Hi, your plugin is the best ! is complete, with all necessary !
my compliments !
but i have a little problem :
componente {@email} and {@message}
are not reported in mail (send after upload file),
there are only :
i have two error, probably is this the problem , or no, i don’t konw :
PHP Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): Access denied for user ”@’localhost’ (using password: NO) in /home/mydomainxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php on line 249
PHP Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/mydomainxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php on line 252
thanks for help
Is there a way to change the download link in the confirmation to display the actual name of the file uploaded, instead of it’s hash?
So, instead of this:
New files have been submitted by $email. The files submitted were:
I’d like to display:
New files have been submitted by steve@sjones.org.uk. The files submitted were:
I used this fix with some success- we are now receiving and can open and access user uploaded files just fine. But after I upload my files, I am still receiving an error message on the front end instead of a success message. How will users know their resumes and cover letter have been uploaded if they don’t get the success message? Has anyone encountered this issue and been able to fix it? Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
]]>Hi guys,
The plugin works, however if i upload a file it doesn’t show in the media library in WordPress. Is this possible?
]]>I need to translate de upload box. The file is there but still in english. How do i do this?
]]>I have used the following customised code and keep getting errors:
[fu-upload-form suppress_default_fields=”true” form_layout=”post_media” title=””]
[input type=”text” name=”name” class=”required” description=”Name of the worship place”]
[radio name=”religion” class=”checkboxes” description=”Religion related to the worship place” values=”Christianity,Islam,Hinduism,Buddhism,Others”]
[input type=”text” name=”godname” description=”Name of the god(s) in the worship place”]
[input type=”text” name=”location” description=”Google maps location link”]
[input type=”text” name=”operating-days” description=”Operating days of the week”]
[input type=”text” name=”operating-hours” description=”Operating hours in a day”]
[textarea type=”text” name=”description” description=”Are there any other details you want to post about this worship place?”]
[input type=”file” name=”photo” multiple=”true” description=”Please include an image of the worship place, if you have one.”]
[input type=”submit” class=”btn” value=”Submit”]
Not able to understand why there is an error once I try to post contents
]]>Hi there!
I have just adopted the plugin from Jonathan and am fully responsible for it now.
I have liked and used this plugin for various purposes, just like you. I see from the support requests that the plugin has a list of issues.
It will take me some time to go through them and isolate the problems.
So, it’d be a while before I can tweak things and make the plugin more stable, secure and uptodate with the latest WordPress techniques.
Once that’s done, I’m open to taking feature requests.
Please bear with me during this time.
]]>I’m using the pro version of this plugin. It’s working flawlessly when I am connected to the upload page via HTTP, but when I use SSL, I get a success message after uploading, and receive an email notification, but the email provides no link to the file and the file does not appear on the server. This issue seems to be exclusive to HTTPS connections, regardless of the user’s role or browser (I’ve tried Chrome and Firefox). Has anyone encountered this before or know the steps to correct it? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
]]>suddenly this plugin has become unuseable as it hash’s the files. this makes the uploaded file useless inside wordpress.
how can we stop the hashing taking place? I want my files stored as the original file names.
]]>Is chunking enabled by default in this plugin, to support large/huge file uploads, or do I have to modify the code to include the option?
My tests so far seem to suggest it is, but just need confirmation.
Also, if I’ve read correctly, wordpress incorporated JQuery PlUpload into its core, but looking into the code for this plugin it suggests it uses its own installation of plupload, will this cause issues with the wordpress core version or vice-versa??
Great little plugin by the way, this is just what i’ve been looking for over the past few days, simple and very easy to use.
]]>where the uploaded files are stored? Can i download from FTP
The file upload works, but when I click the test link I received
to view the uploaded file, I see a page full of messages like this:
Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for mower.txt in /home2/westbay8/public_html/zoomaroo.com/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php on line 846
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home2/westbay8/public_html/zoomaroo.com/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php:846) in /home2/westbay8/public_html/zoomaroo.com/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php on line 846
which are then followed by the content of the file. I can view the file perfectly well via FTP, but I want my client to be able to simply view it via the generated link.
Any thoughts on this? Thanks.
]]>When I upload a file and fill in the ‘Author’ field (‘Show author field’ checked in Settings), nothing seems to be saved to the database. The only ‘author’ data is the ‘post_author’ field in ‘wp_posts’ which, of course, is the ID of the logged in user when the file was uploaded.
I need to be able to store the author of uploads, as items may be authored by a third party or more than one person.
]]>My site is in development, and I am using the frontend upload plugin to allow members to upload video for review by the owner of the site. Is it possible to attach the file to an email rather than have it upload to the directory?
]]>Is there a way to maintain the file extension with the new hash file name? I’d like to use the uploader with a folder gallery, but the gallery will only display images with file extensions. I plan to limit to jpg only.
]]>is there a way to get the file upload link on the success page rather than waiting for the e-mail to be sent?
The reason why i am asking is that the e-mail is not arriving to uploaders after the file gets uploaded.
I installed this plugin and really like it, except for two issues:
When it first loads on tha page I get an error message “There is a conflict with the active Theme or one of the active plugins. Please view your console to determine the issue”.
The pictures appear to upload fine and I receive a confirmation, but cannot find them afterwards. I suspect that they do not upload
I am using Athahualpa as the theme. Any ideas if and what could cause the conflict? How to I get to the console? Appreciate any help and suggestions.
]]>Hello,I have made an small site where i have used front-end-upload tool where people can upload their files but nothing is coming to my mail even the upload is successful how to fix this issue???
]]>We cannot receive any email notification directed to users at our domain (the same domain as the site). Currently, I have to forward the notifications from my personal email to work.
I thought it might be an issue with hosting our email through Office365/Exchange, but I tested it with another Office365/Exchange address at a different domain and it worked fine.
I installed the “WP Mail From II” plug-in. I configured the from address to be the alt address and was able to receive notifications at the same address. I thought perhaps sending and receiving mail with the same address would cause it to go to spam. It worked fine with the alt Exchange hosted addresses.
I’ve determined the from address doesn’t affect anything. For some reason, I cannot receive notifications at our company address. This problem needs to be fixed! Any ideas?
]]>Is there a way to disable uploads before they fill up all the available space? I would like to allocate an amount of space after which the facility is disabled.
]]>Where are the core files that have been uploaded located?
]]>After uploading I cannot find the files I uploaded. I do see an empty folder named feu_1a2e9abc19f4987ea10410f03a1cd4ce.
Could Wordfence be blocking the upload? What do I need to configure to make this work?
I am working on a project where I need the feature of frontend upload .So I am goona definitely using this plugin.
I have tested this plugin.Everything works fine.I have seen that filename,filepath everything is going to wp_postmeta table .So I just run a query to get the filename or filepath using get_postmeta function.But can not show the image.
Here is db table info
feu_fileflag FEUce11a391ab43280ea341c99d6634128151d8116887299
feu_filename Tulipsfrontendupload.jpg
feu_filepath F:xampphtdocstestwordpress/wp-content/uploads/feu_6309f7dbea4f4b6fb2f7e009984d6825FEUce11a391ab43280ea341c99d6634128151d8116887299
feu_idhash 2d47e4d275b3e29a6fb7df95d408ce9c51d811688cc99
Can you please help me how can I show the image using <img src=””>
I know you guys are brilliant.Can you help me?
It seems I am getting a lot of spam. I know it has the java script for e-mail. Is there another stronger method anyone is using, to block spam?
]]>Exactly what I was looking for but unfortunately it is clashing with WIshlist Member and Wishlist Quiz ??
]]>Cant Get It To Accept a WAV file
What should I be checking?
]]>Hi, thanks for this plugin. I’ve been having a few problems. The links in the emails didn’t work and nothing was uploaded to the server. I fixed this by commenting out the following in destination.php:
if( empty( $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’] ) || false === get_transient( ‘feu_referer_’ . md5( $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’] . $hash . $salt ) ) )
However now the uploaded files have very odd names (FEU44dd8e7629f6a5f20523caf19d9e8fd1519948359ab5c) and I can’t seem to open them. I’ve tried renaming them but this didn’t work either.
Any ideas how to fix this please?
Hi there,
Files seem to upload fine, we get emails with links. When we go to download the pics (click on the links) a blank page comes up. No real file path to speak of – no file extension either.
Could you please help? We JUST switched to this solution and it was working fine. I’m gonna be annoyed if we have to find another solution this soon after switching over
Setting this up on testing site, client upload 6 files, i added most of the extensions that i receive alot of…
Clients are sending in files/artwork etc.
so 2 of the 6 downloaded from the email link. The other 4 did not. Found out where the files are stored with random names, and downloaded the files, but i can figure out how to extract or force to unlock….
]]>Latest and greatest plugin and wordpress version. Uploads work fine, I even customized the form and everything passes.
Files upload ok, and in the directory I see several hash files that match the filesize of the uploads. I can rename them with a .jpg extension and I can see the uploaded file.
However, when I click the link received in the email after upload, I get the following errors:
Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for 20130410_175758_16.jpg in /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php on line 900
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php:900) in /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php on line 900
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php:900) in /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php on line 901
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php:900) in /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php on line 902
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php:900) in /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php on line 903
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php:900) in /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php on line 904
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php:900) in /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php on line 905
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php:900) in /home/dietrich/public_html/realcampsitephotos.com/wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload/front-end-upload.php on line 906
Then what looks like the uploaded file in text format. I have posted a screenshot at https://cdn.dietrichduke.com/rcp/rcpuploaderror.png
Any ideas?