Instead of browsing the liste of alphabet letters, Is it possible to add a seach engine to search for a specifique fistname/lastname ?
Thanks for your help
I found an error in sql request on file includes/gedshow_db_handler.php using Version 2.1.0
Lines 174 and 176 on the request
$Results = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare(“SELECT , COUNT() totalcount FROM $names_tbl WHERE living LIKE ‘N’ AND LEFT(surname,1)= %s GROUP BY surname ASC”, $letter));
Need to remove ASC at the end of the request.
Best Regards
hi there, many thanks for your efforts so far.
Unfortunately, I experience the same issues as the users 3 years ago.
I have installed the latest version of WordPress, activated the plugin and created txt file with the content you posted in the old thread. Afterward, I renamed the file to .ged and uploaded it.
When I click on one of the two names, nothing happens…
Any idea what I can do?
]]>Due to a mistake on my part a file was missed on the initial commit of V2.1.0 this was for the new search engine shortcode. If you find that the shortcode does not work please disable and then delete the plugin and re-download it and re-activate it. Unfortunately it may mean you also have to import your gedcom file again. Sorry for this error on my part.
]]>To make use of the last uploaded gedcom in the main Gedshow page you need to upload a gedcom file as previously the file name was not correctly stored.
]]>Just wanted to let you know that I set up a test site and it works great on:
(I needed to install jQuery Migrate on the site to get it working on the above two)
and I can’t get it to function satisfactorily on:
Opera for Windows
anything on Android
All latest versions
]]>With this code [gedshow living=’yes’, all names are displayed with a counter in parentheses. But by selecting one of the names, no window opens.
This happens with all shortcodes
Can you help me ?
After upload a file ged, only name are in datadase, no pages no photos.
wordpress 5.9
apache 2.2
php 7.4
can you help me.
]]>I have recently installed the GedShow plug-in and it is generally very good for my purpose.
I have used the shortcode [gedshow living=”yes”] because I want my users and visitors to be able to find anyone in my family data base. However, GedShow does not list any of the living people in the Surname list. They are there, but one can only see them by first entering a related deceased person. This is very user-unfriendly and needs to be fixed. Can anyone tell me how to do it?
Thanks for your help,
My website is still local, not online.
When I use the shortcode [gedshow living=”yes”] I see All Surnames, the number of individuals and the buttons. But when I click on one of the buttons nothing happens. I don’t see any person.
Can you help me?
Jos Huigsloot
The Netherlands
Kindly help me display my entire family on one page!
]]>Hello, your plugin looks very promising to me. I tried to upload a small test GED file downloaded from Ancestory.com. I received the message:
You must upload a gedcom file with an extension of ged (in lowercase).
If your WordPress install is multisite please see the Gedshow FAQ.
I am working a practice site that is not a multisite (I do have a multisite installation and I did add the ged extension just in case). I also renamed the ged file to lower case no spaces but still received the error.
I will email you the ged file I used in case that is helpful. I appreciate any assistance you can provide.
Best Regards
This code doesn’t work : [gs_individual id = “672I” name= “N”]
Code error : Publication échouée. La réponse n’est pas une réponse JSON valide.
And the french traduction of Show all,surname,birthday…. in this application will be a futur working.
]]>Is there a shortcode to display the entire pedigree tree?
]]>Hi, fresh install of WP 5.5.3 with 2020 theme. GEDshow first plugin added. Gedcom file uploaded ok. Surname buttons show but are inactive. Console shows Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined. Please help.
]]>Error_Aborted 404 is what we see in the developer console
The Screensot is attached ScreenShot Link
The javascript is stopped to parse a execute code
]]>Dear Colin
Gedshow is a very nice plugin. I’m happy with it. Multi-language implementation could be an improvement.
I have the following problem:
In the list of names of one family name, the year of birth and / or year of death are not always shown correctly. Very often 1970 is shown instead of the correct year. (2020-50?).
If you tap on a person, the correct date of birth and date of death will be shown.
So it seems that the database is correct.
The gedcom file comes from My heritage and the data looks fine.
My website is still under construction.
Hopefully you have a solution to this problem.
Greetings, Nico Pols
]]>For some reason, the top surname in the widget is “unknown” at 1622, which is odd considering there are only 422 individuals in the list. I had thought perhaps it was a tally of females for whom no maiden name was known (my tree dates back to the 1700s), but that still doesn’t account for the high number. Any idea? Thanks.
]]>Nice plugin and potentially has some features that could be added later as time allows for more data that may be in the GedCom file. So thanks for that.
Only problem I have is that the shortcode [gedshow living=”yes”] works OK to show surnames but does not include those living. I tried [gedshow living=”no”] and reimported GedCom but still same result and number of people. So (in my GedCom file) there are 199 people but only 131 show on the top level page. WP_GEDSHOW_NAMES also has 199 records.
However when you drill down into a dead person you do see any living people descendants and on the tree that is available.
Using WP5.5 with Elementor Pro, Hello Theme and ShortCode widget. Tried with standard WP page and theme, no difference. Version 2.0.8 applies.
Cannot give you URL as hidden system for personal reasons.
Thanks – John
I could be exceedingly stupid, but being new to this product and WordPress, I just might need a nudge in the right direction.
I can’t see any tutorials / documenation for Gedshow. I know I need to use the right shortcode, but where? in a new post? page?
Any pointers you can give would be greatly appreciated – this looks like a good fit for what I am trying to do.
]]>Hi, i′m a german and my english is not good. But i try it in english. I install the gedshow plugin, I load my gedcom. This is ok. I have the Button with names in the site. But nothing happens when i click on the names-button. What or where is my mistake?
NBest regards Tim
I found an error that seems to pop up whenever I click on a regular individual page. I get to this page by going to these pages (which have not been created with shortcodes): “Surnames” >> “Individual Surname” >> “Individual Person.”
The following error appears over the individual’s facts table:
WordPress database error: [Table 'wordpress.wp_gedshow_photos' doesn't exist] SELECT * FROM wp_gedshow_photos WHERE indref LIKE 'P1'
I also tested to see if the error shows up when I create an individual’s page with a shortcode and it still does. I haven’t made any modifications to the WordPress database. I don’t have a link to share since I’m developing my site locally for now.
I initially installed the plugin with the default settings.
I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin with those same default settings, but the error still appears.
I love this plugin! However, is it possible to edit the individual pages that are generated from the plugin? I understand that I can use the shortcodes to create the surnames and individual family member pages, but if I wanted to add narrative content to an an individual family member’s page, would it be possible? Would it also be possible to add narrative content to an individual surname’s page?
I just wanted to test this plugin for my family website.
I installed and activated it.
When I want to upload my Gedcom file (test.ged), I get a security message : “Error uploading file: Sorry this kind of file is not allowed for security reasons.”
It seems to appear in WP 5.1.
Should I change a config somewhere to upload the file ?
Thanks in advance
I have several names with apostrophes in them — D’Amico, for example. It seems to be messing up the results when I click on a button:
And no individuals listed.
Is there a fix, or ?
Thanks so much. ??
]]>One user has reported a couple of issues with the person shortcode.
There is an issue with the Gutenberg editor and this shortcode (there are many reports of similar issues with other plugins and themes online). If you see the error whereby you cannot publish the page due to a JSON error then the current method to overcome this is to download the Classic Editor plugin and create the page using this editor instead of Gutenberg. Once the page is published you can then deactivate the Classic Editor plugin.
The second issue is even if you have entered the shortcode correctly it displays a blank page. This can be for two reasons
1: individual id entered incorrectly, you must use the full id displayed by the hover including any leading or trailing letters
2: Shortcode qualifiers do not like ‘fancy’ double quotes revert to normal double quotes or switch to normal single quotes
First – I am blown away by this plugin! I loaded it and it displays in the page and functions well. So easy. But I have also gotten an error message on the page. The message is: Warning: Illegal string offset ‘living’ in ………/wp-content/plugins/gedshow/gedshow_shortcode.php on line 35
I had added the [gedshow] short code. I also tried exporting the gedcom with privacy restrictions on and off.
I am using a Guttenberg editor running a child theme on Genesis framework. I tried adding the short code to an html block and a paragraph block. For each, I got the error code but it still displays well in the page (except for the error code).
I’m so happy to see the result but I would like to understand and correct the error message. Any ideas? And thank you!
Site temporarily open – eventually will be PW only access – TY
I’ve just given this a try and find that it doesn’t give me any information beyond the count of individuals.
Small (71 people) gedcom exported from FH using both export gedcom, and the Export Gedcom plugin.
In both cases UTF-8 was selected.
WordPress v5.3.2
PHP v7.3
Webpage:- https://www.quarlton.co.uk/gedshow-test/
Any suggestions gratefully received.
]]>If you update to this version you MUST re-import your gedcom file or the data will not be displayed this is due to database changes to handle the addition of living=”ye”s or living=”no” to the gedshow shortcode.
]]>Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.