Since the latest update 23 hours ago, my site generates multiple errors from the GDPR plugin, in the form Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in ...
– initial culprit is src/init.php, but if I fix those ones then it shifts to src/functions.php.
The errors all seem to stem from a json_decode line with no assoc
argument (and therefore returning an object) retrieving a cookie – on the next line the cookie is checked as an associative array, throwing the error.
E.g. init.php line 278:
$cookie = json_decode(base64_decode($_COOKIE['njt_gdpr_allow_permissions']), true);
return isset($cookie['cookie']);
Is this unique to my setup? (Have I perhaps got my PHP parser set up too strict?) or is this a breaking change for others?
]]>Hello plugin community!
We have just updated this GDPR Framework plugin add-on to be compatible with the latest version of WordPress and it has a fresh new logo!
In the future, if we aren’t getting it updated to the latest and greatest wordpress versions in a timely manner – please feel free to reach out to us via email, JIRA ticket or posting on this support board to remind us. We try to stay on top of these at least monthly.
Also if you ever have any questions, feedback or requests please let us know!
Did you see our similar CCPA tool yet?
]]>Hello ninja community!
We were slow in updating this add-on to the GDPR Framework plugin and certainly didn’t mean to be. In the future, if we aren’t getting the plugin updated to the latest and greatest wordpress versions in a timely manner, please feel free to reach out to us via email, JIRA ticket or posting on this support board to remind us.
Also if you ever have any questions, feedback or requests please let us know!
Look for a similar CCPA tool coming soon!
]]>This support forum is very quiet, but Data443 has been keeping an eye out for any questions or comments you may have since we took over. If you have any questions for support or even a suggestion for change, please submit a request on our Support Portal for fastest response – Thank you!