Insert Image doesn’t work well at all FOR US in our bbpress forums. It is important to have a working ‘insert image’ function for our users. Will you be improving that function anytime soon? (we have been using Buddy Press Forum Editor with good success BUT it has not been updated to compatibility with WP 5.8.1 and I am concerned it could go away).
How can I hide ‘insert image’ option?
]]>Hello everyone,
Years ago…this was a simple thing to do. Now…cannot find how to make the connection. Please help!!
Am trying to create a simple link from text in my post, “subscription”, creating a link to a sidebar widget (Newsletter).
How can I do this the best way?
Thank you so much for any suggestions or direction to information on how to accomplish this.
]]>Is there any plugin that I can use to display a subscribe forum for the users on this specific link:
Thank You!
I love your editor in bbPress!
What I notice is, that a YouTube link is nicely embedded in a forum post.
It doesn’t require the full embed code.
But it doesn’t work for screencast-o-matic videos. Not as a link, nor with the embed code.
Is there anything you can do about it?
]]>Hello, I am hoping for some help, on one of the two issues that have tripped me up for days.
I am hosted on Godaddy, and using the “Twenty Eleven” theme.
I am trying to add a customized logo to my site profile, like this:
My Site -> Settings -> Site Profile
Then I clicked on the Change button and successfully uploaded a 150x150pix .jpg logo
Both site title and tagline are displayed correctly, but the logo does not display on any of the static pages nor on the blog post.
Next, I added this to the CSS:
#site-title a {
background: url( center left no-repeat;
padding-left: 60px;
Still the logo does not display.
How do I get WordPress to display the site logo?
It looks like there has erroneously been at least two releases of version 1.1.0 of this forum-beginner-posts plugin. I have an installed 1.1.0 version from 2016 and yet the .zip file downloaded today from has files dated from 2017 and has text differences in README.txt (isn’t that normally readme.txt?) – yet the “latest” README.txt claims it’s also 1.1.0.
This messes up anyone using plugin checksumming (WP-CLI now has this feature) who has the “older” 1.1.0 installed. You need to release a new 1.1.1 version with the correct version number listed in forum-beginner-posts.php and README.txt.
In the meantime, users with the “old” 1.1.0 installed should edit the version number in forum-beginner-posts.php down to 1.0.0 and then do a plugin update to get the “new” 1.1.0, even if it’s just for the new README.txt updates.
]]>How is it possible to change the text color to white (like it is for visual and text, this color is white) and the hover color to blue (which is right now orange/brown)?
]]>Hello, is there any possibility to jump into new line in visual editor, without having a space of paragraph width. I can perform the operation with simple Shift+Enter but for non technical users (or mobile devices) is not that obvious. It would be great if after pressing Enter button, user would jump to new line without the whole paragraph.
]]>Hello, first of all – really good plugin for non tech users!
I have one concern – size of font is really big in comparing to other elements on my website. Is there any possibility to shrink it somehow to fit rest of the website design? Screenshoot to picture the issue:
]]>Make it work with comments ?
I like that it removes all garbage when someone paste text. No other plugin does it.
]]>Can you tell me where the css file is at to edit the visual editor? I have a dark theme and the default doesn’t look good on my website.
]]>Hi –
How can I set it so that the visual editor is the default displayed tab option for a user?
]]>I like your plugin but there’s a general issue regarding TinyMCE in bbPress.
When trying to insert a link WP is suggesting existing pages!
This is an extremely undesirable behavior as I might have private pages and test pages etc. and all of them are being listed as suggestions in the insert link dialog.
[rant]It’s beyond me why bbPress is allowing that. When I try to insert a link here, isn’t suggesting me all of it’s internal (and possibly private) pages to link to. So, WHY is bbPress doing that? [/rant]
Anyway, I hope you can become the savior for all bbPress users who are unwittingly exposing their private and/or test pages in that insert link dialog.
I know, it has nothing to do with your plugin.
You are NOT responsible for this malicious behavior of bbPress.
But if would be really nice (and easy) for you to add that functionality.
Can you please do that?
Can you add an option to hide (or better: remove) all of the internal page suggestions in the “insert link” dialog?
Here’s a solution I found so far:
but I’d much prefer to fix it via a plugin and your plugin is perfectly suited to be a savior fixing this issue.
Please remove or disable “Or link to existing content” in “insert link” dialogue!
ANy chance Jetpack’s markdown module could be supported with this fantastic plugin?
Hi, how do you change textarea default font, I have tried to overload/ override with own css but that did not work.
]]>Sorry, I’m back again. Members are complaining about no paragraphs. This is an example of the latest post.
RevFrank wrote:
<p>My first reaction to this article was, “Oh, no . . . not another of these debates on God’s will!” Until I read Madeline L’Engle’s phrase ” . . . I do not have to make the repulsive theological error of feeling that I have to see cancer as God’s will for my husband. I do not want anything to do with that kind of God.”</p><p>Repulsive theological errors . . . what a wonderful phrase!!!</p><p>I often wonder, though, if, in these debates, people are willing to recognize that we all have mental boxes we inhabit. Some, one might say many, have very small boxes. That is, their worldviews are set in stone and don’t allow for anything to get in or get out. Some minds are like cement, all mixed up and permanently set. Others seem to recognize that they think inside a box but their walls are more porous and so their box is expandable.</p><p>I no longer am willing to describe “GOD” in human etymology — we cannot, should not, use human terms to describe “GOD”, nor should we relegate “GOD” to descriptions of what we human use, in order to give some order to our thoughts about “GOD”. Therefore, I cannot presume to give “GOD” meaning in my terms. That’s why L’Engle’s term “repulsive theology” resonates with me. One of my theology professors once said, in a discussion on ‘theology’ and the ‘meaning of God’, “Religion was just fine until the theologians got their hands on it!” So true!</p><p>I think the last paragraph of the article quoting Romans 8:38-39 is right on. I honestly think that it is our own interpretation that removes us from God, not God removing himself, or imposing himself on us. </p><p> </p>
What am I doing wrong?
I installed this plugin last night and the first post today by a member was a copy and paste. Sure enough it included HTML characters.
I have enabled Post Formatting.
What am I missing?
Thank you!
]]>I installed your plugin on and it made a whole mess…
1. the visual tab did not work
2. no admin bar and footer on the forum page
3. HTML editor in forum page lost its formatting and buttons
4. Recent replies on the bbpress sidebar is not functioning.
5. Dropdown menu is not functioning
6. sticky menu is not functioning
All this mess is only on Forum page. when I enter to topic it is all OK.
I deleted the plugin and still the problem persist.
Here is the link to the page:
It is not clear if it harmed the BBpress files or the theme files because the footer and admin bar are back when I disable BBpress but on the other hand when I switch to the default theme everything works fine.
Do you have an idea where could the plugin effect?
(after I put all back in place I will like to make the plugin function because I need a visual editor, but first stage is to fix things up….
Thank you!
]]>TinyMCE doesn’t allow the user to type anything in the tex box with Internet Explorer.
Can you help me?