Now that the latest Gutenberg is going to save preferences to the database, do you think you will extend this plugin to support cloning Gutenberg preferences/options across users? This is such an important plugin in my workflow. I wish I could set it up so that any changes I make to my profile persisted to all users.
]]>Does this need to stay activated to continue to work or can it be deactivated after you have run the script?
Thank you for this great application, it worked for us!
]]>After activation, on wp-login.php and user register process is starting:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_editable_roles() in …\wp-content\plugins\fv-clone-screen-options\fv-screen-options.php on line 53
Hope this could be solved!
]]>Hey FolioVision,
I currently have removed the screen options drop down from all users except those who are admin. Sometimes though, a theme or plugin will add items in the Screen Options dropdown that will appear on the Dashboard by default for all users. I do not want that.
Can I use this plugin to say, create a user, set the Screen Options I want for ALL users in that new user and apply it to everyone? I dont care if admin gets initially set/limited also bc they still have access to the Screen Options and can add stuff back in.
In addition, this questions came about because certain fields/columns in the WooCommerce pages, e.g. Orders page, are not shown for those below Admin. I would like to make those columns show and then limit/remove the Screen Options from the users [again].
]]>Will this plugin work with multisite installation? Would like to have a global settings to control screen options for all subsites.
]]>Everything worked like a charm, except another plugin had created a custom metabox. I had changed its location. It was the only thing that did not clone. It was created using the Types plugin. Could be a conflict on their end as well.
This sounds like a great plugin, but I cant get it working with WP 4.3.1
I have a clean install with no other plugins installed.
]]>Hello there and thanks for this fine plugin. I wondered if you could add support for viewing and editing WooCommerce products? That would be outstanding!
]]>had a auto update today and the clone is not longer working ??
]]>The plugin says it is compatible with version 3.0, but uses functions that are deprecated for WordPress 3+ – get_usermeta and update_usermeta.
Also note that it adds tons of options to wp_options, but does no clean up on uninstall. You need to manually delete the options. This is a shame, b/c both the deprecated code and creating a clean uninstall would be very easy to fix.
However, the worst part was that it creates errors in WP, b/c it apparently incorrectly writes some data to wp_usermeta, which then creates problems in wp-includes/functions with get_all_user_settings(). The problem continues even after removing the plugin and all entries it created in wp_options. Run the plugin (on a backup, offline copy of a site) with define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); in wp-config.php and you will see all the errors it throws (dozens for each user in your database when you clone, several on every admin page in your site even after you’ve removed the plugin and manually cleaned up all the options it leaves behind).
I deactivated all plugins, replaced all core code with fresh copies, etc. before I finally tracked it down. I had to delete a bunch of settings in wp_usermeta, which this plugin had changed when it ‘cloned’ settings for a user. Once I removed those settings, the site was back to normal (so!!! glad it was an off-line test site).
]]>Changes permanent. Won’t stop working after uninstall.