День добрый. Вот такой sql:
Sending data Select if(length(tt.algs_raw) > 0, tt.algs_raw, “0”) algs,
sum(if (((inx.force_rebuild = 0) and (inx.build_time != 0)) or (isnull(tt.ID)), 1, 0)) n_indexed,
sum(if (inx.rules_idset = if(length(tt.algs_raw) > 0, tt.algs_raw, “0”), 1, 0)) n_actual,
sum(if ((((inx.force_rebuild = 0) and (inx.build_time != 0)) or (isnull(tt.ID))) and (inx.rules_idset <> if(length(tt.algs_raw) > 0,
создает 30-40 одновременных запросов к базе, что приводит к 100% загрузке всех 8 ядер/16 потоков на время от 2 до 30 секунд. Соответственно в это время сайт серьезно тормозит.
Вряд ли одно с другим связано но:
в лог php сыпется:
[11-Nov-2024 07:05:01] WARNING: [pool www-php83] child 3890119 said into stderr: “NOTICE: PHP message: Ошибка перепланировки события Cron для хука wpfts_indexer_event, код ошибки: invalid_schedule, сообщение об ошибке: Планировщик событий не существует., данные: {“schedule”:”wpfts_each_minute”,”args”:[],”interval”:60}”
[11-Nov-2024 07:05:02] WARNING: [pool www-php83] child 3890119 said into stderr: “NOTICE: PHP message: Ошибка перепланировки события Cron для хука wpfts_log_clean, код ошибки: invalid_schedule, сообщение об ошибке: Планировщик событий не существует., данные: {“schedule”:”wpfts_each_hour”,”args”:[],”interval”:3600}”
I am currently using FiboSearch premium version,
I wonder if this plugin will increase the search speed?
I am very worried about that, because I am not a specialist, so the feeling is very difficult
Подскажите, как сделать поиск по записям определённой рубрики?
]]>We are PRO users and have paid for several years out for support. We have had a ticket in for 3 days (live chat is not live, just leave a message) and have received no response at all. We upgraded to the newest version of the plugin. The search now returns zero results and there is an error message: Important warning: There are currently?1?entries in the search index that do not meet the?indexing rules. You should run a partial index upgrade on these entries to resolve this warning. We tried upgrading, but the upgrade stuck at 0.28% for 2 days. This morning I paused the upgrade and instead selected to rebuild the index. Now we are stuck at 37.7%.
Debug log: [07-Aug-2024 14:55:02 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func_array(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, class WPFTS_Addon_File_Search does not have a method “get_attachment_content” in /var/www/wckyhistory-genealogy.org/htdocs/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:324
]]>Ищу – День ВДВ
Результат: все что угодно кроме нужного.
"where": " AND ( \n ( wp_postmeta.meta_key = '_elementor_template_type' AND wp_postmeta.meta_value = 'floating-buttons' )\n) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'e-floating-buttons' AND ((wp_posts.post_status <> 'trash' AND wp_posts.post_status <> 'auto-draft'))",
"groupby": "wp_posts.ID",
"join": " INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON ( wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id )",
"orderby": "wp_posts.post_date DESC",
"distinct": "",
"fields": "wp_posts.*",
"limits": "LIMIT 0, 1"
"where": " and (((1))) and (wpftsi_t.relev > 0) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post' AND ((wp_posts.post_status = 'publish'))",
"groupby": "",
"join": "\r\n\t\t\t\tinner join ( \r\n\t\t\t\t\tselect \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfi.tid, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt_end.relev \r\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom wpftsi_index fi \r\n\t\t\t\t\tstraight_join ( \t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tSELECT \r\n\t\t\t\t\ttbase.index_id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tsum(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(tbase.n < 1,0,trel.pow + (trel.res / LOG(tbase.n + 1)) / 627.548283905208) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t+ if(isnull(t3.id) or (t3.n < 1),0, (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tt3.pow + (t3.res / LOG(t3.n + 1)) / 627.548283905208\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) * (case tbase.token when \"post_title\" then 0.9 when \"post_content\" then 0.5 when \"post_excerpt\" then 0.4 else 1 end) / (5))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) * (case tbase.token when \"post_title\" then 0.9 when \"post_content\" then 0.5 when \"post_excerpt\" then 0.4 else 1 end) / (5)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t) relev\r\n\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\t\twpftsi_tp trel\r\n\t\t\tSTRAIGHT_JOIN \r\n\t\t\t\twpftsi_docs tbase\r\n\t\t\t\tON (trel.did = tbase.id)\r\n\t\t\tSTRAIGHT_JOIN \r\n\t\t\t\twpftsi_index tindex\r\n\t\t\t\tON tindex.id = tbase.index_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN (\r\n\t\t\t\tSELECT \r\n\t\t\t\t\tdt.p_tid,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tdt.p_tsrc,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tdt.p_token,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tt2.id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tt2.token AS token2,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tt2.n AS n2,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tt2.index_id AS index_id2,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tt2.pow,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tt2.res,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tt2.n\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\t\t\twpftsi_doctree AS dt\r\n\t\t\t\tSTRAIGHT_JOIN (\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttbase.id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttbase.n,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttrel.did,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttrel.res,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttrel.pow,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttindex.tid,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttindex.tsrc,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttindex.id AS index_id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttbase.token\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twpftsi_tp trel\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSTRAIGHT_JOIN \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twpftsi_docs AS tbase\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tON (trel.did = tbase.id)\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSTRAIGHT_JOIN \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twpftsi_index AS tindex\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tON tindex.id = tbase.index_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere 1 and (trel.q_id = \"6351\")\r\n\t\t\t\t) AS t2 \r\n\t\t\t\tON t2.tid = dt.c_tid AND t2.tsrc = dt.c_tsrc AND t2.token = dt.c_token\r\n\t\t\t) AS t3 \r\n\t\t\tON tindex.tid = t3.p_tid AND tindex.tsrc = t3.p_tsrc AND tbase.token = t3.p_token\r\n\t\t\twhere 1 and (trel.q_id = \"6351\")\r\n\t\t\t\tgroup by tbase.index_id\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY NULL\r\n\t\t\t) t_end \r\n\t\t\ton t_end.index_id = fi.id \r\n\t\torder by null\r\n\t) wpftsi_t \r\n\t\ton wpftsi_t.tid = wp_posts.ID \r\n\t\t\t\t ",
"orderby": "wp_posts.post_date DESC",
"distinct": "",
"fields": "wp_posts.ID, wpftsi_t.relev ",
"limits": "LIMIT 0, 25"
I recently purchased the Pro version of this plugin (WordPress Fulltext Search Pro) with a two year license. I tried seeking support via the live chat tool and Contact Us page on fulltextsearch.org while logged into my account without receiving any response.
Per the description provided on www.remarpro.com, the Pro version of this plugin includes “Regular automatic updates (it works the same way as WP repository updates)”. On fulltextsearch.org the Pro plugin is shown to receive “All Updates”. However, the current version of the plugin available for download under the Downloads & Keys page when logged into fulltextsearch.org after purchasing a license key is 2.46.180. The 7-day trial version of the Pro plugin available for download is 2.49.200 prior to purchasing a license key. Version 2.46.180 appears to be 3 years old according to www.remarpro.com.
How can I obtain the latest version of the Pro plugin (is this version 2.46.180, 2.49.200, or something else?) and how do I enable auto-updates for this plugin within WordPress? There does not appear to be any way to enable auto-updates within the WordPress plugins pane, as is possible for other plugins. Manually checking for updates and manually updating the plugin on a regular basis will be challenging.
I am concerned that a lack of updates to the Pro version of this plugin will result in an insecure plugin and one that will eventually cease functioning as WordPress continues to be updated.
Thanks for your assistance.
]]>I have this file created by the plugin “wpftsi_qlog.ibd” that is 40GB is size the problem is that is getting bigger and bigger and soon i will run out of space on my vps. How can i reduce that file size? Also, since it has log in its name is it safe to delete it since i assume is a log file?
I was looking at my PHP error.log file and noticed quite a few entries like these:
[04-Jul-2024 12:34:47 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate entry '1022765-wp_posts' for key 'tid_tsrc_unique' for query insert into
) values ("1022765", "wp_posts", "1970-01-01 00:00:00", 0, "1970-01-01 00:00:00", 1, "1970-01-01 00:00:00"), ("1022764", "wp_posts", "1970-01-01 00:00:00", 0, "1970-01-01 00:00:00", 1, "1970-01-01 00:00:00") made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), wp, WP->main, WP->parse_request, do_action_ref_array('parse_request'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, rest_api_loaded, WP_REST_Server->serve_request, WP_REST_Server->dispatch, WP_REST_Server->respond_to_request, WP_REST_Posts_Controller->update_item, wp_after_insert_post, do_action('wp_after_insert_post'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wp_save_post_revision_on_insert, wp_save_post_revision, _wp_put_post_revision, wp_insert_post, do_action('save_post'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wpfts_save_post_action, wpfts_post_reindex, WPFTS_Core->MakePostsSync, WPFTS_DB->query
[04-Jul-2024 12:35:10 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate entry '1022766-wp_posts' for key 'tid_tsrc_unique' for query insert intowpftsi_index
) values ("1022766", "wp_posts", "1970-01-01 00:00:00", 0, "1970-01-01 00:00:00", 1, "1970-01-01 00:00:00") made by edit_post, wp_update_post, wp_insert_post, do_action('save_post'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wpfts_save_post_action, wpfts_post_reindex, WPFTS_Core->MakePostsSync, WPFTS_DB->query
[04-Jul-2024 12:51:40 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate entry '1022771-wp_posts' for key 'tid_tsrc_unique' for query insert intowpftsi_index
) values ("1022771", "wp_posts", "1970-01-01 00:00:00", 0, "1970-01-01 00:00:00", 1, "1970-01-01 00:00:00") made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), wp, WP->main, WP->parse_request, do_action_ref_array('parse_request'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, rest_api_loaded, WP_REST_Server->serve_request, WP_REST_Server->dispatch, WP_REST_Server->respond_to_request, WP_REST_Posts_Controller->update_item, wp_after_insert_post, do_action('wp_after_insert_post'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wp_save_post_revision_on_insert, wp_save_post_revision, _wp_put_post_revision, wp_insert_post, do_action('save_post'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wpfts_save_post_action, wpfts_post_reindex, WPFTS_Core->MakePostsSync, WPFTS_DB->query
[04-Jul-2024 14:38:01 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate entry '1022797-wp_posts' for key 'tid_tsrc_unique' for query insert intowpftsi_index
) values ("1022797", "wp_posts", "1970-01-01 00:00:00", 0, "1970-01-01 00:00:00", 1, "1970-01-01 00:00:00") made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), wp, WP->main, WP->parse_request, do_action_ref_array('parse_request'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, rest_api_loaded, WP_REST_Server->serve_request, WP_REST_Server->dispatch, WP_REST_Server->respond_to_request, WP_REST_Autosaves_Controller->create_item, WP_REST_Autosaves_Controller->create_post_autosave, _wp_put_post_revision, wp_insert_post, do_action('save_post'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wpfts_save_post_action, wpfts_post_reindex, WPFTS_Core->MakePostsSync, WPFTS_DB->query
[04-Jul-2024 14:43:00 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate entry '1022800-wp_posts' for key 'tid_tsrc_unique' for query insert intowpftsi_index
) values ("1022800", "wp_posts", "1970-01-01 00:00:00", 0, "1970-01-01 00:00:00", 1, "1970-01-01 00:00:00") made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), wp, WP->main, WP->parse_request, do_action_ref_array('parse_request'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, rest_api_loaded, WP_REST_Server->serve_request, WP_REST_Server->dispatch, WP_REST_Server->respond_to_request, WP_REST_Autosaves_Controller->create_item, wp_update_post, wp_insert_post, do_action('save_post'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wpfts_save_post_action, wpfts_post_reindex, WPFTS_Core->MakePostsSync, WPFTS_DB->query
Anything to worry about?
If i search a keyword i can see many results but i see first PDF’s files.
There is a way to show first all the content related with pages THEN the PDFs ?
(ive pro version, but cant localise where is your support on your website and even on my account page…. i’ve also send a chat on your website still waiting your answer.)
Thanks !
]]>Hello there, we have a website with buddypress installed. After installing your plugin to test it, we can’t find the buddypress activity posts in the search results. At the indexing rules the buddypress directories are included.
When going to the indexing rules it also shows “We also found?11116?records that are not subject to any rule (they will have empty data in the index).”
Also, when searching for something, the results also show posts where the searched for words are found as single words not in connection to eachother. We would want to only show results where the exact searched for Words are found.
Kind regards and thanks in advance
After updating to v1.65.225, I’ve noticed some things changed in search results after having to re-index our whole database.
The most worrying part is that some posts aren’t showing up in results at all. Here’s one example: https://macmagazine.com.br/post/2023/12/06/apple-tv-recebe-5-indicacoes-aos-spirit-awards-com-shrinking-the-changeling-e-mais/
Here’s the test for its ID: https://d.pr/i/nLWK9U
And a test search for “Spirit Awards”: https://d.pr/i/1DQofL
Besides that, I’ve also noticed that the search results’ order has changed a bit from the previous to the new version. Did it change the results’ weights or anything else I can change to make it more or less how it was before?
Thank you!
]]>Hi !
Is it normal to have a database like “wpftsi_vectors” who got a size of 1,2Go ??
I don’t think its really normal and would like to know how to manage that ??
Thanks !
]]>I have try the trial plugin,
all working well, but after i build archive page for result search with elementor pro, the result not same with originally result(without page builder)
Hello, I am using the WPFTS plugin and I am needing to add some custom buttons with the letters [‘?’, ‘?’, ‘?’, ‘?’, ‘?’, ‘?’, ‘?’] and that these buttons When they are touched they are recognized by the search box, it is for a dictionary, below I would like to attach an example of what it could be like for reference but with the WPFTS plugin
Hi, this search in our website brings up more than 65K results:
However, we have WPFTS set to “AND” as the search logic, not “OR”. That shouldn’t be like that, right?
]]>I deactivated and deleted the plugin but tables still remain in the database – they are prefixed by wpftsi_
There are 13 such tables. These really should be deleted within plugin deletion! Is it safe to manually delete these?
Is there any reason why I shouldn’t change the prefixes of the wpftsi files in my database?
]]>WordPress Version: 6.0
Plugin Version: 2.46.180
Details of the issue:
Existing files do not hit in the search, but newly uploaded files do. However, when I execute a rebuild, even the newly uploaded files that used to hit no longer do. This issue has been observed with PDF files. If there are any tips or advice to solve this problem, please let me know.
I get a white screen and the following error in the debugger after entering a query in the search form for WP Fast Total Search 1.55.201:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Division by zero
in /***/wp-content/plugins/fulltext-search/includes/wpfts_search.php on line 1168
Call stack:
PHP 8.2.6
I get the following errors for the full text search pro:
ErrorException /wp-content/plugins/fulltext-search-pro/includes/wpfts_flare.php in WPFTS_Flare::SendFire
Notice: Undefined index: SERVER_ADDR
Do you have any idea why I get these errors and how can I correct it?
]]>We have a Divi site and the results on the test page in the dashboard are perfect, but on the front end of the site they appear differently, as if the plugin is not installed.
The search page is a Divi theme builder template, using the blog module set to display “Posts for Current Page”.
Do you have any knowledge of Divi ignoring the plugin’s changes to the search query?
]]>I installed your great plugin and tested it. Everything works fine, but taxonomys (at least custom taxonomys, I didn’t test default “category” taxonomy) are not in the search results.
And I would also like to add users to the search index. Any ideas how I can do that? Thanks a lot!
]]>we started getting this error in the logs a couple days ago. Search still appears to work.
Can you recommend a solution?
День добрый. Подскажите пожалуйста почему при использовании smart excerpt периодически возникает подсветка слов не учавствующих в поисковом запросе?
Запрос – на гусинобродском шоссе
Smart Excerpt: Напомним , что в конце августа 2022 года Анатолий Локоть лично оценил качество работ на Гусинобродском шоссе
Откуда появилась выделение слов напомним и анатолий
]]>Please consider adding fuzzy logic with ngram parser. Thanks a lot!
]]>на клавиатуре андроид вместо правильного кириллического ё https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+0451 почему то ставится символ – https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+00EB И соответственно поиск с мобилки содержащий в запросе букву ё – не работает.
ф?доров – не ищется потому что с андроида напечатано.
фёдоров – c десктопа ищется нормально
]]>I help with a site that has hundreds of PDF files, in various directories, that are pointed to from the pages within the WP environment. Note that these PDF documents are not in the WP uploads structure – they are FTPd to specific directories in the file system.
Will this plugin find/index these files?
I just purchased the pro version. Noticed that when I input keywords with containing apostrophe (‘s), ‘in’ and special chars like ( ) returns no result.
Also it seems like overriding keyword search query in pre_get_posts does not apply as well. I am using:
if ( !is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() ) {
$query->set(‘s’,wp_trim_words($sanitized_keywords,9,’ ‘));
Please advise..thanks
]]>Is it possible to increase the weight of certain post types over others? It’s mentioned on the filter page.
The above website link currently links to 1700+ documents, using a plugin called Document Library Pro. You can see this plugin in action by visiting the provided link, then expanding the folders. Individual documents can then be viewed in a different tab and/or downloaded.
The Document Library Pro plugin is currently set up to link to external documents (on the server), but CAN be configured to link to documents that are imported into the WordPress Media Library.
All that information is necessary for you to understand my question about WP Fast Total Search:
I need to be able to search the 1700+ documents for certain keywords, then display the search results. For example, I might be searching for the terms “Section 516”, and would expect in this case to at least return the name of the document(s) that this phrase appears in. Will your WP Fast Total Search plugin be able to accomplish this on the EXTERNAL files as they are currently stored? If not, if those 1700+ documents are imported into the WordPress Media Library, would your plugin then be able to do these type of searches?
I see where your plugin documentation says that it searches “posts”, but these 1700+ documents are not posts. They are currently files stored in directories on the server, but as I said, they COULD be imported into the WordPress Media Library, if that is what is required to do these types of searches.
Larry Sanford