I had the same problem like macemmek.
The plugin told me that all uploads and downloads had been done successfully but they did not at all.
I figured out, that the string of the $file variable in the upload function contained backslashes instead of regular slashes so i added the following to line 1114:
// make remote file path from local file
$remote_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', str_replace($local_dir_fixed, $remoteRoot, $file));
$file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file);
Now the upload works perfectly – besides the fact, that the size is still not calculated.
But the download is not working…
]]>Theme, Media & Plugin files, what about content? I’m looking for a way to blog offline when I have no internet and easily just click sync. I’ve tried many apps like blogdesk and don’t like them, Installing LAMP and a plug-in like this would be great.
]]>Can this plugin be used to sync files between two servers?
For example dedicating a server to php process and another for serving static files. It is needed to sync files in the two servers.
Slightly different from an earlier post.
I am using custom hosts on my local machine like “myhostname” to develop multiple sites. The plugin doesn’t detect the sites as being on localhost. Is there any way to use multiple local hosts rather than just ‘localhost’?
No transfer happens in both directions although files have been detected. Tried passive and active mode.
Uploading 38 newer theme files (0 MB)… (est. 0 seconds)…
Downloading 1 newer theme files (0 MB)… OK
I am working on local machine with virtual servers enabled (therefore I had to break conditions manually)
]]>I am a bit disappointed. I develop my sites by creating virtual hosts on my local machine under custom domain like site1.loc site2.loc
The plugin tells me I can’t use it, because I’m not on localhost.
I am.
]]>Hey there, thanks for a great plugin!
I get the above message, even if the wordpress installation is on my localhost (the adress bar is https://wp.localhost/)
Am I doing something wrong?
Could you tell me little bit more how to sync localhost and remote site databases using your plugin?
it would be excellent if the plugin could ignore some files, extensions or directories.