Hello Jonas,
I know there is no longer support for this plugin.
However, on the off chance that you are still monitoring input here, you may want to note the following.
WordPress Health Check reports the following about your plugin:
A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.
Hope this helps in some way.
I understand this plugin is no-longer support, but it’s a fantastic plugin.
Anyway, I was just wondering is there a way to access individual items, or points within the Checklist?
For example, I wanted to place the Checklist in a TablePress table and put a specific point from the Checklist in separate cells.
I imagine the shortcode to be something like [frontend-checklist name="Standard" item="2"]
Furthermore, if you have anyway to integrate a Checklist into a TablePress table, please let me know.
Great plugin. Thanks for your time.
]]>I cannot get the PDF feature to work. It just shows a blank PDF.
I created a testing page to show you: https://courses.beaconpointservices.org/2022/05/10/testing-the-plugin/.
THe page just has these codes:
[frontend-checklist name=”Newbie Branding”]–>> you can see the checklist
[frontend-checklist name=”Newbie Branding” type=”pdf” title=”Branding Assignments” linktext=”Download Branding Checklist”]–>> the pdf is blank
Hi, this is a really useful Plugin!
But i have some small suggestions to expand the possibilities:
1) It would be nice if there were a small input field after the checklist text. Then the user can input and store some comments like the date when he checked the checkbox.
2) It would really helpful if the checklist would be visible for not logged in users.
Great Job!
thanks for the great plugin. I have read the support stops ??
I have a error after activate the plugin.
WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler: [Incorrect index name ”]
ALTER TABLE al_fc_items ADD KEY (
Das Plugin erzeugte 194 Zeichen mit unerwarteter Ausgabe w?hrend der Aktivierung. Wenn du ?headers already sent“-Hinweise, Probleme mit Syndication-Feeds oder andere Probleme bemerkst, versuche, dieses Plugin zu deaktivieren oder zu entfernen.
I don’t know how can i solve this, but i need this plugin because it’s so great.
Have anybidy the same problems?
best regards
I have created a checklist, and inserted the PDF shortcode, but I can only see the link to open the PDF, the checklist does not show up on the page.
I hope you can help.
The password for the page is: AIS2131
And the toggle where the checklist should appear is in the bottom of: “Hvad g?r jeg, n?r skyldner misligholder frivilligt forlig?”
You can see the link to the PDF, but you can’t see the actual checklist.
Thank you
]]>Unfortunately, I’m no longer able to offer support for Frontend Checklist in this forum or via email, since I’m focusing on other projects. You are free to use the plugin as it is, but kindly contact your developer if you need individual support.
I’m using the plugin on my own sites. Severe bugs, that affect my own usage of the plugin, will still be published as updates.
]]>Hi. The plugin is giving error to create PDF.
I use: [frontend-checklist name=”1″ cookie=”off” type=”pdf” title=”My Checklist” linktext=”Salvar em PDF”]
This page appears:
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tFPDF has a deprecated constructor in …wp-content/plugins/frontend-checklist/fpdf/tfpdf.php on line 13
FPDF error: Some data has already been output, can’t send PDF file (output started at …wp-content/plugins/frontend-checklist/fpdf/tfpdf.php:13)
I have hosting on WPEngine and my tech guy ran a PHP 7.2 test.
Your plugin came up as showing ERROR, so I’ll either have to stop using it,
(which would be a pity since I am very happy with it) or get an update from your team that makes in PHP 7.2 compliant.
I use the plugin on locked membership pages, it is functioning fine on whatever {HP is running now, but 7.2 may be a problem.
Please let me know what to do next.
Thank you!
Adam Rafferty
]]>Hi there,
This plugin is a life saver for me, thank you for taking the time and working on it.
I’m using the unofficial version with the progress bar. While the checklist works just fine, the progress bar won’t render on the frontend.
Here are the shortcodes that I use
[frontend-checklist name=”test”]
[frontend-checklist-progress name=”test”]
Since the unofficial plugin is 4 years old, I’d figure that has something to do with the WP maybe?
Thanks again
]]>I’ve installed this plugin on a development site, and it’s been working perfectly- now, however, I’m getting this warning:
Deprecated: Non-static method Frontend_Checklist::checkVersion() should not be called statically in /www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 288
Deprecated: Non-static method Frontend_Checklist::checkVersion() should not be called statically in /www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 288
Warnings appeared after updating to 4.9.8.
ist es m?glich ein Logo in das PDF einzufügen?
Lieben Gru?
]]>Hi there,
you enqueue jQuery UI style like this:
wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui-style', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css');
That creates Mixed Content for all pages that use your plugin and run via HTTPS.
Could you please chance this to:
wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui-style', '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css');
So it will use whatever protocoll the site is using.
And yes, that is a valid way to define the protocoll – I first was like “you missed something there” too ??
Would be awesome. As long as this is fixed I guess we will need to hack this in the plugin.
This is a minor update and should cause no trouble but a big benefit for sites via HTTPS <3
Hi Jonas,
Excellent plugin! I couldn’t find anything else out there that came close…
A couple of questions – Is it feasible to replace the checkbox with a toggle slider using jquery? eg – https://www.jqueryscript.net/tags.php?/Toggle%20Button/
And how would I go about making a button for a checklist that when clicked resets all of the checked boxes to “unchecked”?
Hi there,
Great plugin. We are a non-profit creating a website for patients, by patients. We have two formatting questions:
1) is there a way to align all the checklist items and put spaces between each? Longer lines run over and make it look a bit messy:
2) Is there a way to add additional formatting to the PDF that is generated? i.e. logo, colour, etc.?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hello and thanks for a great solution!!
I have an issue with fonts, it′s different then wp fonts (see link below). I tried work the CSS and font settings in theme without result!?
Also would appriciate if someone knows how to get a small distance between the box and first letter!? ))
Please assist since I′m out of options!
]]>Hi I have used the HTML code for my check list.
Basically I want to create w wedding gift checklist so one person enters a password protected page checks off the items they would like to save emails a form and those items remain ticked for the next time a different customer visits the page so as to avoid duplication of reservation. Is that possible using this checklist or will it only save for that one IP address (for example)
]]>It would be great if is possible to have more cookies possible.
For example:
[frontend-checklist name=”My First Checklist”]
Has different cookies as:
[frontend-checklist name=”My First Checklist” cookies=”DifCookie”]
Or offcourse another tag that makes the cookies storage different.
So you reuse checklist, but for different pages and content.
How easy to change the text fields to an editor (wysiwyg).
I want to do this so that I format correctly the content. Now I have to format in a separate app and copy into text fields of checklist.
It seems like you missed a trick here?
Can you not create template, with settings to change ul/ol
How easy to change the text fields to an editor (wysiwyg).
I want to do this so that I format correctly the content. Now I have to format in a separate app and copy into text fields of checklist.
It seems like you missed a trick here?
Can you not create template, with settings to change ul/ol
It appears that only the Administrator role has access to update checklists on the front end. I have a plugin to create custom roles, but when I create one that has the “manage_options” option, it does not allow for saving on the front end with cookies=off. Any suggestions? We want to give end user “subscribers” (aka students at our school) access to check lists for class registration, but require them to log in and have it record their progress via the check list. I got it to work, but only with the administrator role, and creating a custom role didn’t seem to work.
my site was opening Ads when clicking links. I had the security experts from sucuri scan my site and they identified your plugin file as the source.
It’s opening ads like these:
See here for the message from sucuri:
The second thing is that I was able to track down the redirects, here is the evidence:
According to my research, these redirects are being initiated by “foucdn.com/c/trdsi”, could you please confirm if you’re aware of this code ?, here is the request:
URL: https://foucdn.com/c/trdsi
Loaded By: https://adult-income.com/wp-content/plugins/frontend-checklist/frontend-checklist.js?ver=fdc87c115e4575a7d72e29475509dd5c:58
Host: foucdn.com
Error/Status Code: 200
Client Port: 4310
Request Start: 1.798 s
DNS Lookup: 183 ms
Initial Connection: 33 ms
Time to First Byte: 2577 ms
Content Download: 0 ms
Bytes In (downloaded): 0.5 KB
Bytes Out (uploaded): 0.3 KB
In addition to that, the code has been located inside of the file “frontend-checklist.js ” located at “wp-content/plugins/frontend-checklist/”
WARN: Found suspicious file: ./wp-content/plugins/frontend-checklist/frontend-checklist.js (NOT CLEANED) – Manual inspection required (custom.search1): Content: ‘foucdn.com/c/trdsi”></script>’);function getCooki’.
Could you please confirm with your developer whether this code is legit ?
Can you answer the question? Do you know that code?
]]>I read on the plugin frontpage, the status of the list is stored with a cookie? Why not connect it to userid and store it to in the database? As I’m planning to use it with a couple of membership sites.
i have a problem when i use your plugin with cookie=off.
I have some lists with more than 50 items. Yesterady, i’ve checked some items, but today the wrong items are checked.
I’ve analyse your code :
– why on the frontend-checklist.js you did a “for” iteration from 0 to 50 ? 50 items is the max ?
– why you “sum” the id ? I don’t understand how you can retrieve the good values with a sum ?
Thanks for your help.
]]>I’d like to be able to give my Editors access… I’ve added to their menu, but when you click on New Checklist they get ‘You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.’
Is there an easy way to allow them rights to add\edit checklists? Many thanks.
]]>Hi, this morning i have problem with your plugin look :
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie – headers already sent by (output started at /home/piron084/public_html/wp-includes/option.php:1) in /home/piron084/public_html/wp-content/plugins/frontend-checklist/frontend-checklist.php on line 134
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/piron084/public_html/wp-includes/option.php:1) in /home/piron084/public_html/wp-content/plugins/frontend-checklist/frontend-checklist.php on line 134
i not expert in wordpress, this erro block my acess for admin page.
I dont have ideia how to acess my admin for instal the plugin.
]]>Is it possible to make a similar calculation results of checklist
See string at the end of the page: And here comes your Site Audit score
]]>Can you combine multiple checklists into a single PDF?
]]>I’ve got multiple links to multiple PDF checklists on a page, and they only seem to link to whatever the last PDF link is… Any ideas?
what happens if I first deactivate the plugin, and then activate it again? Will all my created checklists be lost, or not?