is their any solution for making the pop-up responsive on mobile phones because i adjusted the width and height but it didn’t solve the problem.
]]>Hi, I’m new to inserting code into themes and because the site I’m working on bolivares.com needs the videowall on the home page only and there’s no place to insert a shortcode, I need to put it in the template. But where? I need some step-by-step instructions I can work with to pull this off. In case it’s of any help, the theme we’re using is a customized Max Magazine, and they want the video wall to replace the existing Meteor-slides slider (which evidently was installed the same way, so I don’t know how to remove that, either!), arranged so it will look like it does in this site: maestroknows.com I hope to have this worked out this weekend if anyone can help me. Thanks so much!
]]>Getting array slice error.
added echos and uncommented debug statements in fw-vimeo-videowall/fw-vimeo-videowall.class.php
` public function get_datas() {
echo $this->api_endpoint;
echo ” end of api_endopoint \n “;$endpoint_req = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get($this->api_endpoint));
echo wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get($this->api_endpoint));
echo ” END OF wp_remote_retrieve_body \n “;echo $endpoint_req;
echo ” end of endpoint Request \n “;$videos = json_decode($endpoint_req );
echo ” end of $videos \n “;$video_details = array();
//$nb = $this->vsource == ‘video’ ? 1 : $this->vperpage;
//$this->vnumber = $this->vnumber == 0 ? $nb : $this->vnumber;
if ($this->vnumber != false ) {/* for ($i=0; $i < $this->vperpage; $i++) {
if ($i == $nb) { break; }
$videos_details [] = $videos[$i];}*/
if ($this->vnumber <= 20) {
echo ‘vnumber = ‘, $this->vnumber, “\n”, ‘videos = ‘, $videos, “\n”;
$videos = array_slice($videos,0, $this->vnumber);
do {
$videos_details [] = $videos[$i];
while (isset($videos[$i]));
return $videos_details;
Output is:
https://vimeo.com/api/v2/channel/eyeonbethel/videos.json?page=1 end of api_endopoint END OF wp_remote_retrieve_body end of endpoint Request end of vnumber = 3 videos =
Warning: array_slice() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in <path to root>/html/bethelRepublicansWP/wp-content/plugins/fw-vimeo-videowall/fw-vimeo-videowall.class.php on line 480
Taking the widget off because it looks bad on a production site.
Tried removing and resinstalling fw_vimeo_videowall, no change.
]]>Thank you for this great plugin. Compatible with W3C and WP3.3 . Exactly what I’m looking for…
]]>The video wont play when I click to open the video from the sidebar in the ajax window.
Tried in another blog too, still happens. Flash wont show. A vimeo issue?
Pagination works only untill page-3, after that it shows blank pages.
Otherwise it is a great plugin, improved version of what you can do with a vimeo badge.
If author can fix this, it would be great.
Tried using this plugin but only code displayed in sidebar, not videos.
]]>I’d love to use the plugin – it seems like such a good idea. Too bad it doesn’t work. Here’s the error I’m gettingL
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /nfs/c07/h01/mnt/99152/domains/hands.org/html/wp-content/plugins/fw-vimeo-videowall/fw-vimeo-videowall.class.php on line 8
I was unsuccessfully trying through css to get a play button on hover to display over the thumbnail. Any ideas on how to do this?
]]>Plugin works until the third page of paginator, then no videos appear:
Trying to pull in a channel with several hundred videos, only the first three pages contain videos. All subsequent pages are empty…