I really like your slider, but I need to use it on a responsive theme that will be viewed on different devices. Will you be creating a responsive version?
Will your plugin go into a widget box?
I am trying to create this slider:
Is this possible with your plugin?
Thank you.
]]>I need some help plz. I’m using wordpress default theme twentyten. I want to slides some specific post (Featured Posts) to show in the slideshows at the top of the website. I find many plugins to do this. But i want one thing more, when anyone open any category then just same category featured posts shows in the slideshow. And the home page all categories featured articles show. Please tell me how can i do this? Thanks
i have an issue ..that i cant set the post title instead of post thumbnail in bottom.
i need clickable post title in bottom that when i click on it slider should move on that specific post slide. like now its moving on clicking the thumbnail of the post…
here is the code i think i relevant…could you please help me???
<div id=”thumbs”>
<div id=”arrowleft”></div>
<div id=”frontarea”>
<div id=”fronter”></div>
<div id=”arrowright”></div>
]]>When I size my thumbnail image it resized the slider itself to be the same height as my thumbnail image. If this was fixed, I love it!
Yes, I am using Regenerate Thumbnails plugin.
]]>When selecting multiple page the slider breaks. When selecting a single page it works but the thumbnail is not re-sized correctly.
If you only need to display posts it works fine.
]]>Hi Huys !
i use this plugin and it works correctly on many thèmes however on a a theme i don’t have all the path of the picture.
on this theme (and others) it works and i have :
First li for big picture :
<h3><a title="sdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf" href="https://localhost:8888/wordpress/?p=48">sdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf</a></h3>
but on an other theme i don’t habve the path only the name of the picture.
ex :
<h3><a title="sdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf" href="https://localhost:8888/wordpress/?p=48">sdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf</a></h3>
dfdfdfdfdfzfqzqdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf </p>
<a title="sdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf" href="https://localhost:8888/wordpress/?p=48"> </a>
i got the same on the thumbs ifsomeone can help me thanks !
Anyone have any idea if it’s at all possible to have the post title appear on/below the thumbnail in the bar at the bottom?
The way the plugin spits out the gallery is a bit strange to me, (I’m not a coder) I think it could be more a jQuery problem than a php one. Been messing about in /front.php in the plugin, tried this;
function front_sl_get_thumb($position) {
$thumb = get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id, $position, array('data-caption' => '#postTitle'.$post->ID));
$thumb = explode("\"", $thumb);
return $thumb[5];
But to no avail. I think there is a lot of jQuery to control the layout of the slider bit, and I know even less of that than PHP ??
Any help much appreciated.
]]>The images don’t keep their proportional width/height ratio, also thumbnails don’t appear in scroller.
Do thumbnails have to be regenerated with an another plugin for this plugin to work right? I can’t change my thumb size to suit this plugin.
Perhaps it is simply my inexperience with WordPress, but… I installed and activated Front Slider, selected the pages I wanted to have featured.. but nothing is showing up on the homepage. Not even a blank template of the slider. Just nothingness.
At first, it was installed automatically with WP-Creativix 2.4 – when it didn’t work, I uninstalled the plugin, then re-installed, re-activated. Still nothing.
I totally expect that I’m doing something wrong, here. So please tell me what I need to do to get this plugin to show on my website. Or, if it’s broken, please let me know that, too.
]]>It would be great if you could specify which animations to use, both for the text and image transitions. Especially, if you could make the text fade instead of slide, that would be awesome!
I don’t know if the developer will see this, but I think this would make Front Slider an even better slideshow tool.
]]>The images in my slideshow to not link to the actual page. In the demo this works perfectly. On my blog it didn’t work with v 2.2 either.
Slideshow works beautifully, the thumbnail links to the large slide image, but that does not link to the page. If this is something I am doing, I would love to know so I can fix it.
]]>So I was playing around with Front Slider on a local install and I accidentally pasted
<?php include (ABSPATH . ‘/wp-content/plugins/front-slider/front-slider.php’);?>
In the actual WordPress HTML editor for a page, and hit update. I’ve searched template files, deactivated the plugin, deleted the plugin, etc.. And I can’t figure out why on the page that I posted that on, there is now a black space underneath my footer, but only in Google Chrome. Firebug isn’t showing any extra code to account for it, and it’s not on any other pages of the site.
I’ve tried clearing my browser history, cache, restarting the browser, etc. but the black space is still below the footer. I’m very lost!
]]>Thanks for the great plugin but there is one behaviour I don’t like: Instead of pixelwise scrolling I need to scroll directly to the next thumbnails or even better, the next thumbnail page, when clicking the arrow. Somebody managed to do that?
Actually I’m looking for the same behaviour as in standard jcarousel.
]]>Just wanted to notify about a problem I had with using version 2.4 of Front Slider. I defined Featured Images in the posts I want to show in Front Slider but they are shown too big, Front Slider seems to use the original image size.
I fixed it by changing line 237 at file front-slider.php to
$thumb_small = front_sl_get_thumb("thumbnail");
and everything works fine now.
Do I understand something wrong or “front_sl_thumb” doesn’t work any more?
]]>Images are set to display for 8 seconds and also to pause on mouse over. Display times are erratic. They all display fine for a while, and then some transition within a second.
I would like to add an option in the administration that would allow me to check or uncheck the Slider directly post the “All items” in a column.
I do not know the code by myself, if somebody could look at it, I think it’s a great idea for a Plugin excellet!
I apologize for my English, thank you Google translation ^ ^
Thank you in advance
Seems broken by default, maybe i’m just not setting it up properly?
On run, the plugin throws an error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'p' of undefined - slider.js:90
By throwing some alerts around the file, it looks like p is supposed to be the UL element that the posts are packaged in. Past this though, I’m useless! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated ??
Thanks for your time.
]]>can someone help me get the front slider working on my site
]]>Instead of creating thumbnails it only puts one full size, uncropped image in the thumbnail bar and outputs all other featured images other the excerpted text for those pages. I haven’t tried it on posts.
I can’t get text length to increase. Is there a max size? Where can I change this in the files?
Any help would be appreciated.
Plus it needs another plugin to work and permission change and , it’s a headache !
]]>Dose Not work!
]]>When I look at the demo and the code in the plugin I have, they are different. The demo uses jQuery 1.6.1. The plugin uses 1.3.
I’m hacking my way through it, but would prefer the copy that works.
]]>i made every configuration but thumbnails cannot be shown. how can i fix it?
]]>I am using This plugin and wverything working ok.
As you can see in the demo above, the left and right arrow buttons are the controls for scrolling the thumbnails.
i have already changed these lines to change mouse over/out to onclick event
u.onmouseover=new Function(‘SLIDE.scroll.init(“‘+this.thumbs+'”,-1,’+this.scrollSpeed+’)’);
u.onmouseout=r.onmouseout=new Function(‘SLIDE.scroll.cl(“‘+this.thumbs+'”)’);
r.onmouseover=new Function(‘SLIDE.scroll.init(“‘+this.thumbs+'”,1,’+this.scrollSpeed+’)’);
But how can i make this so that the thumbnails will got to the next or previous slide instead of just scrolling?
Any help or ideas on how to do this?
Here is the original script.