when install Poly Lang .. the extension icon for menu is not showing or install .. even I uninstall and reinstall it on many themes..
but the widget is there ..
I′m testing Twenty Twenty Four-Theme on a local site. Therefore I installed the site editor clasic features plugin for using a free polylanguage switcher. I could integrate the language switcher into the menu with legacy widget. Now I can switch between English and German.
The problem is: when I change the language, the site is in English language but the menu isn`t. It′s still in German. What can I do, that the menu switches the language as well?
Thanks in advance!
I am using a block theme (Twenty Twenty-three) with Site Editor Classic Features to be able to use the free version of Polylang. (I have three langages : english, french and italian).
However I have followed the instruction to add the legacy widget with the language selector, but I don’t know how to link the pages to the corresponding traductions. For example if I have a french version of a page “test (fr)” and the corresponding english version “test (en)” how do I link the two of them so that when I click on the langage selector it sends me to the correct translation ?
thank you very much for your answer
I’m using wordpress “Twenty Twenty Four” FSE theme in combination with “Site Editor Classic Features” plugin. With this, I can can use again the “User Menus” and “Polylang” plugins. Really great!
However, there is an issue: “Display Location” and “Manage Locations” in Menu Settings is missing. Do you know how I can get them back?
Without “Display Location” the menu is not picked up by the theme.
Greetings from Liviu