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]]>Chapter-1: Introduction
Bangladesh is regarded as one of the world’s best-suited fisheries regions (Shamsuzzaman et al., 2017). Fish is the second most valuable agricultural crop of Bangladesh, and its production contributes to the livelihood and employment of millions of people. The culture and consumption of fish contribute significantly to Bangladesh’s people’s national income and food security. (Ghose, 2014). Inland aquaculture has great potential in Bangladesh because it generally experienced faster growth, establishment, and adoption of new technologies, species, and intensification and improvement of farming systems, particularly in pond aquaculture, across the country (DoF. 2018).
Tilapia has become a potential commercial fish species throughout South and Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America (Hussain et al., 2017). It is now a globally framed trade species recommended by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2018). These species contribute to livelihood opportunities as well as nutrition and food security. There have been significant improvements in tilapia farming from 1999 to 2015 in Bangladesh (Hussain et al., 2017). Tilapia farming has a high potential in Bangladesh for food insecurities and unemployment issues (Hussain, 2009). Tilapia is ready for the market in four months and can resist insufficient quality water and different disease (Ahmed et al., 2012). Additionally, market demand for tilapia is higher compared to other fish.
Nile tilapia is a native fish species of Egypt that has become popular worldwide mainly as a valuable fish, easy to breed and grows in various aquaculture systems (El-Sayed, 2006). In Bangladesh, UNICEF introduced tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) at 1974, but this is not flourishing due to a lack of fruitful research. Then it was further introduced in Bangladesh at 1987 by BFRI from Thailand (Gupta et al., 1992). Since then, development agencies and scientists have developed technologies for better cultural techniques at the farm level.
Tilapia is likely to be the most important of all aquaculture fish in the 21st century. Tilapia has specific favorable characteristics, like tolerant to adverse environmental conditions, can survive at low dissolved O2, euryhaline, relatively fast growth, and efficient food conversion. These characteristics make tilapia one of the best choices for farmers (Yi et al., 1996; Penna-Mendoza et al., 2005).
Despite having many good characteristics, one of the main impediments in tilapia production at a commercial scale is its precocious reproduction. It attains sexual maturity early and reproduces after every 4-6 weeks in the pond. The mono-sex culture technique can be used to control this unwanted reproduction of tilapia by culturing all-male tilapia in the pond. Tilapia has sexual growth dimorphism in which males grow faster and have more standard size than females (Muir and Little, 1991). To overcome these negative aspects, mono-sex populations have been introduced through steroid hormone (Hunter & Donaldson 1983).
All-male populations are used in tilapia aquaculture because the culture of mixed-sex populations often results in precocious maturation and early reproduction (Mires, 1995). Early development shunts energy to gonadal rather than somatic growth. Additionally, reproduction in ponds may lead to the harvest of many unmarketable fries. Individuals in mono-sex populations have an increased somatic growth rate due to the avoidance of energy losses associated with gonadal development and reproduction. Furthermore, all-male tilapia populations are desirable because males achieve a larger final size than females (MacIntosh and Little, 1995)
There are four strategies for mono-sex male culture i.e., the manual process by visual examination; hybridization; gene manipulation, and masculinization via steroid hormone. At the time of hatching, tilapia fry is sexually undeveloped. Hence, during the early period of gonadal differentiation, changes in sex hormone level can affect the final sex independently of the genetic sex (Andersen et al., 2003). One of the most common techniques for producing mono-sex populations is steroid-induced sex inversion (Hunter and Donaldson, 1983). This involves the administration of synthetic androgens or estrogens to differentiating fry.
17 alpha methyltestosterone (MT) is a synthetically produced anabolic and androgenic steroid hormone that promotes both muscle growth and the development of sexual characters (Adel et all., 2006). The production of mono-sex tilapia with 17 alpha methyltestosterone (MT) is well established (Rothbard at al., 1990) incorporated into starter feed with a dose of 60 mg/kg feed (Popma and Green, 1990). The dietary administration of MT to improve body weight increased residual testosterone, whereas decreased the lipids required for human consumption, which might be hazardous for humans (Schardein, 1980).
Tilapia is an excellent fish for growing in the shallow and seasonal ponds in a country like Bangladesh as it enjoys suitable climate and ecological conditions for culture of this warm water species. Thus, mono-sex tilapia culture might prove practical to induce a positive approach towards tilapia culture in Bangladesh. Based on the above context above, this experiment was conducted on Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with the following objectives:
1. To determine the effects of different dose of hormone 17 alpha methyl-testosterone (MT) for masculinization in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
2. To find out the hormonal effect in Tilapia growth performance and production in the cultural period
The table summarized the most important variables that make agricultural production resilient. Before running factor analysis, diagnostic tests were carried out to check for factorability of indicators. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy was 0.7481 (Table 5.20). The sample size was adequate for running factor analysis as suggested by Field (2005) KMO statistics is greater than 0.5. Moreover, Bartlett’s test of sphericity has also been used to evaluate for testing the null hypothesis that the original correlation matrix is an identity matrix in which all correlation coefficients would be zero (Field, 2005). This shows that the variables are unrelated and therefore unsuitable for which structure detection is run. Accordingly, smaller values (<0.05) of significance level generally indicate nearly an identity matrix. The results of this study show that the test is significant (p = 0.000; Chi -square = 131.226) suggesting that the factor analysis is appropriate with the data available for the study.
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