the first time I installed it it didn’t work anymore ??
]]>Not sure if this is mentioned elsewhere. But if you don’t have a link to login, then to login when this plugin is enabled you, need to go to your wordpressurl/wp-login.php
I have installed Frontier Post, Frontier Restrict Backend, Frontier Restrict Media, and Frontier Set Featured.
I added the following code to my child theme functions.php file:
// ****- Set restrict to allow Author and above -****
function my_restrict_backend_level($min_allow_capability)
return “publish_posts”;
add_filter(‘restrict_backend_min_cap’, “my_restrict_backend_level”,10,1);
I created a local WP user with the WP Author role.
When I create a new post, I’m able to access the image library, upload images and insert into the post with no problem. But when I click on the Select featured image link it takes me to the default home page instead of the image library.
What am I missing?
On the Frontier Restrict Backend plugin description, I do get a Warning: This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress. Could the one point version change with WP 4.9.0 to 4.9.1 be causing this issue?
Can this also restrict editing of Pages? Or is this for Posts only?
]]>Hi there,
I’ve really no clue, what I’m doing wrong.
This is my code in the function.php of my child-theme. The test user has the right role but the plugin is still forwarding back to the home site.
I would very much appreciate your help.
// ****- Set restrict to allow Author and above -****
function my_restrict_backend_level($min_allow_capability)
return ?edit_others_posts“;
add_filter(?restrict_backend_min_cap‘, ?my_restrict_backend_level“,10,1);
Kind regards
Edit: nevermind… everthing works. thx for this nice plugin
]]>There has been an issue with Featured Image upload, introduced by some change in an earlier version (not sure which).
This should be fixed in version 1.3.0, which you can download here:
Once it is tested, it will be made the stable version, so it will show up on updates
]]>Plugin works fine to disable non-admin user access to backend, but it also disables user access to their own profile. Need fix!
]]>Work nicely but would it be possible to have a workaround to have your plugin to restrict backend on roles instead (Contributor & Subscriber)?