I added the popup button and it opens the form swiftly. What I need is how can I click on the Edit Link on the Entries of a form and it opens in a popup. Currently it goes to the page where Form is added and is autofilled with the entry details. Can same be done in a popup?
]]>i suggest you to re-write shortcode.php. in particular i delete line-break from this part:
<script type="text/javascript">
$('<?php echo $trigger; ?>').magnificModal({
items: {
src: '#frm-modal-<?php echo $modal_id ?>',
type: 'inline'
<?php if($auto_open){ ?>
setTimeout(function(){ $('<?php echo $trigger; ?>').trigger('click'); }, <?php echo $delay; ?>);
<?php } ?>
Lien-break cause a conflict/js error becouse formidable pro when reads the shortcode add tag <p> and </p> in the middle.
Just installed and tested.
here’s what I did:
1. installed plugin
2. activated it
3. created modal
4. added form to point to
5. published modal
6. created new page
7. added modal short code to new page
8. opened new page
The page displays, but no modal.
WP 4.9.1