Hi team,
I got a message from one of the plugins I use that will need to be added to the vendor list in my GDPR plugin.
I checked the plugin settings and didn’t see a way to add a vendor. Is there a way to add vendors to the plugin?
is this plugin abandoned? it has not been updated for two years.
Any help would be very appreciated.
Thank you so much.
Best regards
]]>Hello. Thanks for great plugin.
But after some updates consent bar got to work really slow.
(click to Ok or cross and closed only after 4-5 seconds)
Can you please advice anything?
Hey! Happy Easter,
I hope you have been keeping well.
Can you please make this responsive as it covers almost whole page on mobile device which is will be causing a big problem with SEO.
Also please add CCPA, and ePrivacy compliant as well.
I look forward to your response.
Kindest Regards
Jay Vijay
I’ve just installed the plugin that seems great, but I have a little problem, it’s in English.
How to pass the texts in French please? (i agree, privacy preferences…)
i’m using [gdpr_preferences text=”Privacy Preferences”] shortcode to allow users to change their consent but once a user allow Google Analytics, when he rejects it through that button, Google Analytics cookies aren`t deleted…how can i fix it?
Thanks a lot for the amazing plugin. ??
Is there any chance you could patch things up to enqueue the gdpr-public.js script in the footer instead of the header? It would be a little more performance friendly, in the run for optimization.
For those who might be interested, I’m currently doing it that way :
* Move GDPR JS to footer
function move_gdpr_to_footer() {
wp_dequeue_script('gdpr' );
wp_deregister_script( 'gdpr' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'gdpr', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/libs/gdpr-public.js', array(), null, true );
'gdpr', 'GDPR', array(
'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
'logouturl' => is_user_logged_in() ? esc_url( wp_logout_url( home_url() ) ) : '',
'i18n' => array(
'aborting' => esc_html__( 'Aborting', 'gdpr' ),
'logging_out' => esc_html__( 'You are being logged out.', 'gdpr' ),
'continue' => esc_html__( 'Continue', 'gdpr' ),
'cancel' => esc_html__( 'Cancel', 'gdpr' ),
'ok' => esc_html__( 'OK', 'gdpr' ),
'close_account' => esc_html__( 'Close your account?', 'gdpr' ),
'close_account_warning' => esc_html__( 'Your account will be closed and all data will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Are you sure?', 'gdpr' ),
'are_you_sure' => esc_html__( 'Are you sure?', 'gdpr' ),
'policy_disagree' => esc_html__( 'By disagreeing you will no longer have access to our site and will be logged out.', 'gdpr' ),
'is_user_logged_in' => is_user_logged_in(),
'refresh' => get_option( 'gdpr_refresh_after_preferences_update', true ),
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'move_gdpr_to_footer' );
That change would be minim and would only require to change the last parameter from false to true in /public/class-gdpr-public.php on line 124.
Hi I have an issue, hopefully someone can give me insights on how to fix this behavior.
When ever I click on “Accept” the website scrolls back to the top of the page, I have the option “Refresh page after updating preferences:” deactivated as I need no reloading.
Any help will be very much appreciated.
Thanks all.
I don’t know if the developers are still responding at all, but I’m wondering if anyone has had any luck customizing the link colors via CSS. By default, the plugin sets the color of any links to #455561, which with a black background fails every contrast test.
This post —
— suggests ways to override the default style from your theme’s style.css.
Here’s the problem: Both the banner and the Privacy Preferences Center window appear to use the same style for links. Therefore, if you change the link color to provide adequate contrast against the dark background of the modal banner, it will be way too light in the Privacy Preferences window. If you make it dark enough to provide adequate contrast for the latter, it’ll be too dark for the banner.
Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing these? Ideally, I’d be able to style the link colors separately, but the gdpr-public.css code isn’t written that way and I don’t know how to fix that without hacking the plugin code.
]]>Dear developers, I run a busy site with a lot of activity and the size of gdpr_requests which is set to autoload upon installing the plugin is 2.7MB. That’s a lot of data for DB to pull with each click. Whereas my site serves on average 40 Million requests per day, the autoload on your plugin puts a lot of strain on the server resources. It is by far the highest of all autoloads – more than all the rest combined.
Thus I was wondering whether disabling autoload would cripple the plugin. Obviously, I want to remain compliant with the GDPR directives, so I need the ability to submit the deletion etc requests to work, I just don’t think it’s necessary for the plugin to draw 2.7MB of data out of the database with each click. I get maybe 2 or 3 GDPR requests a month so the plugin is one of the least busy ones, but puts more strain on the server than any other.
Please let me know whether it’s safe to turn autoload to NO in the database. Thank you.
]]>I am running latest version of GDPR plugin.
wordpress 5.4.2
My error logs are full of the following php warnings –
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gdpr/templates/privacy-preferences-modal.php on line 95
which is followed by –
reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in /xxx/xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gdpr/templates/privacy-preferences-modal.php on line 33
I have tried using the ‘ is_allowed_cookie( $cookie ) ‘ helper function to wrap code to block a cookie, I have experimented with a google gpt publisher tag snippet to see if I can get the helper function to work. The cookie is registered as an optional cookie under Advertising. What am I missing here?
Should the function not somehow be added to the functions.php file first and/or in a child theme?
What I have done looks like this:
if ( is_allowed_cookie( ‘CONSENT’ ) {
// Run my code and set the cookie.
<script async src=”https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/tag/js/gpt.js”></script>
window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []};
googletag.cmd.push(function() {
googletag.defineSlot(‘/21714798789/GE-Native-Bloc1’, [[250, 360], [300, 600], ‘fluid’], ‘div-gpt-ad-**********-0’).addService(googletag.pubads());
</script> (I blanked out the Ad number)
But i have tried it several different ways, with several different cookies that are set by that same script.
The Ad code with the wrap function is injected into the header of each chosen post/page via Ad-Inserter, a plugin for injecting ad code, or any code, into chosen posts/pages on a site. But that shouldn’t make any difference surely?
Clearly i am missing something, no?
]]>PHP Notice: Undefined variable: type in /wp-content/plugins/gdpr/templates/privacy-preferences-modal.php on line 87
Looks like you have a typo.
87 should be
<span><?php echo wp_kses( $gdpr_type['description'], $args['allowed_html'] ); ?></span>
<span><?php echo wp_kses( $type['description'], $args['allowed_html'] ); ?></span>
J’ai configuré le plugin”gdpr-wp.com Par Trew Knowledge” sur mon site WordPress.
Cependant, je l’ai testé avec https://www.cookiebot.com/fr/ qui me signale que mon site est NON CONFORME !
Par exemple : Cookie _ga : Bloqué(e)(s) jusqu’à l’acceptation de l’utilisateur: Non
Pouvez-vous m’aider à savoir où et comment rendre cela conforme à la législation RGPD (en Fran?ais) ?
]]>Dear support team,
unfortunately I am getting again this issue “We could not verify the security token. Please try again.” I’ve checked the older post about this issue, but could not find any solution so far.
Please inform how to solve this.
BR, Alex
Is there going to be support for the new CCPA rules (Californian Consumer Protection Act)?
Have tried a variety of other plugins but they are either overly complicated and/or don’t give the additional detail without purchasing to a premium version.
I would prefer to keep using this plugin as it works!
I have a small question. First, I understand, that enywhere could be a ready solution for this question – If yes, please give only a link to this topic.
I have installed GDPR, and everything works fine. The question is:
How does plugin GDPR “understand” what cookie is from, for exapmle: Google Analytics, Facebook or Hotjar? On Google Chrome I have found using inspect element cookies that are exists. And I have stopped here.
I think that have to put some text or code on “settings” of plugin. But i didn’t found answear what I have exactly to put? Which text/code have to paste to “settings”? (I’m using Google Analytics, Google Tab, Hotjar… and maybe someting more – maybe it will be helpfull information).
I will be grateful for help,
best regards, Simon
]]>Hi, I’m using your plugin alongside Autoptimize and Comet Cache. I have Google Analytics and a Facebook Pixel set in the non-necessary cookies. The initial consent works fine, but if the user brings up the banner again and revokes consent, the Analytics and FB Pixel are still loading after the page refreshes, until I clear the cache in admin, either in Comet Cache or Autoptimize (doesn’t matter which one). Do you know of any way I can stop this happening?
I’m not sure of the best place to ask this, I figured I’d start here as you may have had a similar request before though I couldn’t find much – I saw you had one support request concerning Comet Cache Pro but it was dealt with on your Pro forum and the solution wasn’t posted here.
Aside from that, thanks for the plugin, it really helped during the GDPR frenzy last year.
]]>Hi, sorry but I didn’t understand if the plugin includes Woocommerce support or not. Is all data created by Woocommerce plugin (customers, orders,…) handled by the plugin features? Thanks a lot.
]]>The plugin has not been updated for over a year, is untested with 5.2.2 and the last three releases?
If it has been abandoned I need to find an alternative for my various sites.
Can we have some information please Trew Knowledge?
I just discovered that the GDPR banner buttons on my sites have stopped working, at least in the latest version of Firefox (67.0.1) and Microsoft Edge. Clicking the “I Accept” button on the banner has no effect. The user can close the banner, but can’t accept it. If they bring up the Privacy Tools, they can view the settings, but not change them.
This is obviously a really big problem. Any idea what might be causing it?
]]>Our GDPR consultant moves criticism to the “Privacy Preferences” interactive option. Can I simply disable it?
Thank you
Hi I using GDPR plugin and it is great.
I need to translate emails which are send by plugin to my language. bu I don’t know how?. I translate all strings with Loco but I can’t translate emails content. How I do that?
I’ve just to install the plugin in my wordpress and now, in my forms I have two checkbox that the user has to check to submiut the form.
It works OK, but I the user has the checkbox blank, it show the error message:
This field is required.
I have been trying to find this message and translate to Spanish with the plugin LocoTranslate but I can’t find it. I have been searching in all plugins, themes, etc.
I have tried to use the this.setCustomValidity() to set the message but it doesnt work.
How can I translate the message?
Nice plugin. Worked fine so far until Woocommerce 3.6.1, i.e. the account registration checkbox in the Woocommerce checkout does not pop up anymore. Please check/update.
]]>I want to hide privacy & policy after the user accepts cookies
The on/off toggle switch is not working. Using the dev tools, I can see the class changing between checked and not checked, but visually no change occurs with the switch and it is always in the off position regardless of settings to be on. No errors show in the console. I have narrowed it down to a conflict with the theme I am using. When switching to twenty-nineteen theme the toggle works fine. I cannot find where the conflicting code is though. Could you please help with this? I would really like to use this plugin.
Theme= Motors by stylemix with motorcycle theme
I have to insert the questions of if i have consent to install the cookie. I know that the place is function.PHP, ando the code necessary.
But if muy theme is update, my changes will be lost. How can i avoid that situation.
Is for the plugin of ga analytics that insert the cookies in the code.
Thank you.
If i modify the funtion.php and, in the future, my wordpress theme is updated, my changes Will be Lost. How can i avoid losing It?
Thank you,
]]>If a non-registered user makes a comment on my website, the information in the plugin is not recorded.
I saw in an old post that you intended to implement it, but I see no changes in this regard.