Where do I download version 6.4 if it has been canceled here on wp?
Is there a direct link?
Thank you
Hello, Frontier Post,
I writing to inquire as to whether you are working on a resolution to the vunerability claim at–
Thank you much for your prompt attention to this matter,
[moderator note: signature moderated]
Hi everyone
Just installed the plugin, went through settings and get this error on page
frontier-post shortcode only allowed in: – This post type: (page) – (1915/S)
The shortcode is just [frontier-post] and its site was created by the plug-in automatically. Installation is on WP Version 6.4.1
Can anyone help?
]]>If someone who is not an admin tries to set a featured image, instead of the upload pop-up, they get the whole web site inside the page. It works for admins but nobody else. The site is https://www.thebluethingy.com.
This may or may not be related to the other post I just made but they are two different sites. The other site used to be fine.
]]>Let me start by saying this only happens when non-admins try to upload a featured image.
When clicking on “Set featured image” the upload pop-up comes up but above it, it shows the following warnings:
Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home4/mybounder/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1941
Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home4/mybounder/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1941
Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home4/mybounder/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1941
Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home4/mybounder/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1941
Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home4/mybounder/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1941
Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home4/mybounder/public_html/wp-admin/includes/menu.php on line 181
Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home4/mybounder/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1941
Any idea why?
]]>I’ve installed Frontier Posts and Frontier Buttons on my WordPress site. I’ve put the “my-posts” page in the menu, and logged in with a fake editor account. The My Posts page loads, but there’s nothing on it. Should there be a “new post” or similar button to add new posts? I added a post by my fake editor in the backend and I still don’t see anything except the title “My Posts” on the front-end page. I’ve also looked for some straightforward “this is how you set up this plugin” instructions and haven’t found much. Any help would be appreciated.
I am trying to use this plugin with an existing post type that already has posts (sites) but they don’t show in the list when on the my posts screen?
Does this plugin only show posts that have been created through this plugin?
I have posts created by a different plugin and simply want to provide a way for users to edit them on the front end.
I checked and I definitely assigned the correct post type but it says Sorry, you do not have any posts (yet)
I have also made sure to check the current user I am logged in with is the creator/author of those posts.
I appreciate your input. Thanks in advance.
]]>Have got the plugin set up and running however, if a post has a featured image then the pencil icon and title disappear from the listing and users are unable to edit the post.
Please could someone you advise if there is a setting I need to enable?
]]>I am using this plugin to allow certain members to edit their pages on my website without accessing/using the dashboard. Thank you for this plugin that allows me to do this.
I am using a plugin that uses the page featured image to generate a directory of my users’ pages. When using the My Content editor and select the Add Media button I see a Featured image option under Actions. I select the Featured image option, select an image from the Media Library, and then select the [ Set featured image ] button which returns me to the My Content editor. I select the [ Save ] button and go check the page to see if the featured image is set, and it is not.
Also, I would like to give you a heads up about the Media Library > Attachment Details, it includes a link ‘Edit Image’ which when selected, takes you to the WP image editor which then exposes the entire WP back end to the user. I blocked this with another plugin that prevents any access to the back end unless you are an admin.
]]>I have completed initial testing of Frontier Post with WordPress 6.0.2 and also PHP 8
I will appreciate if some of you could test it, and give me feedback
It should be bug free, but since PHP changed the way that it handles Required and Optional parameters for functions, there could be error I havent fond yet.
Frontier Post version 6.0.0 is uploaded to the SVN repository, but stable version is still 5.1.5
Before installing make sure you check “Keep Frontier Post settings on uninstall” in Frontier Post Advanced Settings.
You can download the plugin as zip file by:
Navigate to Frontier Post Plugin
Select Development TAB
Select “Advanced View” (Right side, miffle)
Go to the bottom, select version 6.0.0 and download.
Or look here for instructions:
I think last WP version update broke post editing. When I edit a published post, the post changes to draft and cannot be changed back from the Frontier editor, only from admin panel.
Also all post content disappears, and there’s “No content” text on the post body.
Any way to fix this?
]]>Frontier Query has been such a great tool within this site for years. It has always been a bit behind the latest versions of WordPress but always worked. I see now that the last update was 2 years ago and now that PHP 7.4 is about to expire it is important to have all plugins up-to-date to work with PHP 8.0.
Is this about to be done or, as someone else has asked, is it being abandoned.
Any response is welcome, please!
It will be rather a lot of work to replace this, unless someone could suggest an alternative.
Thank you
]]>Is there a way to set max-age to infinity? (I tried the -1 trick to no avail) I am using this plugin to allow my users to edit their pages and they should be able to do that at any time.
Also, if the editing window has closed, it should remove the edit button or at least have the “not allowed editing” message displayed when you select it. Having the message “You are not allowed to edit post older than: # days” after you have spent time editing would be very frustrating especially if you put a good deal of work into it. Was not even able to go back to the edit window and try to recover the work to the clipboard.
Otherwise, great plugin, hope it continues as many others of this type have not.
]]>Has this plugin been abandoned? Does the author suggest a replacement?
]]>If I use the shortcode:
[frontier-post frontier_mode=”add” frontier_edit_form=”standard” frontier_add_post_type=”post” frontier_cat_id=”150,151,152″ frontier_user_status=”published” frontier_custom_tax_layout=”checkbox” frontier_custom_tax=”category”]
I get the list of categories, with category 150, 151, and 151 automatically selected in a checkbox list. Great!
However, that list currently displays ALL my categories, and I want users only to be presented with a subset list of the categories. Is there a way to limit which categories display (so the user can select from some but not all)?
In Frontier Post Settings, I can Exclude Categories, which works great.
But if I have categories 1,2,3,4,5 I need to be able to have FP page # 1 list categories 1,2,3 and FP Page #2 list categories 3,4,5?
]]>We have “Manage Capabilities Externally” selected.
We realized that some of our roles were set to Editor Type: “Minimal Visual” instead of “Full Editor”. However, with Manage Capabilities Externally, the page will not let you update this field.
(We didn’t want to change back to not Manage Externally, make the change, and then, go back to Manage Externally, as we weren’t quite sure how our capabilities customization would change, so we made the change directly in the database).
I think, even if “Manage Capabilities Externally” is selected, you should still be able to edit the Editor Types from the UI, and right now we can’t.
]]>When a user is adding content, they get the toolbar across the top for content formatting (Bold, Italics, Bullet, let/right center, etc).
I’m having a problem between by Admin account and user accounts. The Admin account gets the Headers dropdown box (Paragraph, Heading 1, Heading 2, etc). That dropdown box isn’t showing up for my users.
It appears to be a permissions settings somewhere. If I view the same page logged in as Admin I get the dropdown, and then log out and log back in as user, I don’t have the drop down.
If I try the same thing with the standard (non-FP) Admin dashboard, both User and Admin get the dropdown.
]]>I am looking for just one solution, I want to be able to add/edit post categories/tags from front end. I have read the tutorial on the Frontier Post website but not able to understand since I dont know php, also couldnt find any video tuts on youtube. Would really appreciate the help.
]]>I have Frontier installed, but still need the Edit Page link in the admin bar to go to regular WordPress backend editing. For some reason I can’t do so, every time I click the link it takes me to the Frontier editing page.
I have confirmed that Super Admin Edit Link is NOT checked in the settings, so the Edit Link should still go to the backend right?
]]>When I click on the login prompt on the MY Posts page I am sent to the WP login page (Which is OK with me), but I am left on the WP Dashboard page and have to click on visit site to get back to the site.
Is there a way to login to WP and automatically go back to the My Posts page?
Hi Finnj,
I gotta say I love this plugin. It is perfectly simple and works great and I’ve tried quite a few. Question: Are you still doing updates? I notice that it hasn’t been updated in a while and says it is not tested with 5.6 (my version of WP) although it does work.
I also have the same problem where featured images shows the home page when trying to choose it. I have, for the moment, turned on “access to wp-admin” in my Ultimate Membership plugin (another great plugin) but I would prefer to eliminate this too. Any suggestions?
]]>I installed the wpfrontier plugin in a theme I made myself but I have problems with media insertion.
Also I wanted to know if you have a solution for something that in addition to giving the possibility to various users to modify their article to pay for viewing by choosing which articles to pay for.
If you don’t have something ready, I’m also willing to pay for a custom one.
Let me know
Best regards and thanks
Daniele Frati
You can also contact me via whatsapp at +393478851370
]]>Closing quote on new post button id missing (frontier_post_form_list.php). Discovered while trying to style button. Fixed for my site but will need fixing for future updates.
echo '<th class="frontier-menu" ><a id="frontier-post-add-new-link class="frontier-post-add-link" " href="'.frontier_post_add_link($tmp_p_id).'">'.$tmp_add_text.'</a></th>';
Hi, I know there is a way to add custom fields to the form, but is there a way to add a repeatable custom field?
I generated a custom field using cmb2 or toolset plugin.
When i am posting a new blog, by selecting tags for the blogs it creates new tags while saving or publishing a blog,
For example: if i assign a tag by the name of Artificial (created in backpanel by admin) it creates a new tag by the name 401 upon saving or publishing a blog.
Also upon uploading a image as a featured image by using simple upload style, it fails to publishing the blog,
Plz help
I have installed the plugin Froienter. In Laptop its working fine. But in mobile it is not looking responsive… Can you say why?
]]>There is a setting in advanced config: Keep Frontier Post settings on uninstall
I didn’t have it set. I did not uninstall FP, but I did disable it and renenable it as part of testing. And all my settings appear to have reset.
]]>I was looking for the ability (in other plugins) to a way to restrict users who have the ability to edit posts or pages to not be able to edit specific posts or pages. In particular, I don’t want anyone to edit my frontier post shortcodes!
I realized that because Frontier Post changes the URL for the Edit link at the bottom of the page, I could use that function in FP to check for a Custom Field.
More specifically, the function frontier_edit_post_link( $url, $post_id ) in frontier-post.php
If I add something like:
$restrict_edit = get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘fp_restrict_edit’, true );
if ($restrict_edit) {
$url = ‘/’;
return $url;
right after checking for whether the user is admin, then I can restrict access to anyone but admin from editing a page/post/whatever by simply adding a custom field “fp_restrict_edit” to any page I don’t want someone to edit. this would be a super easy function to add to this plugin that would address a complicated problem for people, and let them protect those complex FP shortcodes.
Adding this will do the same thing:
function rgs_edit_post_link( $url, $post_id )
// Remove the link if a custom field is restrict_edit
// to be used on pages/posts with custom shortcodes to prevent
// them being screwed up
$restrict_edit = get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘restrict_edit’, true );
if (!$restrict_edit || current_user_can(‘administrator’)) {
return $url;
} else {
add_filter( ‘get_edit_post_link’, ‘rgs_edit_post_link’, 15, 2 );
While there are date formats that are particularly odd
(like mm/dd-yy) there’s no selectable mm/dd/yy format.
I think I have a bug here, tho I haven’t quite figured it out.
In Frontier Post settings, I have:
Default Category Select: Hide (Which is under both Standard and Advanced Settings? )
Default Taxonomy Select: Hide
However, when I view the page created by frontier_post_form_standard.php set by frontier_edit_form=”standard”
the Category still displays on the frontier_mode=”add” page.
Looking at the code (~ line 114) it states: “if ($tmp_tax_layout != “hide”)” then display the category. If I place a line right above that that’s simply: $tmp_tax_layout = “hide”; that clearly makes category go away.
I first though that it might be it saving “Hide” instead of “hide”, but the option values look correct in the HTML.
I can make the category go away, by setting:
That means that “hide” should be a valid value for frontier_custom_tax_layout, and should be reflected in the shortcode options for that value in https://wpfrontier.com/frontier-post-shortcodes/