I am trying to set up a private group via BuddyPress. But I’m finding that the radio buttons for group privacy get disabled ONLY when I have the FotoMoto plugin enabled.
There’s a way to disable the plugin for the “groups” page but not for sub-pages — or, for that matter, for custom post types and the like.
Are there any other ways to selectively disable the plugin without installing another plugin like Plugin Organizer? Or do I need to do that if I need more control over where it loads its scripts?
I enabled FotoMoto to set up to use ONLY with FooBox in certain locations. I disabled all pages and categories in the plugin — however it does not include any custom post types or other settings.
I have the following things happening:
1) buy links have instituted themselves in my BuddyPress user profile page.
2) I am getting MANY emails from FotoMoto that an image has too long a URL. When I look, it is a Google Map — FotoMoto is trying to upload google maps as images. I see a related post here about such an issue but I don’t know how I can go through and add a specific class onto each and every map I have.
How can I keep buy links from appearing in all sorts of inappropriate spots and from FotoMoto trying to upload Google Maps? I have recevied about 30 “URL too long” emails from FotoMoto in the last 7 minutes all with Google Map URLs.
For now, I’m going to disable the plugin as I’m not quite yet ready to proceed with adding photos for sale until I can figure out how to control what the plugin does better.
After update i have many of these:
15.03.2018 13:03:27 wppa.nl [client] PHP Notice: Trying to get property 'ID' of non-object in /mnt/web208/b3/15/51893315/htdocs/wppa/wp-content/plugins/fotomoto/fotomoto.php on line 341
15.03.2018 13:03:27 wppa.nl [client] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: ext in /mnt/web208/b3/15/51893315/htdocs/wppa/wp-content/plugins/fotomoto/fotomoto.php on line 382
Maybe you should check if $post is a structure with element ID in
function is_post_scripted($post) {
There is also no definition of $ext in
function fotomoto() {
Please fix this
]]>I am looking for someone to develop an online gallery for photographers using fotomoto.com
Let me know if you have experience in this (links) and what you charge.
]]>how or where do i change the profit % after already setting it? i cant find it anywhere in the settings,
Hope someone can point me in the right direction?
Thanks ??
]]>Another error:
fotomoto.php line 382:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fotomoto_script(fotomoto_get_option('store_key'), $ext) ?>"></script>
$ext is undefined
]]>Still using user levels ( 8 ) instead of roles, giving many errors on the desktop wnd WP_DEBUG is true.
fotooto.php line 58:
function admin_menu_fotomoto() {
$page = add_options_page('Fotomoto', 'Fotomoto', 8, 'fotomoto', 'options_page_fotomoto');
add_action("admin_print_styles-$page", 'fotomoto_stylesheet', 1);
add_action("admin_print_scripts-$page", 'fotomoto_headscripts');
Had the buy buttons working, but now they are not. Not sure what happened, but I can’t get them back.
]]>For whatever reason, the plugin identifies the images in the google maps plugin I have and tries to sell them, populating the map with a ton of links, instead of a map. Is there an easy way to disable this or should I do some clever hackery to try and stop it?
I am testing your Fotomoto plugin for WordPress, but high res images are not protected and still are in the wp-uploads folder which is open to the world.
Also, when using the Twenty Eleven theme, I get “Buy” buttons even on header images! Not good.
]]>If an image doesn’t have a div, the fotomoto div stretches to fill the content div. This is because WordPress will only wrap a div around an image if a caption is present. Otherwise it gets wrapped with a <p> tag.
So Fotomoto buy button div is causing spacing issues in the layout.
Any way to fix this?
]]>Hi Clever WordPressers,
Not sure if this is the correct place to ask but I figured you might know. I’m using the Fotomoto plugin on my site for selling art prints, but I have an issue with finding a plugin that works with a lightbox. I want to use the [gallery] wordpress shortcode with it.
Every wordpress plugin I’ve tried either doesn’t work at all or makes the buttons all disappear. The only one which displays the buttons is simple galleria, but this has broken as it doesn’t go straight to the photo when clicked on. See example – https://artygirl.co.uk/prints/
I’ve tried all the recommended plugins with no luck https://support.fotomoto.com/customer/portal/articles/7452-what-scripts-and-libraries-does-fotomoto-support-
shadowbox lightbox gallery dm albums Fancybox Galleria Galleria LightBox Plus Slimbox Thickbox prettyPhoto
Anyone know of a good wordpress plugin that works?
Thanks for all your help
I’m on a Mac. Whenever I download a plug-in, it’s a folder. I don’t know what to do with that.
thanks for instructions
Plugin stopped working after upgrading to WP 3.1.3