Hi, love the plugin, great work!
On the activity stream, the
%1$s earned the %2$s %3$s
string is currently not translatable �C if I change the string to anything else it stays in English. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
I am using this snippet provided by you to force BP displayed user, instead of user logged in.
`function my_prefix_replace_logged_in_user_by_buddypress_displayed_user( $out, $pairs, $atts ) {
// Just override user_id if current_user is set to yes and if we are on an BuddyPress user profile
if( bp_displayed_user_id() !== 0 && isset( $atts[‘current_user’] ) && $atts[‘current_user’] === ‘yes’ ) {
$out[‘user_id’] = bp_displayed_user_id();
// Force current user to “no” to prevent being overwritten after
$out[‘current_user’] = ‘no’;
return $out;
// Hook for [gamipress_achievements] shortcode and GamiPress: Achievements widget
add_filter( ‘shortcode_atts_gamipress_achievements’, ‘my_prefix_replace_logged_in_user_by_buddypress_displayed_user’, 10, 3 );
// Hook for [gamipress_points] shortcode and GamiPress: User Points widget
add_filter( ‘shortcode_atts_gamipress_points’, ‘my_prefix_replace_logged_in_user_by_buddypress_displayed_user’, 10, 3 );
// Hook for [gamipress_user_points] shortcode and GamiPress: User Points widget
add_filter( ‘shortcode_atts_gamipress_user_points’, ‘my_prefix_replace_logged_in_user_by_buddypress_displayed_user’, 10, 3 );
add_filter( ‘shortcode_atts_bpps_profile_avatar’, ‘my_prefix_replace_logged_in_user_by_buddypress_displayed_user’, 10, 3 );
add_filter( ‘shortcode_atts_bpps_profile_user_name’, ‘my_prefix_replace_logged_in_user_by_buddypress_displayed_user’, 10, 3 );
add_filter( ‘shortcode_atts_bpps_profile_displayname’, ‘my_prefix_replace_logged_in_user_by_buddypress_displayed_user’, 10, 3 );
It is working great for most shortcodes, except it won’t work for the for [bpps_profile_user_name] or [bpps_profile_displayname] shortcodes?
Any idea why is wont work for those in particular?
After I moved site from testing environment to an live site all the images are broken and clear cache does not help.
What do I do?
I’m trying to hide the user’s point awards in the buddypress activity stream. I found this code:
function bp_activity_do_not_save( $activity_object ) {
$exclude = array(
if( in_array( $activity_object->type, $exclude ) ) {
$activity_object->type = false;
add_action('bp_activity_before_save', 'bp_activity_do_not_save', 10, 1 );
I can’t figure out what slugs I need to add to the $exclude_array to prevent the points update. Thanks.
This plugin should has an option to display rewards in notification, like in stakeexchange and stakeoverflow.
Its possible to reward for changing profile picture, can you add condition for (delete profile avatar)
I want to discourage users deleting their profile avatar
Please can you add support for this plugin as i don not use friendship connections but follow connections
something similar to this https://mycred.me/code-snippets/custom-hook-bp-follow/
When the GamiPress – BuddyPress integration (Version 1.4.6) plugin is active then this buddypress loop
if ( bp_has_members( 'type=popular&max=1' ) ) :
while ( bp_members() ) : bp_the_member();
returns following code https://pastebin.com/F3QUNvBt
As you can see at the end there is anchor tag, and this is how it looks when I disable GamiPress – BuddyPress integration (Version 1.4.6) – https://pastebin.com/D0ppffee
WP 5.7.1
Buddypress 7.3.0
Gamipress 2.0.0
Theme twentytwentyone
Hello. I got this error when I installed the plugin.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function gamipress_is_network_wide_active() in /home/marsltdc/******wp-content/plugins/gamipress-buddypress-integration/gamipress-buddypress.php:141 Stack trace: #0 /home/marsltdc/********/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(292): GamiPress_BuddyPress::activate(”) #1 /home/marsltdc/nepoznatite.bg/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(316): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #2 /home/marsltdc/*********/wp-includes/plugin.php(484): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #3 /home/marsltdc/*********/wp-admin/plugins.php(193): do_action(‘activate_gamipr…’) #4 {main} thrown in /home/marsltdc/*********/wp-content/plugins/gamipress-buddypress-integration/gamipress-buddypress.php on line 141
What should I do after such a mistake?
Thank you.
No option to Automatic Points Deducts when user unfriend, without it users can misuse if we allow earning points for each friend request accept.
Two users can SPAM by removing and adding again and again friend request each others.
Please consider this as priority.
When a member earns a new badge – it’s showing in their activity feed/timeline – but it’s accompanied by a broken image with the src of “image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7”
It looks like this when I do view source:
<div class="activity-content">
<div class="activity-inner"><div id="gamipress-achievement-101232" class="gamipress-achievement user-has-earned">
<div class="gamipress-achievement-image"><a href="https://www.fanbolt.com/badges/new-member/" rel="nofollow"><img width="200" height="200" src="https://www.fanbolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Badge-New-Member-200x200.png" class=" gamipress-achievement-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="New Member Badge"><img width="200" height="200" src="image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" class=" gamipress-achievement-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="New Member Badge"></a></div>
<div class="gamipress-achievement-description"></div>
<div class="activity-state ">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="activity-state-likes">
<span class="like-text hint--bottom hint--medium hint--multiline" data-hint=""></span>
<span class="ac-state-separator">��</span>
<a href="#" class="activity-state-comments">
<span class="comments-count">
0 Comment </span>
How can I get rid of this?
Thank you!
]]>I’m currently using Gamipress with BuddyBoss and the BuddyBoss theme – is there a way that I can either add the ability to opt-out of emails to the Email Preferences page that BuddyBoss generates – or provide a link on the emails that go out to members – allowing them to opt-out of future emails?
may you have a look? I think there is a bug with the plugin. It is not working probery and it is not sending updates to the activity feeds. I cannot see the settings page in the Gamipress Settings -> Add-Ons anymore (while bbPress Settings are still there).
All the best,
A great plug.
However, I have a question.
There is an option that gives points for publishing a thread in the buddypress activity stream.
How to take a point if the activity is deleted?
I wanted to display badges of respective members on the member’s listing page. I tried using various shortcodes but I failed. Could you please guide me on this?
Hi Team,
We are using Buddypress and Youzer plugin and our goal is to pull each of these types of items �C Posts / Comments / Articles / Likes and get them to user email.
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me on this.
Thanks & regardsm
Kavya Patil
As it says above, nothing is showing despite the logs showing points are being awarded.
I set the points to display in “both”(profile tab and by username) as well as each location individually.
I am using on multisite, have woocommerce and buddypress integration, everything is up to date.
I am also using profile activity wall plugin, though deactivating does not change anything.
thanks for any help.
As it says above, nothing is showing despite the logs showing points are being awarded.
I set the points to display in “both”(profile tab and by username) as well as each location individually.
I am using on multisite, have woocommerce and buddypress integration, everything is up to date.
I am also using profile activity wall pluging though deactivating does not change anything.
thanks for any help.
Hi There, Thank you for the great plugin. How can I increase the size of the achievements thumbnail size?
]]>Exactly how integrated is Gamipress with Buddypress?
Is it possible to search members by their Gamipress achievements/ranks/points?
I allow the users to unlock next Rank using Points in the Widget. But within the BuddyPress user profile, I’m only able to include the current Ranks, but not to show in the same way.
Left -> BuddyPress profile. Right -> The Wideget
Is there any way to do it? Like adding the Widget inside the Profile or something?
]]>Hi Guys
I was under the impression that each group has its own leaderboard.
But it appears that the leaderboard in a group ranks according to site-wide points.
Is there a way to make the group leaderboard rank according to points from within the group only?
]]>Thanks for the plugin!
I have enabled an activity post whenever a member gets a badge but only the image of the badge shows up. There’s no text like “Username earned the xxx Badge”
How can I add text to this so that it has some context?
]]>Estoy intentando traducir al espa?ol el plugin con Loco Translate, pero no aparece ninguna de las traducciones que hago en la web. Lo estoy utilizando junto a BuddyBoss, por si sirve de algo el dato.
Un saludo y gracias.
]]>“GamiPress – BuddyPress integration requires GamiPress and BuddyPress in order to work. Please install and activate them.”
such issue i see at console
thank you
I use LearnDash, BuddyPress and SocialLearner theme + GammiPress with ByddyPress integration add-on. And there is a Buddy panel with menu links to the BuddyPress profile tabs in SocialLearner theme and that’s nice.
But when I’ve tried to add a link to the achievement tab (in WordPress Menu manager), I’ve met an issue: that link brings to the admin’s profile achievement tab – not the current user! It is very confusing. Could you help me, please?
See the screenshots here: https://imgur.com/a/vZWPTRg
]]>I am only able to access GamiPress through the main website on my Multisite network, and I cannot see it on the dashboard of the other websites.
Please help!
]]>points display does not appear to work out of the box with Youzer Buddypress plugin. i would hate to lose Gamipress for what i feel would be a really simple problem to solve. Any tips for me? Youzer is on Envato, not www.remarpro.com
]]>It seems to be currently impossible to sort users achievements in their buddypress profile by the date they achieved the achievement. You can do this on the gamipress user earned widget though.
It would be great if this could be done in a future update.
]]>hola! queria saber si este plugins es de pago? por que lo instale y no me figura!! muchas gracias por su tiempo!!