is there anyway i can make the gd star rating go sideways instead of donwards for example: or is there a shortcode i can insert to9 do so for the top 10 best rated votes 0only.
and can i add a thumbnail to the widgeds instead of just the star and name thank you
]]>dear all, i have problem to customize gd-star-ratings. by default gd-star-ratings display homepage post’s rating in left aligned, but i want to display its rating right aligned.
How to change gd-star-ratings align to right but only for homepage or index display?
thanks in advance.
Version 1.9.22
Non-static method GDSRDBMulti::get_multisets_for_auto_insert() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
FILE: /www/html/
LINE: 1476
CODE: 2048
This is the error that I am getting by using your plugin. Thought you ought to know.
]]>it is possible have in user profile a timeline of the votes cast?
thank you
Hi, I’ve got a little problem with this plugin.
I’m trying to create a custom search form which can filtr results by custom fields, everything works fine except GD Star Rating, I don’t know how can I get value from rates to include it in my search form. Can anybody help me ?
Does anyone know how to get view count number formatted with commas for hundreds and thousands?
]]>I can make a Top 5 post with a short code?
I recently moved my site to different hosting and just realized that my ratings are not showing up anymore. I’m still in the process of troubleshooting but if anyone can help me out and point me in the right direction, I sure would appreciate it. I’ve been working on it for a few hours now and haven’t had any success.
]]>I can’t find the plugin page.
I have built a custom post type for which I am using a template. I would like to integrate the following shortcode into my template php file so all posts of this specific type have a start rating.
The shortcode I want to integrate is [starratingmulti id=1 tpl=12]
I have read the manual and I know it can be done by wp_gdsr_render_multi but I don’t really know how the full exact php code should look
any help appreciated
I am using thumps in comments, So how can i preventing authors to vote for own comments ?
I would like to add the follow code above the gd ratings where it has the stars and thumps up and down, how can this be done?
By <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?>
First, congrats and thanks for an amazing plugin.
Now, I was wondering if I can display the results on any php page I like. More specifically, I would like the results to show on my phpBB3 forum.
I am using this theme: and I would like to show some rating results on the sidebar.
Can you please advise if that is possible and how to do it?
In case that helps, my blog is hosted on and the forum on
cheers and thanks in advance
]]>I’m having an issue with article ratings (multiratings to be exact) showing up twice on a post even though they are set to only show at the bottom.
My theme has custom fields which are used to create multiple tabs on my posts and the rating is popping up in the 1st and 3rd tabs.
This is causing a problem with google rich snippets and i’m getting an error about aggregate multiple ratings on my posts.
Anyone know how to correct this or is there a way just to disable the autoinsert of the rating and put a code somewhere so that i can control where the rating shows up?
I’m trying to do this:
if ( (wp_gdsr_render_article($template_id = 65)) == 5 ) { ?>
My function wp_gdsr_render_article($template_id = 65)
returns the number of votes of the current post.
But the “if” function is not working. Instead of the “if” function show “Done!”, the wp_gdsr_render_article
function is showing the number of votes. Is like the function wp_gdsr_render_article
were giving an “echo”.
I don′t know if I made ??myself clear because my english is terrible!
How can i do this check? Can someone help me?
]]>Hey mate, i love this plugin! ??
i am trying to hook to the rating action… what i got is this:
add_action( 'gdsr_vote_rating_article', 'ajax_gstarating_miniupdate'); // ajax for logged in users
function ajax_gstarating_miniupdate() {
$post_id = $_GET['vote_id'];
$vote = $_GET['vote_value'];
The problam is that when i use this the rating stars dont reapear after the vote… the ajax loading gif keeps returning… i tried to hook at a later point meaning:
add_action( 'gdsr_vote_rating_article', 'ajax_gstarating_miniupdate', 99);
But it stil doesnt help. Any ideas why this happens? how can i fix it?
When somebodyy vote on my website it do not show when the page is getting reloaded.
The website is
Can somebody help? ??
I used your plugin for few months and at begin when i search in google i found the “starts” above the link
But from some weeks i’ts not showed more
By example
Maybe you can tell me that i’m making bad?
i’m trying to setup a multi-rating block where users can see only options and empty stars before rating (without the coloured stars of the average, overlapped by the new one)
is there any template/param that could be used ?
]]>After i installed gd star Rating – there Comes an error on all posts:
Warning: debug_backtrace() has been disabled for security reasons in /var/www/web31/html/wp-content/plugins/gd-star-rating/gdragon/gd_functions.php on line 56 Warning: array_reverse() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/www/web31/html/wp-content/plugins/gd-star-rating/gdragon/gd_functions.php on line 59
Thx for help
I love the plugin but we seem to have a problem on our auction site. When a user votes for an item, it appears in the widget without problem.
But on the auction detail page, it is bringing forward a line of text at the bottom of the description that is related to an item that has been rated from a different auction
e.g. Breitling crosswind mens watch serviced, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating
Is there a way to remove this line of text from every auction page, especially as it is incorrect?
]]>How do i include rating into selected posts only?
Settings allow either auto insert code or no but not according to post type, for e.g. a category.
Is there any way to do that?
Is there any way to achieve this: when visitor tries to vote/rate a post, pop up is showing up with “log in or register” option?
Thanks in advance
I just found 3 STRICT errors in your plugin. I’m using the iCan Localization plugin and this plugin also checks for script errors in other plugins and themes. Pretty handy.
STRICT Error: [2048] Non-static method gdsrAdmFunc::init_uninstall() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/ on line 1324<br />
STRICT Error: [2048] Non-static method gdsrAdmFunc::init_templates() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/ on line 1325<br />
STRICT Error: [2048] Non-static method GDSRDBMulti::get_multis() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/ on line 1380
I’m using the plugin version 1.9.22 and the following PHP-Version:
PHP 5.4.4-14+deb7u7 (cli) (built: Dec 12 2013 08:42:07)
Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Zend Technologies
with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.4.4, Copyright (c) 2002-2013, by ionCube Ltd., and
with XCache v2.0.0, Copyright (c) 2005-2012, by mOo
I installed gd stra rating 2 mounths ago but it doesn’t show stars in SERP resuts of google of my posts.
I have already the google autorship image in the resuts and I’d like to show both: stars and autorship image. How can I do it?
My site is
Thanks a lot,
GD star not working on my mobile phone with compatible wordpress mobile theme. Is it compatible on mobile devices?
When i go to post, if there is more than one vote, i cannot click on the like/not like icons and stars, but if there is not votes it works, but only firs time.
hello looking for help on how to integrate the gd start ratings with userpro
here is the link to user pro—
where and how could this be possible
many thanks in advance
]]>Is it possible to show on a single post, a posts ranking with it’s category. I can see rankings in T2 templates but those show a list, but can’t seem to find a way to show just a particular single post ranking.
An example of what i want is on Trip Advisor where it says ranked #41 out of 499 (note that site isn’t built on wordpress)
]]>Hi MillanN,
as i known we need to use wp_head(); on top to load css and scripts from wordpress. But i never use wp_head function because it loads all the scripts in all pages and not in the pages we need it.
For example, for frontpage, home, and other static pages i dont use GD Star Rating. For that I placed the scripts manually in <head></head> depending the page.
Using Firebug PageSpeed(Network) I see GdStar Rating takes over 6-8seconds on render a simple starts,.. if we have about 10 stars rating, the page will take easily about 20 seconds to finish the render. This bad for SEO!
??What files are needed to correct use GDStarRating in specific pages???
<!-- css-->
<link rel='stylesheet' id='gdsr_style_main-css' href='https://localhost/;ver=1.9.22' type='text/css' media='all' />
<link rel='stylesheet' id='gdsr_style_xtra-css' href='https://localhost/' type='text/css' media='all' />
<!-- scrips -->
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://localhost/'></script>
? is there any problem using this method??
?can I place gdsr.js in bottom before </body>???
Thanks in advance.
]]>I have added GD star Ratings and put just the ratings for each article
I have then
Rating: 9.6/10 (50 votes cast)
TITLE, 9.6 out of 10 based on 50 ratings
how do I remove what i wrote in the strong text
How exactly in the system settings I remove this and will Google rich snippets keep working?