If you’re using the plugin and trying to update to PHP 8 you’ll start getting a deprecation notice:Required parameter $atts follows optional parameter $output
While this is harmless, it’s annoying as heck having it polluting your logs.
It’s unlikely that a plugin without updates for 5 years (thank you for all those great years of use for free) will get updated by the author.
There is an easy fix though. Go into the plugins main file
and add null placeholder values to the filter on line 87, change:
function gss_gallery_sc_filter( $output = '', $atts, $instance = '' ) {
function gss_gallery_sc_filter( $output = '', $atts = null, $instance = null ) {
This pattern to silence the deprecated notice will work elsewhere as well.
hello , is a way to add deeplink to gallery ?
]]>Hello creators,
In the embed.php file we have a security hole where applications are vulnerable to XSS attacks.
To solve this we only need to change
echo $ _GET [‘callback’]. ‘(‘. json_encode ($ output). ‘)’;
echo esc_html ($ _GET [‘callback’]). ‘(‘. json_encode ($ output). ‘)’;
We will be protected against such attacks.
Can we insert this in the next update?
Thank you very much
]]>I Have problems with the plugin sinds the update to WP 4.9.5.
Do you have a solution to this? The images are displayed under each other and not sliding.
Thanks a million.
We love the slideshow function of this plugin, but it would be wonderful if you could click on the images and get a lightbox view. We have tried a lot of lightbox plugins, but they don’t work if the GSS=”1″ code is in the gallery shortcode. Is there a way to make e.g. FooBox work with Gallery Slideshow?
]]>This issue wasn’t there before and I am sure it came up with the new version of WordPress.
When I add 2 images in the gallery the slider shows 4 items. Last two is blank, however I can see markup generated as 4 items.
(To plugin author: If you do not have time to manage this plugin. Consider providing me opportunity to adopt this plugin. I am interested to keep improving this plugin)
]]>Hello, i installed the plugin but the gallery doesn’t appear like your sample
]]>hello i have 3 gallery en same page, and the first gallery run good but the others no.
]]>If your make post with two or more galleries, something goes wrong. All slides from second and more galleries became moved to the first one. Solution is a name attribute for each gallery, but it’s not good, because Visual editor have no such field.
]]>This is a link to our dev environment.
When you load the page, the images flash all at once, and then disappear, and then finally show as a single slideshow. Any suggestions?
]]>0.(!!) convert all WP galleries to GSS without put GSS to shotrcode!!!!
1. alignment by center
2. light skin
3 yes/no preview
since the WP version 4.8.3 it is no longer possible to start a slideshow automatically. please fix it. Thank you
Is it possible to autoplay all slide shows without having to put in thr shortcode everytme I do a post (as it wont always be me doing it). I love this plugin and it has really integreated well into my clients website and this is just a small issue that would make a BIG difference.
]]>Hi, really need some help. All my images are now aligned to the left in posts. Not sure why but I suspect when the plugin updated.
]]>Since carrying out the update images are overflowing into content and are no longer being centred. Many thanks in advance
]]>Hello, I am working on an older site (Theme 2011) and updated the Gallery Slideshow. The images are now taking up the entire screen area, and are all sized differently. How do I adjust it so that the slideshow takes up 1 column only and the images are all set to a consistent width?
Thank you, S Jordan
]]>It’d be nice if Gallery Slideshow respected/implemented the existing Gallery setting for “Link to : Media File” (or whatever else one sets it to), and kept the links specified.
It’s also be great if you could add an option for adding a “rel” or link “class” for integrating with existing lightbox plugins.
]]>When I have mutiple slideshows on 1 post, the first slideshow shows the number of pictures within it is equal to the sum of all the slideshows on the page, but it will only display the images that have been setup in that gallery. When I click the next/previous buttons, it controls all the slideshows at the same time. It also only shows the title of the images in the first slideshow.
]]>Hi, is it posible to have vertically aligned images centered? so you get a little bit of white space on the top and a little at the bottom.
]]>On the main page, where all the posts appear, if more than one post has a slide show, the first slide show gets all the pictures of all the following slide shows, which remain empty.
To be precise, all the “o” links are added to the fist slide show, all the other slide shows don’t have the “o” links and also clicking on the arrows “<” “>” doesn’t work.
I see that you generate code with IDs:
<div id="gslideshow" class="gss-container no-captions">
<div id="gslideshow_pager" class="gss-pager">
This could be the problem, IDs must be unique in a document, but all the slide shows have the same ID
I would rate the plugin 5 stars, if this issue is resolved, at the moment with this issue the plugin is practically useless.
On my website, only the first image shows…
The plugin worked before.
]]>After the most recent WP update GSS stopped working in IE11. The website is canopy-world.com/accessories.
What other info do you need?
]]>With the changes below, the slideshow will respect the ‘size’ setting in the gallery shortcode, even for custom sizes.
diff -cb gallery-slideshow/gallery-slideshow.php gallery-slideshow-vk/gallery-slideshow.php
*** gallery-slideshow/gallery-slideshow.php 2016-07-12 18:28:56.000000000 +0200
--- gallery-slideshow-vk/gallery-slideshow.php 2016-12-30 11:42:26.496187957 +0100
*** 25,35 ****
wp_register_script( 'gss-custom-js', plugins_url( 'gss-custom.js' , __FILE__ ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'gss-custom-js' );
! extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'ids' => '', 'name' => 'gslideshow', 'style' => '', 'options' => '', 'carousel' => '' ), $atts ) );
if ( !function_exists('gss_html_output') ) {
require 'gss_html.php';
! $output = gss_html_output($ids,$name,$style,$options,$carousel);
return $output;
--- 25,35 ----
wp_register_script( 'gss-custom-js', plugins_url( 'gss-custom.js' , __FILE__ ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'gss-custom-js' );
! extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'ids' => '', 'name' => 'gslideshow', 'size' => 'full', 'style' => '', 'options' => '', 'carousel' => '' ), $atts ) );
if ( !function_exists('gss_html_output') ) {
require 'gss_html.php';
! $output = gss_html_output($ids,$name,$size,$style,$options,$carousel);
return $output;
diff -cb gallery-slideshow/gss_html.php gallery-slideshow-vk/gss_html.php
*** gallery-slideshow/gss_html.php 2014-04-11 14:54:14.000000000 +0200
--- gallery-slideshow-vk/gss_html.php 2016-12-30 11:39:51.282229298 +0100
*** 1,6 ****
! function gss_html_output($ids,$name,$style,$options,$carousel) {
$ids = explode( ',', $ids );
$slide_count = count($ids);
$options = html_entity_decode($options);
--- 1,6 ----
! function gss_html_output($ids,$name,$size,$style,$options,$carousel) {
$ids = explode( ',', $ids );
$slide_count = count($ids);
$options = html_entity_decode($options);
*** 14,20 ****
$pager = "\n\t\t\t<div id=\"" . $name . '_pager" class="gss-pager"></div>';
foreach( $ids as $image_id ){
$attachment = get_post( $image_id, 'ARRAY_A' );
! $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, 'full' );
$excerpt = htmlspecialchars($attachment['post_excerpt']);
$slides .= "\n\t\t\t<img src=\"$src[0]\" alt=\"$excerpt\" />\n";
if( !empty($carousel) ){
--- 14,20 ----
$pager = "\n\t\t\t<div id=\"" . $name . '_pager" class="gss-pager"></div>';
foreach( $ids as $image_id ){
$attachment = get_post( $image_id, 'ARRAY_A' );
! $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, $size );
$excerpt = htmlspecialchars($attachment['post_excerpt']);
$slides .= "\n\t\t\t<img src=\"$src[0]\" alt=\"$excerpt\" />\n";
if( !empty($carousel) ){
Sir, I am getting this error Warning: Missing argument 3 for gss_gallery_sc_filter()
How can I fix ?
I’ve created an image slideshow with captions on a blog post, but only the first image is showing and I’m not sure why. Any advice?
Link to test blog post: https://enablingvillage.sg/2016/12/07/test2/
– mootsg
]]>Hi there,
So I installed the Gallery Slideshow plug-in. Which is great btw!
I made a page with a carousel gallery with some pictures of tools. But the problem is that when I enable captions the gallery starts with a black screen. Also, the slideshow doesn’t start, and the gallery is shown much larger than with the captions turned off. You can see what it looks like, if you follow that link: https://cambridgelaan.com/gereedschap-lenen/
I have WordPress 4.6.1 and I’m using the Musica theme.
Here’s what I did:
[gss ids=”388,387,388,389,390,391,392,393,394,395,396,397″ options=”timeout=5000″ carousel=”fx=carousel” name=”inventaris gereedschap” style=”width:500px” ‘> .cycle-caption’]
If I remove this part: ‘> .cycle-caption’ the gallery works perfectly, however no captions are shown.
]]>Page with other settings, watermark for example don’t show. She is clear. And i can’t change size of watermark. Can anyone help me?
]]>Hello there and thank you for your work.
I put 2 galleries in the same page and the second one is not working correctly : https://www.arthurin.fr/retrospective-sur-mes-premiers-sites-internet#more-115
My guess is the plugin is not made to work with 2 slideshow on the same page (as you can see the control buttons for the first slider change the image of the second slider).
Could you fix it please ?
thank you for this very nice plugin!
I was wondering to use it also to display just a carousel..
Is it possible to hide the main slide and the pager and show only the carousel?
Thanks for this great plugin !
Just a question :
The option “center-horz” is working. Why the “center-vert” option doesn’t?
I would like to verticaly center the images.
Best regards,