Hi, I noticed this while troubleshooting site issues, not sure if it’s related to my site problem, but thought you should know about it to fix it.
PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Meow_MGCL_Linker::$core is deprecated in /home/xxxx/xx.com/xxnew/wp-content/plugins/gallery-custom-links/classes/linker.php on line 6
It’s been a long time since I’ve requested a feature, but there is still not much customization available in this plug-in. I am wondering what I can do to restrict this plug-in to only process images used in Image Blocks and Gallery Blocks provided by WordPress, but NOT third-party gallery blocks such as Simply Gallery, etc.
Currently, it seems to be customizing links for all occurrences of an <IMG> html tag. How do I change this behavior?
]]>My PHP error log has many warnings of this form:
[php:warn] [pid 10891] [client xxx.xxx.2.170:62673] PHP Warning: Constant HDOM_INFO_OUTER already defined in /srv/www/www/www1/wp-content/plugins/gallery-custom-links/vendor/kub-at/php-simple-html-dom-parser/src/KubAT/PhpSimple/lib/simple_html_dom.php on line 41
The same kind of warning message appears in a burst for various other constants defined in simple_html_dom.php.
My site uses another plugin that also vendors in the simple_html_dom.php file. The version in that other plugin is careful to define the constants only if they have not already been defined. But it seems to be loaded first, and so when gallery-custom-links loads those constants are already defined and the warning messages result.
Perhaps whatever you use that ultimately vendors in that simple_html_dom.php file could be updated to a newer version that won’t redefine those constants if already set? I’ve patched my local copy to do that.
Gallery Custom Links 2.1.8
WordPress 6.4.3
PHP 8.2.16
]]>I read your support page regarding using filters to disable this plugin for specific pages or posts, but I wish there was a way to specify an image or gallery instead, either by using CSS or some other keyword / setting for that specific block. If you can provide a solution here, or implement this option in a future release, I would appreciate it.
I saw filter you wrote for using it specific classes. Is there a way to write this so that it AVOIDS a specific class? This might work for me in the interim.
Thank you! I can see this plug-in becoming very useful for websites that want to obfuscate or redirect to premium content.
]]>Hi. There is a feature none of the Gallery apps I have installed has.
WordPress is installed in [www.] URL [.com]
CDN is located at [www.] cdn [.com]
I insert a Gallery block into my wordpress blank page.
I click on the Gallery Icon, and I select “Create External Gallery” button.
I select how many columns/layout. Thumbnail sizes.
A text field allows me to copy/paste: [www] cdn. [com]/image1.jpg
I click the + sign to add a new text field.
Copy/paste: [www.] cdn [.com]/image2.jpg
Maybe a option to type how many text fields for URLs I wish to add so I don’t have to press the + sign 50 times if I’m gonna add 50 images.
None of the images linked in the gallery are ever stored in [www.] URL [.com]
All images shown in the WordPress Gallery are stored exclusively at [www.] cdn [.com]
The WordPress Gallery addon simply stores the URL data, sets the layout appearance of the gallery, etc.
]]>Hi, Can you please add support for use with the Elementor Gallery.
Thank you.
]]>Hi…. Just passing along some feedback. I’m using the plugin in a footer widget to show 5 company logos with an external link on each. We have a clean WP 6.3.1 install running PHP 8.1.
With your plugin active, the site simply hangs and will not load (timeout). As soon as I deactivate the plugin it is fine – the page loads no problem – logos are there but there no active link on them (as expected). This is 100 % repeatable and the issue is most definitely linked to the plugin. Here is the error log dump, with websites hidden. See the php error at the end from the server log.
I hope this helps. For now I can run the site without the plugin active but it would be nice to have active links on these logos.
mysite.ch [Mon Oct 02 10:33:37.348222 2023] [fastcgi:error] [pid 19428:tid 139742515549952] [client 2a02:121e:3f25::1:7:0] FastCGI: server “/home/clients/f1c593b4ff0f9e6e4d5105fc6bca6e8d/.config/apache/mysite.ch/.fpm/php5.external” stderr: PHP message: Linker: Found Media 22 (URL: https://www.companylink1.com)PHP message: Linker: Will embed the IMG tag. PHP message: Linker: Found Media 18 (URL: https://www.companylink2.com)PHP message: Linker: Will embed the IMG tag. PHP message: Linker: Found Media 21 (URL: https://www.companylink3.com)PHP message: Linker: Will embed the IMG tag. PHP message: Linker: Found Media 19 (URL: https://www.companylink4.com) PHP message: Linker: Will embed the IMG tag. PHP message: Linker: Found Media 20 (URL: https://www.companylink5.com/) PHP message: Linker: Will embed the IMG tag.
PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in /home/clients/f1c593b4ff0f9e6e4d5105fc6bca6e8d/sites/mysite.ch/wp/wp-content/plugins/gallery-custom-links/classes/core.php on line 225, referer https://mysite.ch/wp/wp-admin/plugins.php?plugin_status=all&paged=1&s
I’m using Gallery Custom Links version 2.1.7 with several WordPress websites. Since this latest update, the plugin no longer works correctly.
On one of my websites (https://www.thirdshift3.com/2023/09/21/discovering-the-perfect-vintage-and-antique-piece-to-add-vintage-charm-to-your-home/) when you click on an image, it first opens the image into the Attachment Page, and THEN if you click the image again, it opens in the external URL I set with the plugin.
On another of my websites (using a different theme) (https://www.jaydeemahs.com/shop-fun-finds-for-you-and-your-home-roundup-149/) when you click on an image, it opens the external URL in a new tab, as I set with the plugin, but when you close that tab to return to the website, the image appears on the website – covering the website – so you have to click off the image to return to the website.
Prior to this update, when you clicked a gallery image, the click went directly to the external URL in a new tab, as set with the Gallery Custom Links plugin.
I am using the latest update of WordPress on both of these websites, and the latest update of the Classic Editor.
Any ideas how to get this plugin to work properly again?
]]>gallery link not working. The photo just enlarge when i click on it, it suppossed to open the link which has worked for years…
I am using Versie 5.0.0 meow gallery, Versie 2.1.6?Gallery Custom Links,OceanWP Versie: 3.5.0
php errors: /plugins/gallery-custom-links/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php on line 582
Could someone please help me?
]]>The latest version of your plugin (2.1.6) seems to have a problem when linking to a new tab. When switching back to the original tab, a lightbox appears with an error message saying the image can’t be found. Together with the overlay, it obscures the entire webpage. Of course you can get out of it, but it does make it confusing and a little untidy for the user. Reverting back to the previous version (2.1.0) allows it to work again.
I would like to create a gallery where when you click on a photo a different image will appear inside lightbox. Not in a new window.
Is it possible in this tool?
I’d like to know if there is anything you can do to help? I was using your plugin but it was the reason why my website wouldn’t work or would be so very slowed down. THanks for helping
Link doesn’t work [Flatsome – Theme / UX Builder]
WordPress 6.2.2 – Integrated gallery of template
]]>How to add a custom prompt into AI Engine for generating articles?
]]>Hi i was wondering if it was possible to disable the click and drag feature because it doesn’t work well when trying to click on a slideshow gallery. (ie. I would try to click on the image but sometimes it would drag instead or just be inconsistent.)
]]>Hi, since a few months the custom links are not working anymore. I have this issue with the Tiled gallery by Jetpack.
It’s about the galleries on these 2 pages:
My theme is Blossom Travel.
Please advice on how to fix this.
Best regards
I am using theme Freesia photography website for my own photography website. I wanted to create custom URL for my images when clicked so I contacted their team and they told me to use your plugin. After using your plugin I am able to create custom links for my images but now I am facing the following issue.
I have the following problem with inserting custom links in galleries:
when I try to insert a link into a gallery image, this link is not saved. In the attached image I show what I mean.
WordPress version 6.1.1
Theme: Neve
I have not found anything in the php logs.
This happens when using the standard gallery, and also when using the meow gallery.
Can someone point me to the reason?
let me know if you need additional info ??
We have noticed a few days ago the custom gallery image links on our website pages are not working only on the English website.
On English websites, WordPress and all plugins are updated to the latest version but in our Chinese and Indonesian website versions elementor pro is not the latest version, these custom gallery image links are working fine.
En: https://gleematic.com/our-customers/
Ch: https://gleematic.com/chinese/wo-men-de-ke-hu/
Ind: https://gleematic.com/indonesia/pelanggan-kami/
Can you please help with this?
See issue here: https://mrswintersbliss.com/product/1st-grade-spelling-assessments-word-lists-editable/
]]>This was working on the 9th, but stopped by the 19th.
I have made a copy of my WP website, and disable all plugins except for your plugin. I have changed themes to “Twenty twenty-two”.
We are using the original classic WordPress Gallery (not Gutenberg).
You can see in the page, that the default WP gallery is showing up, but clicking on each image links to the image (I have tested the gallery settings set to attachment page, image and none).
Every image is set to have it’s own custom link, but doesn’t seem to be connecting correctly, so the default gallery settings are in effect.
Here’s an example:
`Required fields are marked *
Link URL – /staff/jay-lee/
Link Target – Same page
Am I doing something wrong here?
Thank you,
this pluging is perfect. but not working in Amp pages. i use AMP for WP Pluging. How can i use Gallery Custom Links pluging in amp pages?
the last update of the plugin did not work and has hung.
Therefore I deactivated and deleted it and downloaded it again. After activating, I noticed that
– the setting page is blank
– in stead of the dashboard there is an empty page
I wonder if the settings are still sored from the old version, but I could not find any relevant file.
How can I get the complete plugin again?
Thank you for your answer.
hello good when I deactivate the plugin this error disappears
Hello Jordy,
first thank you for these great plug ins.
I have one question.
the links are working in the default wordpress galery.
But what not works fine ist that I have installed wpml for three languages.
Now the links can only be set to one language page.
do you have a suggestion how I can solve this problem without making on each site a galery with new images for each language.
Thank you
Hi Jordy,
Would you be open to adding a parameter that defines which user roles can access the link fields?
]]>Hi there!
I’m using the Image Carousel widget in Elementor using their Hello theme because I like the caption and gallery format. However, images aren’t clickable in the carousal.
This widget has an option for “media file” or “custom” links, but the whole gallery must go to one link. I tried to disable their link since I thought the images themselves would be clickable, but they aren’t in this particular widget.
These images are clickable when inserted as a regular image and such, just not in this image carousal.
Can you help me figure out what’s going on?
https://www.twilitmuse.com > book releases or https://www.twilitmuse.com/book-releases and you can see the carousal galleries there that do not link.
Hello, about 10% of my images have no links when I try to click on them. If I deactivate CDN in the W3 Total Cache plugin, all gallery links are working fine. Also, with the Meow gallery plugin, all links are working fine. If the images are inside the content, the links are also working fine. There is only problem in the default WordPress gallery, with CDN active. I have tried switching to different PHP versions and deactivating some plugins, but the problem persists. Can you please help with this issue? Thanks a lot!
]]>Hi There, we seem to be getting this error thrown on our site since updating to WP6
Does this ring a bell? Where would be the best place to start?
KILLED QUERY (28573 characters long generated in …/plugins/gallery-custom-links/classes/core.php:114)
Many thanks for any guidance.
The plugin works for images but it does not work for images in Gallery [ Elementor ]
I want to make a Gallery but each picture has a link..But sadly it is not working
How can I fix this?