It would be great if you’d update this plugin. With IE 10 coming out soon, it would be nice to also encourage users to upgrade past IE 9, which is still not fully CSS3 or standards compliant.
Plus, it would be great if the little pop-up didn’t suggest old versions of the “modern” browsers. Chrome is at version 18 now….
It would also be nice if there were some customization options such as what the main title says, what the body says, and maybe checkboxes to select which browsers you’d like to encourage them to use. I’d personally like to encourage them to update IE, or use Chrome, the rest just give to many options. If the point is really to get them away from IE 8 or prior, giving them 4+ options is just overwhelming for your average user. It would be nice to be able to say “Update IE (the browser you’re using now) to a more recent version here: …. or try out [browser of choice here] for an even better, faster, more secure browsing experience.” Something like that would be ideal.
]]>Such a great plugin but cant you just make it show for ANYBODY using ANY version if IE?
]]>perfect man!
Only one comment… it would be better if you made a clear css file for people to edit the code of the warning message
other than that … this is a perfect plugin… just tested it…
no more need to make css hacks for IE 6 and IE7 perfect man!!!!
If you indicate to notify below IE8 it ALSO displays Warning that IE 8 is out of date in IE 8.
Otherwise – a great plug-in for a professional site. Too bad I can’t use it ??