Hello to all
I have huge problem
I’m looking for a way to convert my kunena tables (kunenaforum) to bbpress
the problem is the version of my forum is 3.0
Do you have a tip, Converter could make a miracle …
thank you
This plugin is OBSOLETE. bbPress comes with a conversion script for bbPress. It should be used instead.
]]>Conversion is failing and wonder if because i have the following blank or not filled in correctly:
Source server type
Source server version (unsure)
Source server prefix (unsure)
Source server upload path
Source server avatar path
Destination server version
Please help!
]]>I was just wondering if this plugin is stable to use and in a working condition ? Is it being developed or abandoned ?
Has anyone recently used it to convert phpbb3 to bbpress successfully. What are the current limitations and risk ?
]]>Hey there, glad to see this mod exits and thank you for making it. However, it seems this is a bit outdatted. Are there any plans to update it to support phpbb 3.10 and bbpress 2.1?
Additionally, I am a bit of a noob and some of these area conused me when trying to fill out the information:
“Source server prefix” <- what is that?
“Source server upload path” <- Do you mean where my phpbb forum is located?
“Source server avatar path” <- Do you mean where my phpbb form avatars are located?
Again, great mod and thank you for taking the time to do this.
]]>Trying to take an existing Forum from phpBB to bbPress. Been given an .sql file and an avatar folder. Can I use the same database I have set up for the WordPress for the Forum and in the Forum Convertor what is the “Source Server Prefix”. Are there any detailed instructions on the Forum Convertor as the Plugin source instructions seem minimal. Help appreciated. Greg
]]>Can’t get it to work at all. Consistently get “conversion failed” error. No idea why.
All that Firebug has to say is:
syntax error
options-general.php?page=fc-options&settings-updated=true (line 304, col 2)
Please help!
]]>I had a couple of topics that used external attachments for some images and found that they weren’t being converted. Did a bit of spelunking through PhpbbToBbpress.php and found a typo in convertPosts() around line 816 …
if ($wpdb->num_rows > 0)
I believe should be
if ($fdb->num_rows > 0)
Once I made that change my download links for the images showed up in the converted topic.
]]>I have a new installation of WordPress on a local server. I’ve installed bbpress 2.0.2 and buddypress 1.5.1. I’ve upgraded the phpbb forum to 3.0.9. Both bbpress and buddypress plugins are active.
I can’t get the converted to run. Everything I’ve tried results in the messages ‘starting conversion…’ and ‘Conversion failed’.
Any ideas why the conversion failed? Or other things I can try?
I was trying to convert my phpBB database to bbPress. When I start the conversion script, several lines flash on the screen (showing progress) and then the conversion stops at “merging user …”
Can you, please, help me what’s wrong?
Thank you very much.
At first thanks for this great plugin. We have some problems with it. We have the phpbb and bbpress version as mentioned in the documentation. When we try to convert the forum users are created at success. And also forum convertion is all ok. When it starts to convert posts it displays “Converting Posts…” it does bunch of actions which i can see from the “wp_fc_map_posts” table then it displays “Converting Posts” and it gets stuck there. I’ve waited quite long time and also check the “wp_fc_map_posts” table and there are no changes after. So it gets stuck.
Our forum is on adobeturk.com/forum
Do you have any idea what might be causing it?
]]>i’m getting the ”
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/benjacks/public_html/alphashows.com.au/wp-content/plugins/forumconverter/fc-options.php:205) in /home/benjacks/public_html/alphashows.com.au/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 934″
Why? I’m using the beta 3 version as well instead of the RC.
3.0.9 of phpbb as well. I just don’t get it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
WordPress 3.2.1
]]>just curios, are you going to add other forum support, i.e. I am interested in a simplepress forum to bbpress conversion…