not showing up correctly when I activate your plugin?
“Our Agents” Without Extended: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B67duymL18OONXlxMGEwTmI0UFk/view?usp=sharing
“Our Agents With Extended [this is what we like]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B67duymL18OOOEpYcWw4MVJIM1U/view?usp=sharing
Listing pages with agent profile plugins activated [not good]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B67duymL18OOakNTNXM2dC1tbU0/view?usp=sharing
Listing pages w/o agent profile plugins activated [very good]:
]]>Hello, I would like to know how to remove the details Price: Beds: Baths: from the our agent page.
Thank you
]]>Hi I am using this plugin to create a local area agent directory and would love to be able to enable comments to each agent’s profile. The plan is to offer ratings of agents and testimonials. I think I have all the plugins necessary to do this using WP comments, at least to accomplish this on standard posts but for some reason I cannot figure out where to enable comments on agent profile posts.
]]>Genesis Agent Profiles causes the loops of default listings archives templates to break (listings are duplicated and omitted randomly), as well as ignores template overrides themselves. Please fix.
]]>Will this plugin work with a travel agency to list the agents and link to their various travel specials?
]]>I’ve created the Genesis Agent Profiles Extended plugin to add more functionality. You’ll still need to have the Genesis Agent Profile plugin installed to use the extended plugin.
Extended Plugin can be found here in the WordPress plugin repository.
Genesis Agent Profiles Extended plugin
]]>I noticed line 115 of plugin’s functions.php email code needs to be wrapped in brackets since it is on two lines:
as it is now:
if (genesis_get_custom_field(‘_agent_email’) != ”)
$email = genesis_get_custom_field(‘_agent_email’);
$output .= sprintf(‘<p>%s</p>’, antispambot($email), antispambot($email) );
as it should be:
if (genesis_get_custom_field(‘_agent_email’) != ”) {
$email = genesis_get_custom_field(‘_agent_email’);
$output.= sprintf(‘<p>%s</p>’, antispambot($email), antispambot($email));
It is throwing a PHP warning with DEBUG on.
]]>Is there a hook to allow me to create my own archive page?
]]>I get the following when trying to activate.
Sorry, you can’t activate unless you have installed Genesis
Is this just a compatibility problem or is it a functional problem?
Thumbnail images for agents are not showing up on the archive page (our-agents) or aeprofiles though I have used a post featured image for each agent – I have tried Genesis > archive settings show post content with “include featured image” both checked and unchecked – and the post images (agent thumbnail) are not appearing on the archive, though I see it being called in the page source. Each agent post includes a media image in the post editor as well as a “featured image”. Do I need to add a function to my child theme in order to show the images? I am using Curb Appeal Legacy. Here is the archive dev/production URL: https://siteground180.com/~paulmruk/our-agents/
]]>I am using this plugin for employees, not real estate agents, so I want to change all instances of the word “Agent” to “Team Member” I have already changed it on the links through the plugin interface, but when you click on the agent to view it in more detail, the breadcrumbs still say “agent directory”. Also the page title (the title that appears in your browser tab) still says “agent directory” when you go to the page where I have put the plugin shortcode. Please advise!
My site is located here.
]]>Hi there. I am using the plugin and none of the social links and icons are working for me. I have included the http with each link. I have seen that there may be issues with IE or Firefox, but I am using Chrome. Please advise.
My site is located here.
]]>Hi there. I am trying to get the profiles to display in rows. I see that someone else here had the same question, so I used their solution and it did not work for me. I used this code:
.widget-agent-wrap {
clear: none;
width: 50%;
This code has not made any difference and the profiles are still being displayed each in their own row.
My site is located here.
]]>The page that show all of the agents is showing 2 across and 5 rows down. Is there a way to accommodate 3 or better, 4 across and more rows down so all agents fit on one page. It is fine if the pictures and text are smaller.
Nobody wants to be on page 2 ??
]]>Is there a way to add fields or to change the field names?
]]>From time to time my clients agents listing page stops working and we get a 404 and I have to go into the permalinks and save them and then all if fine. Why is this happening all on its own.
]]>The Social Media Icons are not showing for the agent on the widget when displayed on a subdomain. It works normally on the main website. Any help would be appreciated.
Website: Citruscountypropertyforsale.com
]]>I connected two listings for one of our agents and the formatting was wrong with the pictures. Any suggestions?
]]>Is there a way for all of my offices listings to be uploaded from our board’s MLS site rather than entering new listings as they come up?
Love Genesis and AE!
Two questions:
1. I have set up two taxonomies “location” and “profession” and assigned terms to each taxonomy. Each term has its own url. But, is it somehow possible to display by search or filter for someone who is in both a location and profession? Like if location term is “NY” and profession term is “agent”, only show people who are both in NY and are agents?
2. I am using WPUF for users to upload in the frontend their agent info. It works with custom post types like yours. I have to specify the meta keys used in your plugin so that the info gets uploaded to the right fields. What are the meta keys you use in Agent Profiles?
Thanks so much!
Hi – I need to either use a 3 column layout and or increase page length. Any ideas?
Page is:
how to add Sign up and Sign-in functionality for membership separately for Buyer and Agents using this plugin?
]]>When I first installed Genesis Agent Profiles several updates ago, all the agent photos were displayed as the same size on the page regardless of the true size when uploaded. Now they are a mess of sizes. Is there a setting somewhere I can update to get this back?
]]>Hi, I’m using Curb Appeal Evolved theme and have all the required plugins (wp listings, genesis agent profiles and post 2 post) and while the linked agent appears on my listing, when I click on the agent’s name in the directory, I get a 404 error. I also get a 404 error when I click on “view my listings” on the agent directory.
How can I fix this?
url: connieprofacirealtysi.com
the sample that I tried linking to is the property “34 Bruno Lane”
When viewing the page with the agents on it on a mobile device, iPhone 5, the pictures are fine its the information below them that is not displaying properly.
I was wondering if it’s possible to display word “Email” instead of actual email address and “Website” instead of the full website address in agent profiles.
Thank you,
I would like to add the <a tel: markup code to make the phone numbers linkable. Similar to the mailto: markup for email.
Thanks for your help…
]]>I would like to know how to include Agent Profile plugin within the breadcrumbs. Right now – all other pages do, but the URL that is used to link to the slug.
Thank you for your help