Noticing that the navigation overlay doesn’t disappear in the browsers I’m using on an Android device.
Any ideas how this may be fixed?
Regards, Th
]]>The sample page has a gallery with six images in it. If you click pictures 2 thru 5, it launches into the gallery. Picture 1, however, the one with the two lions, has the unmodified gallery behavior when clicked — it navigates to the image.
I observed the same behavior on this page: https://jonathanpopkesbean.com/fullscreen-galleria-test/ but there the problem picture is the third picture, of a castle.
Wordpress 5.5, plugin up to date, Graphene theme
the fullscreen gallery on my website is shown as “unsecure” content; Gallery is starting in Chrome-browser, but not in “Firefox”. In firefox-browser only, one picture opens, the gallery doesn′t start.
What can I do?
I am not able to make use of Fullscreen Galleria, in desktop or in mobile version.
I installed/activated the plug-in and I can see some options of it in my media gallery (Mediathek).
However, in posts or pages, neither for single pictures (uploaded as single media) nor for multiple pictures (uploaded as media gallery) does the plugin work. I want to see the pictures in full size / full screen from mobile version and desktop version.
I make use of WordPress 5.1.1, Theme Uncode Child.
Any help is highly appreciated. If it does not work with this plug-in, can you recommend a similar one?
]]>With the plugin in stalled.
When creating a new post if I click on the “save” or “preview” button,
I get a white screen with this text,
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/85/10110185/html/wp-content/plugins/fullscreen-galleria/galleria-fs.php:960) in /home/content/85/10110185/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1216
If I uninstall the plugin the “save” and “preview” buttons work fine.
This plug in worked great for several years until about the time of the last update.
Any Suggestions?
Hello Mr Damsten ??
I have recently noticed that the image overlay (title/caption etc.) does not disappear after the given time on touchscreen devices (iPad, Android smartphone). It works fine on PC though. Can that be remedied?
using your plugin with envira gallery.
basically everything’s working fine, but when I click on an image the fullscreen lightbox is displayed as well as the envira lightbox. is there any way to prevent the envira lightbox from opening and using just the fullscreen lightbox?
]]>Buttons and navigation are not showing. No arrows or Close Button.
]]>I would like to migrate my website towards PHP7, and I have run a checker which shows the following issue with FS Galleria :
FILE: /home/goutu/www/wp-content/plugins/fullscreen-galleria/galleria-fs.php
405 | ERROR | Global with variable variables is not allowed since PHP 7.0
Did someone run FS galleria on PHP7 ? Is it working ?
The back office return a white screen when i updated a post or page with the shortcode. The WP Debug returns the followings
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at xxx /plugins/fullscreen-galleria/galleria-fs.php:957) in xxx /wp-admin/post.php on line 197
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at xxx /plugins/fullscreen-galleria/galleria-fs.php:957) in xxx /wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1210
i think the issue is caused by using other Slider plugin such as “Meta Slider”. Could you check and see if there is anyway to fix it?
Can you help me please? I’m trying to use your plugin, but images open in standard Pretty Photo. My theme is 907 with Visual Composer.
Link: https://hudfond.ru/?page_id=941
Dear Petri,
thanks for a great plugin. I have a technical question regarding it.
When I use Firefox ver. 49.0.2 there is no problem when opening and re-opening Full Screen gallery. On the other hand, in Chrome ver. 54.0.2840.99 m when I try to view my gallery in fullscreen, after loading the page for the first time everything is working. But when I close Full Sscreen and try to re-open it, I get a black screen (only reloading gallery page helps). Developer tool shows that part of code is responsible for not showing pictures:
<div class=”galleria-container notouch galleria-theme-galleria-fs fullscreen” style=”width: 1280px; height: 0px;”> As you can see, the height value is set to 0. When I change it in Developer tool to 100px it shows part of the picture. When changed to 2000px or 1000px (or any equal or larger to picture’s real height) it shows the whole picture. In Opera ver. I cannot load the gallery in Full Screen regardless of wheter I load the page for the first or consecutive time – always get a black screen with picture of 0 height. Any ideas of how to fix this? I tried to look through the code, but I am not able to tell which part of your code is responsible for setting the right height after re-opening Full Screen. The sample gallery is installed here https://www.test2.inten.pl/fullscreen-galleria/
Thanks for help.
Hi there,
I was wondering if it is possible to have the fullscreen gallery already open when the user clicks on the page?
I’m familiar with Galleria galleries already, can we use the original documentation to make this happen using javascript/jquery? ie. on eof these options: https://docs.galleria.io/category/28-option-list?sort=name
Any help appreciated.
]]>I have an post with images and would like to see the FSG when i click on the thumbnail for the post. Is there a way to do it. I have tried the [fsg_link class=”btn” include=”112,113,114,115″]View[/fsg_link] and the view link works fine with the FSG but would like to know if it would be possible to get the FSG by clicking on the thumbnail. Thanks
]]>I am continuing to see the original white modal of the wordpress gallery when I close with X button the fullscreen galleria. Is located under the overlay, how i can hide it?
]]>I have been successfully using multiple galleries on one page on my old website running old WP and old version of FSG.
Now I’m trying to set up a new website with the same mechanics – latest WP and FSG versions.
Opening the first gallery on the page works fine. If I open the other ones after that, they also work fine.
However, if I start with any other gallery then the first one, only a half-transparent black overlay is shown and that’s it.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined
fsg_show_galleria @ galleria-fs.js?ver=1.5.2:137
dispatch @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3
r.handle @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3
If I click on a link it opens a full blank screen without an image and after clicking on next button images appear.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
]]>How I can do to not apply the plugin to images?
I would apply only to the galleries
Thank you
I have 2 galleries happening on the same page, and the if I click on one gallery it will break the other gallery. Can you check to see if this is happening when you put 2 or more galleries on the same page. If so please fix. Thanks, Phil
]]>The close button is not closing the pop-up. Even if I go to your site to see the demos, the CLOSE button is not closing. I have checked 4 browsers and here are the results:
Microsoft Edge: Working
Firefox: Working
Chrome: NOT Working
Opera: NOT Working
Can you please fix this?
]]>Hi! I love fullscreen gallery and don’t want to opt for another one so please help.
Why do i get this result?
Our-Tuscany: https://www.residenzavilladomenica.com/our-tuscany/
At this link (same website) I can use your plugin without problems:
Gallery: https://www.residenzavilladomenica.com/gallery/
Is it related to images? How can I sort it out? Thanks!
I noticed FSG changing the content of posts, so wordpress-generated RSS-Feeds would not be valid anymore.
I fixed it through introducing a check, preventing the FSG to modify the content if it was called from feed generation.
It’s a shame wordpress is still on SVN, if it would be on github, I would have made a pullrequest.
So here is the patchfile, please check and apply it so the gallery plugin can be used again (valid rss-feed is far more important than graphical bling bling, but I like the bling bling) ??
Best wishes,
the plugin doesn’t work perfectly: the fullscreen view doesn’t load the photos (I only see a dark screen) and when I succeed, sometimes, I can’t scroll all the images. On the mobile too, it doesn’t work.
Could you help me, please?
Thank you
]]>Hi Petri, I have your plugin on my website and i love it.
So far in all my posts using it – i have all the images set as thumbnails and of course when one of these are clicked it opens up the gallery screen. perfect. example – https://www.joanwalsh.ie/the-light-fantastic/
However, I want to now set up pages with catalogues of my art work. and with this I don’t want to have a load of thumbnails / medium images on the page. I want to do something different.
– therefore my question today is – is it possible to open up the gallery screen by clicking on one main clickable image on a page?
In other words – when someone opens a catalogue page – they will see one medium sized clickable photo of a painting of mine and a small intro write up to the side of it, when the someone clicks on photo – the whole gallery screen and thumnail runner to bottom opens up and all the work / titles / sizes, etc is viewed from there.
I looked at your website yesterday and saw you had such a thing for your old interrail photos. But i dont know how to do that. Could you please let me know how to do that, i would really appreciate it.
Thanks so much. joan
]]>A while back I saw this post from another user and I implemented the idea:
You can combine the plugin “Media Library Assistant” with “Fullscreen Galleria”. First install MLA and then create att_categories in MLA, associate photos to the att_categories and then use shortcode like this example:
[mla_gallery attachment_category="ADD YOUR MLA ATT_CATEGORY HERE" mla_alt_shortcode="fsg_photobox" mla_alt_ids_name=include]
You can add any fsg_photobox parameter like this example:
[mla_gallery attachment_category="ADD YOUR MLA ATT_CATEGORY HERE" mla_alt_shortcode="fsg_photobox" mla_alt_ids_name=include cols="4" rows="4" repeat="false"]
In this way you can have multiple galleries bases on different MLA att_categories.
… Using this method has been great. Except every once in a while the galleries just disappear. I recreate them but every time, less and less photoboxes will work, even though I try to use the exact same shortcode that I had been using. You can see my page here:
I am down to only a few of the categories working now. It is strange because they all used to work great! I have tried a lot of things. I’ve even tried using the EXACT same shortcode that IS working on one part of the page, further down on the same page, and it won’t work. For example the shortcode:
[mla_gallery attachment_category="Acceptance - Memes" mla_alt_shortcode="fsg_photobox" mla_alt_ids_name=include cols="4" rows="1" repeat="false"]
…works great at the beginning of the page but not further down on the very same page. Is there a limit perhaps to how many FSG there can be now on a page?
Any thoughts? I’ve been trying to solve this, whenever I can work on it, for over a year now. Thank you!
]]>Hey there,
This line causes an error if you’re running SSL.
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,400italic,600,600italic,700,700italic);
If it needs to be there, a protocol relative URL should work:
@import url(//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,400italic,600,600italic,700,700italic);
The galleria plugin is successfully working on blog posts but I have one page with a gallery. I want to display the small thumbnails in the gallery with a link to the fullscreen image. However in this case the plugin does nothing – the browser just opens the jpeg file.
I tried to use [gallery link] as mentioned in the info but it does nothing at all:
<p class=’phototitle’>“]’ class=’slider’ rel=’bookmark’><?php the_title(); ?></p>
The link then refers to
The ‘gallery link’ text is not being replaced.
What am I doing wrong here?
I don’t currently have time to implement new features nor fix bugs in plugin configurations I don’t personally have.
]]>Dear Developer,
I am using custom post for my post but galleria full screen not applying on that. How can i achieve this?
Dear developers,
Thank you for your great plugin. I’m trying to get a single image to be shared of the gallery I’m using here.
The Folks of AddToAny replied with this:
Based on this AddToAny doc, you’ll want to ask folks that know the Galleria framework how to best insert this example HTML code:
<div class="a2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list" data-a2a-url="https://www.example.com/example-image-url" data-a2a-title="Example Image Title"> <a class="a2a_button_facebook"></a> <a class="a2a_button_twitter"></a> <a class="a2a_button_google_plus"></a> <a class="a2a_button_whatsapp"></a> <a class="a2a_dd" href="https://www.addtoany.com/share_save"></a> </div>
Once inserted, initiate the buttons using this line of JavaScript code:
if ( ‘object’ == typeof a2a ) { a2a.init(‘page’); }
I hope you guys can help me. Thanks in advance!