Plugin was throwing this error:
PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS – assumed ‘EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/generalstats/generalstats.php on line 434
After some messing around (!) discovered that simply explicitly defining EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS in wp-config.php stops the error.
There’s probably a more elegant way, but this seems to work OK.
]]>This is similar to the problem in core with image headers:
What happens is that for some reason generalstats is making an https call to even though I’m connecting to via http.
That’s because my admin interface is accessed through https with a self-signed certificate, which breaks silently with Ajax (no browser warning popup in this case). What GeneralStats should do is check what protocol the page is using, just as in the core ticket above and invoke http if the site is http.
Otherwise, Ajax refresh will not work with sites with a self-signed certificate.
]]>Is it planned that the plugin shows the network stats?
I.e. all stats (posts, words etc) of all sites/blogs of the mutli-site network?
]]>This week two of my WordPress plugins are celebrating their fifth birthdays: GeneralStats and Featuring CountComments.
Time to say thanks for your feedback over the years and keep on downloading. ??
Since moving to the plugin repository at in 2007, GeneralStats has been downloaded 50,000 times!
So again, thanks for using my WordPress plugins over the last five years.
]]>I installed role scoper and general stats but the informations aren’t filtered. If I login as an admin or author the count is the same.
See the image:
Is possible to filter the general stats information according with role scoper plugin?
Thanks in advance.