Hello, thanks for great work !
Please, is there a possibility to Exclude URL of the homepage ?
It does not work with the old slug of current static homepage.
Thanks! Regards
I just discovered that it is not only buddypress that makes frequent heartbeat request is it possible to disable the preloader for all heartbeat requests so this will work for other plugins that make frequent heartbeat requests. Especially for messaging and notification plugins like
Is it possible to trigger the loader immediately upon clicking all url links for pages that do not load with ajax.
After the recent update the search and filter plugin post ajax auto load more is not working again https://searchandfilter.com/
I use buddypress but how can I disable certain ajax request from working with this plugin like the ajax request for notifications that buddypress fires.
I also installed this plugin and the preloader just keeps loading frequently https://buddydev.com/plugins/buddypress-live-notification/
Just for the tip this plugin works with your plugin for ajax page load https://codecanyon.net/item/ajaxer-ajaxify-your-wordpress-site-and-comments/15813677
First of all your plugin is awesome and I will like to thank you very very much for creating this.
Please can you consider this features
1. Ability reduce or resize, the preloader icon size is too big it should be just like the one at ask.fm
2. Ability to upload custom preloader image.
3. Ability to enable or disable page load using ajax. Also this ajax page load should support buddypress, most ajax page load plugins do not work with buddypress.
Please note that the preloader loads twice after the first ajax request, i’m not really sure why this occurs it should only load once for each ajax request.